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TV Library DOT in name = not identified

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I am new to emby and have searched here and elsewhere and found a lot of talk about library scans and such but nothing about this specific kind of thing.


Running latest stable version as of two days ago on Windows 8.1. I have a dump folder, basically, where TV Shows get dumped into and they have some crazy names because that's how they come to me (wink). Usually they have dots in between the words of the name. Like The.Big.Bang.Theory.s11e01.maybeotherstuffhere.mkv or something like that. Nothing is in a subfolder at all. One big, ugly, dump folder. I have the library pointed at this folder with the auto update option turned on and set to TV so when new things get dumped there it should pick them up. This is how I had plex setup and it worked perfectly for this. emby does a horrible job at identifying the shows/episodes in this scenario. I love emby and consider it superior to plex in pretty much every other way at this point. I even dropped my plex pass subscription and paid for emby premiere. I guess my question is whether emby just isn't setup to identify things like this or it can't figure the name because of the dots or it has to have the subfolders OR am I doing something wrong other than having the big dump folder as a library?  Thanks for the help.

Posted (edited)

It's not the dots, it's your folder structure, I believe.


edit:  Movies would work fine in this scenario.

Edited by mastrmind11

Yes can you show us what your folder structure looks like? Thanks

Posted (edited)

There is the root folder and inside of that are video files and sometimes the video files are in a subfolder but only one episode to a folder and the folder would have the same crazy name as the video i.e. The.Big.Bang.Theory.s11e01.maybesomethinghere


I know it's messy but these are shows that get downloaded just to watch and delete. It's not meant as a collection thing. I just wanted to have the folder cataloged and ready to watch in emby. Like I said above, Plex used to do it for me. I guess they didn't base the identification on folder structure as much. I don't know.

Edited by DarinBeard
  • Solution

We do need a little bit of folder structure. We haven't gotten to the point yet where you can just do a full mish mash. We're getting there.


But currently, you at least need a folder for each series and then all the episodes for a given series inside that series folder.

  • Like 1

It's not the dots, it's your folder structure, I believe.


edit:  Movies would work fine in this scenario.


Movies do work fine. I have another library that does the same thing except for movies and those work mostly. There are a few that it chokes on identifying it but way more are found than not.


You can learn more by checking out our TV naming guide:




Please let us know if this helps. Thanks.


I can probably set a rule for the files per show to go into a subfolder and maybe that would help. I'll try that. Thanks for all the help.


I can probably set a rule for the files per show to go into a subfolder and maybe that would help. I'll try that. Thanks for all the help.

Depending on "how they come to you (wink)", there are existing programs out there that can do this for you automatically every time they "come to you".

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