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Mark all episodes in a season as Watched?


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I ripped a TV series from DVD and started watching them on Plex. I'm thinking of switching back to Emby but can't find a way to mark entire seasons as watched on the Apple TV app. It would be time-consuming to mark the episodes individually.


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Hi.  For now you can use the web app to do that.


We are looking into ways to provide a context-menu feature with the Apple TV app that would allow for this type of thing.

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  • 1 year later...

Hi.  For now you can use the web app to do that.


We are looking into ways to provide a context-menu feature with the Apple TV app that would allow for this type of thing.



I wonder if a context menu implementation (long press on item) is still planned? Infuse and Plex made use of it right from the start.

Edited by bigbadrabbit
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