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Wireless Keyboard issues


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Intersat.cc is a TVRO based consulting company specializing in satellite related transmissions.  We develop and build systems for home and commercial use and have been in business since 1984.

We are developing a system using a motorized horizon-to-horizon dish to bring in KU / TVRO transmission and combining that with the internet.


On the internet side, we have been using Dell’s Optiplex USFF computers maxed out. We have picked these due to stability and size. To control the computers functions we have been experimenting with VisionTek’s mini wireless keyboard (model RF03) known as the Candy Board. All of this interfaces to a smart TV, tablet, etc.


We tested out the keyboard using several platforms, with no real issues in PC related programs built by Microsoft. The keyboard, which is wireless, uses a USB3 interface that is fast and has very little to no lag, but while testing this configuration using EMBY we found the following issues. 


The main problem is with scrolling. When you incorporate a slide bar there seems to be no problem. The software sees the bar, will latch on and allow that function. If you try to scroll past a line of sight (Bottom, or side) your platform just lays there. On your main page for example when trying to access the lower area’s icons / thumbnails, the remote cannot access them. Lessening the image does nothing.


You are not alone here; we have had this with a few other software providers. The problem is that we can work around these issues because they only come up while we are setting up. 


One idea we had would allow the end user to upload or pick from a list their input device. This could allow you to write in hot spots on your software. Easer would be self-recognition build.


Regards, :rolleyes:

Edited by FTA
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