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Plugins stopped working after failed update


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Hello everbody,


my server is running as a docker container on unraid. About 2 emby docker updates ago I had on that failed. Ever since that all of the plugins I use are not working. So the statistcs, trakt, auto autobox sets plugin stopped working. I deinstalled and then reinstalled them but that did not fiy anything.


When I run the scheduler on these plugins it says the following: "The path is not of a legal form. Parameter name: path"

It might be an Unraid problem, but if not I thought you guys might know what I did wrong.


Where do I go from here?






Edited by heciruam
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I wasnt able to edit my post so I will post the modified version here.



The Docker container I useis from binhex. About 2 emby docker updates ago I had on that failed (I can't recall which versions they were). Ever since that all of the plugins I use are not working. So the statistcs, trakt, auto autobox sets plugin stopped working. I deinstalled and then reinstalled them but that did not fix anything.


When I run the scheduler on these plugins and I get the message that they failed and when I click on the green bell on the top right it says the following: "The path is not of a legal form. Parameter name: path"




Since I lost my login credentials in the trakt plugin with the emby docker update. I tried to re-enter them but when I click save, the loading circle won't stop loading until I click to a different section of the settings page. (So I am "changing the page"). When I come back to the trakt plugion the credentials are still in there. But when I restart the server they did not get saved.



It might be an Unraid problem, but if not I thought you guys might know what I did wrong.


Where do I go from here?




Here are the logs: server-63648288000.txt

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Well the Autoboxset plugin is also not working.I did not envoke it for the Log because it's not triggered from the schedule section.

Since all of that occured after a failed server update (which updated on a second try) I assumed there must have gone something wrong on that end. Should I open a new topic for each plugin in their parts of the forum?

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There are already topics for Trakt "Unauthorized" error.  As for the Statistics plugin I would check this post and help debug the issue.


I have never seen this error for Auto Boxset so @@Luke or @@ebr will have to comment on it.

2017-12-08 10:33:06.443 Debug BaseItem: Query requires post-filtering due to LinkedChildren. Type: BoxSet
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There are already topics for Trakt "Unauthorized" error.  As for the Statistics plugin I would check this post and help debug the issue.


I have never seen this error for Auto Boxset so @@Luke or @@ebr will have to comment on it.

2017-12-08 10:33:06.443 Debug BaseItem: Query requires post-filtering due to LinkedChildren. Type: BoxSet

I think my problem starts a little earlier. If I try to enter my trakt "credentials" , I think they are not saved into the config. Since they are missing after I restart the server.

But I will try the solutions from that Thread.

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There is a problem with the server's ability to save plugin settings, however since you're using a custom docker container my first advice is to switch to one that is provided by Emby. Thanks !

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