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Tuner Reset


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I use a Windows Emby Server with 3 HDHomerun tuners ... a PRIME, an Extend and a Connect.


On a fairly regular basis I end up with a situation where Emby thinks a tuner is in use, but it really is not.  When this happens if you try to do something in Emby that will use that tuner you generally get some sort of an error ... or in the case of attempting to tune to a live TV channel, it just appears to time out.  Yesterday it happened after I had recorded the Indycar race on NBCSN.  I had added on some extra time to this recording, but the race finished on time so I didn't need it to keep recording, so I opened up Chrome, went to the Dashboard and clicked on the active recording and canceled it.  It disappeared from the active recordings, but I glanced over to the PRIME tuner and the light was still on.  So I tried tuning to another cable station using Emby and it would not come on, like it couldn't get past the first tuner.  I then went to the Live TV area to look at my tuners and Emby showed that particular tuner being in the state "Watching".  However, no one was watching that tuner, and there were no recordings going on, no FFMPEG processes still in memory.


The only way I have found to regain control and reset the tuner was to restart the server.  This is not practical if other recordings are going on or someone else is watching something using Emby.


Troubleshooting this problem is for another thread ... what I'd like to request is a way to "Clear" the tuner status from within Emby's Dashboard, so I won't have to restart the server.  Perhaps a right click of the tuner icon with an option to "reset tuner status", or something like that.

Edited by csadoian
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@@csadoian can we look at an example of a tuner not getting released? thanks !


I knew you would ask that  :)


I think I still have the server logs from the last incident (on Sunday 9/17), I will see what I can come up with.

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@@csadoian can we look at an example of a tuner not getting released? thanks !


Ok, I dug up the logs and the sequence of events.  The program being recorded was Indy Car Racing, recording started at 15:29:01.427 on tuner 1 of the HDHomeRun Prime box.  Note Emby was recording an NFL football game on another HDHomerun device (CONNECT) at the same time.  In addition, the same channel (and tuner) had been used for recording a Nascar race just prior to the Indy Car Race.  I don't remember if I stopped the recording of the Nascar recording early, I THINK I did.  Otherwise there would have been two recordings going on using the same tuner.


Anyway, I STOPPED the Indycar recording at 18:03.  Emby stopped the recording and closed the file.  However, the number one tuner on the HDHomeRun Prime was still lit up and when I tried to tune to a station using the Prime tuner the client would spin for a few seconds and then give up.


Emby dashboard reported tuner 1 on the Prime in the state "watching".


The only way to regain control of the tuner was to restart the Emby server, which I did so at 19:00, or thereabouts.


As soon as the Emby server was restarted the light on the tuner went out and I could watch live TV again on that tuner.


Another note ... while the tuner light was on I went to the HDHomeRun PRIME's web page and looked at the tuner status, and it showed the tuner was in use, tuned to the channel that had shown the Indycar race (NBCSN).


Hopefully this info helps.



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I know you were trying to create a feature request but what you are asking for would just cause further issues down the line as it would be possible for a user to tell Emby his tuner is available when it really isn't.


So, moving to support section so we can properly fix the problem :).  Thanks.

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Guest asrequested

This problem still occurs often, with Theater. Not only when you close it with TV playing, but also sometimes when you use the back arrow. I don't notice until I try to start TV again and it won't.

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Guest asrequested

This problem still occurs often, with Theater. Not only when you close it with TV playing, but also sometimes when you use the back arrow. I don't notice until I try to start TV again and it won't.


@@Luke, nice fix on this! Closing while playing no longer holds onto the tuner :)

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I can't find the original topic about that but yes that's in 2.8.5.


Luke,  did you remove the "status" function on the available tuners in  While a recording was taking place I happened to look at the live TV section of the dashboard and all the tuners show available, none are "watching".  Yet the light is on tuner 1 of my CONNECT tuner, and Emby shows I am recording a show.


Just curious.

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Would you like some diagnostic info (server log)?  It's not that important of an issue, but I can provide my current log if you'd like to take a look at it.

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