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My xml doesn't give season and eps data to recordings.

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Hi I was fiddeling around with m3u streams in emby and ran into multiple problems and its going to need multiple topics.


Here I tried recording a show and it had this in the xml epg.


<programme start="20171225131500 +0000" stop="20171225134000 +0000" channel="één HD">
    <title lang="nl">Heathrow</title>
    <desc lang="nl">Mist hindert het verkeer op de luchthaven. Veiligheidsmanager Chris moet de vliegtuigen doorheen de mist gidsen. Manager Callum moet opboksen tegen honderden boze gestrande passagiers(n)</desc>
    <category lang="nl">reality show</category>
    <episode-num system="onscreen">S2 E2</episode-num>
It clearly sais the season and episode. But when its recorded it drops the info and emby just puts unknown season and episode. The nfo file has this.
  <dateadded>2017-12-25 14:10:00</dateadded>
  <plot>Mist hindert het verkeer op de luchthaven. Veiligheidsmanager Chris moet de vliegtuigen doorheen de mist gidsen. Manager Callum moet opboksen tegen honderden boze gestrande passagiers(n)</plot>
  <genre>reality show</genre>
Is it not implemented? or a bug?


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It's not a bug. According to spec that field is for onscreen display only as free form text. We do not try to parse episode numbers from it. There are other fields we get that from.

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It's not a bug. According to spec that field is for onscreen display only as free form text. We do not try to parse episode numbers from it. There are other fields we get that from.

Ok but emby should get it from the epg right? In recordings I just get unknown season and episode.

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No what I'm saying is there are other fields we use in xmltv however those fields are not present in your sample data.

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Ok thanks for explaining. So what do you need? And is there any chance my data will be accepted in the future?


This is mostly a feature request but will you ever be able to change the title to add things like season and airdate like you can with the auto organize plugin?

Edited by FlyGuy94
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That field is difficult to parse because according to spec it is for display only. I've seen other xml samples where it reads "season 2 episode 4". It is basically just free form text.


What we do support is the xmltv_ns convention.



There are two predefined numbering systems, 'xmltv_ns' and
xmltv_ns: This is intended to be a general way to number episodes and
parts of multi-part episodes.  It is three numbers separated by dots,
the first is the series or season, the second the episode number
within that series, and the third the part number, if the programme is
part of a two-parter.  All these numbers are indexed from zero, and
they can be given in the form 'X/Y' to show series X out of Y series
made, or episode X out of Y episodes in this series, or part X of a
Y-part episode.  If any of these aren't known they can be omitted.
You can put spaces whereever you like to make things easier to read.
Some examples will make things clearer.  The first episode of the
second series is '1.0.0/1' .  If it were a two-part episode, then the
first half would be '1.0.0/2' and the second half '1.0.1/2'.  If you
know that an episode is from the first season, but you don't know
which episode it is or whether it is part of a multiparter, you could
give the episode-num as '0..'.  Here the second and third numbers have
been omitted.  If you know that this is the first part of a three-part
episode, which is the last episode of the first series of thirteen,
its number would be '0 . 12/13 . 0/3'.  The series number is just '0'
because you don't know how many series there are in total - perhaps
the show is still being made!
The other predefined system, onscreen, is to simply copy what the
programme makers write in the credits - 'Episode #FFEE' would
translate to '#FFEE'.
You are encouraged to use one of these two if possible; if xmltv_ns is
not general enough for your needs, let me know.  But if you want, you
can use your own system and give the 'system' attribute as a URL
describing the system you use.
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That field is difficult to parse because according to spec it is for display only. I've seen other xml samples where it reads "season 2 episode 4". It is basically just free form text.


What we do support is the xmltv_ns convention.



There are two predefined numbering systems, 'xmltv_ns' and
xmltv_ns: This is intended to be a general way to number episodes and
parts of multi-part episodes.  It is three numbers separated by dots,
the first is the series or season, the second the episode number
within that series, and the third the part number, if the programme is
part of a two-parter.  All these numbers are indexed from zero, and
they can be given in the form 'X/Y' to show series X out of Y series
made, or episode X out of Y episodes in this series, or part X of a
Y-part episode.  If any of these aren't known they can be omitted.
You can put spaces whereever you like to make things easier to read.
Some examples will make things clearer.  The first episode of the
second series is '1.0.0/1' .  If it were a two-part episode, then the
first half would be '1.0.0/2' and the second half '1.0.1/2'.  If you
know that an episode is from the first season, but you don't know
which episode it is or whether it is part of a multiparter, you could
give the episode-num as '0..'.  Here the second and third numbers have
been omitted.  If you know that this is the first part of a three-part
episode, which is the last episode of the first series of thirteen,
its number would be '0 . 12/13 . 0/3'.  The series number is just '0'
because you don't know how many series there are in total - perhaps
the show is still being made!
The other predefined system, onscreen, is to simply copy what the
programme makers write in the credits - 'Episode #FFEE' would
translate to '#FFEE'.
You are encouraged to use one of these two if possible; if xmltv_ns is
not general enough for your needs, let me know.  But if you want, you
can use your own system and give the 'system' attribute as a URL
describing the system you use.

Thank you for taking the time to help me. 


After a lot of research + some banging my head against the wall. I managed to figure out I could change between onscreen and xmltv_ns in the .ini file of the xml provider.

Emby now identify's the eps and season when available.


Thanks again I still have some other problems but that will be for another tread.  ;)

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