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Automatically Delete Recordings


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Hopefully this helps someone...


I find my recording folders get rather large fairly quickly so I had to figure out a way to free up some space without relying on family members to delete their recordings through Emby or manually deleting them myself. Here's what I did:


1. Download and install Cyber-D's AutoDelete program. It's free and clean.

2. Add your recording folder(s) to the configuration via UI then set your delete options and date filters. 

3. Create a scheduled task to run autodelete.exe once a day. 

4. Add a login disclaimer to Emby disclosing the terms of recording media through your server. 


I have this set up to automatically delete recordings older than 60 days from the date they were recorded. It looks at the last modified date so in the case of series it will only delete episodes older than 60 days. The rest of the folder structure stays intact. You could also change this to look at the created date or last accessed date if you needed to get more specific about when to delete certain things. There's plenty of options if you need to customize this. You can exclude certain files or folders or delete only certain files or folders and there's also a log so you can keep track of what's been deleted. 


You could also do this with a batch file but I find this gives me more flexibility.

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You know you could also use the built-in feature to only keep a certain number of episodes of each series...

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