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Issue with "Latest TV" section of the home page


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When I add new TV shows to my collection, I basically never do so by adding a new episode here and there, instead I do it by adding an entire season at a time, or even an entire show with multiple seasons and my issue is that when I do add a show with a bunch of its seasons all at once, it basically immediately removes anything I previously added from the "Latest TV" section on the home page. Yesterday for example, I added the show 'Police Squad!', and then a few hours later in the day I added 'Get Smart!' which has 5 seasons, and just like that, 'Police Squad!' is removed from the 'Latest TV' section and only 'Get Smart!' remained. This happens all the time so even though I add a lot of TV content, the 'Latest TV' section of the home page almost never lists more than 1 or 2 shows even though the stuff being removed from that section is also very new to the server.


Also problematic for me, is if I get most episodes of a season of a tv show but don't add it to Emby yet, then a few days later get another episode and add it to the folder with the others then add all of them at the same time to Emby, it will only show the LAST episode I got on the 'Latest TV' section instead of all of the episodes even though they are all technically new to being added to the server.


I feel like the formula you guys use to determine what is and isn't new TV episodes could stand to be revised to help avoid having new content get removed so quickly from the "Latest TV" section.

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Hi, yes it's because of the way the grouping is handled. It's something we can improve on in a future release, thanks.

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