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log is full of skia errors


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just caught my eye that my log file is full of these errors:

2017-07-06 16:52:55.1544 Error ImageProcessor: Error encoding image
	*** Error Report ***
	Command line: /usr/lib/emby-server/bin/MediaBrowser.Server.Mono.exe -programdata /var/lib/emby-server -restartpath /usr/lib/emby-server/restart.sh
	Operating system: Unix
	64-Bit OS: True
	64-Bit Process: True
	Mono: 4.6.2 (Stable Mon Nov 28 20:49:26 UTC 2016)
	Processor count: 4
	Program data path: /var/lib/emby-server
	Application directory: /usr/lib/emby-server/bin
	System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
	  at Emby.Drawing.Skia.SkiaEncoder.Decode (System.String path, System.Boolean forceCleanBitmap, SkiaSharp.SKCodecOrigin& origin) [0x00038] in <db38ef1aaca0440189425a87cae39d25>:0 
	  at Emby.Drawing.Skia.SkiaEncoder.GetBitmap (System.String path, System.Boolean cropWhitespace, System.Boolean forceAnalyzeBitmap, SkiaSharp.SKCodecOrigin& origin) [0x0002b] in <db38ef1aaca0440189425a87cae39d25>:0 
	  at Emby.Drawing.Skia.SkiaEncoder.GetBitmap (System.String path, System.Boolean cropWhitespace, System.Boolean autoOrient, System.Nullable`1[T] orientation) [0x00038] in <db38ef1aaca0440189425a87cae39d25>:0 
	  at Emby.Drawing.Skia.SkiaEncoder.EncodeImage (System.String inputPath, System.DateTime dateModified, System.String outputPath, System.Boolean autoOrient, System.Nullable`1[T] orientation, System.Int32 quality, MediaBrowser.Controller.Drawing.ImageProcessingOptions options, MediaBrowser.Model.Drawing.ImageFormat selectedOutputFormat) [0x000c2] in <db38ef1aaca0440189425a87cae39d25>:0 
	  at Emby.Drawing.ImageProcessor+<ProcessImage>c__async1.MoveNext () [0x00589] in <61f6896091a74cddb5c4c87188fa6e1b>:0 
	  at Emby.Drawing.Skia.SkiaEncoder.Decode (System.String path, System.Boolean forceCleanBitmap, SkiaSharp.SKCodecOrigin& origin) [0x00038] in <db38ef1aaca0440189425a87cae39d25>:0 
	  at Emby.Drawing.Skia.SkiaEncoder.GetBitmap (System.String path, System.Boolean cropWhitespace, System.Boolean forceAnalyzeBitmap, SkiaSharp.SKCodecOrigin& origin) [0x0002b] in <db38ef1aaca0440189425a87cae39d25>:0 
	  at Emby.Drawing.Skia.SkiaEncoder.GetBitmap (System.String path, System.Boolean cropWhitespace, System.Boolean autoOrient, System.Nullable`1[T] orientation) [0x00038] in <db38ef1aaca0440189425a87cae39d25>:0 
	  at Emby.Drawing.Skia.SkiaEncoder.EncodeImage (System.String inputPath, System.DateTime dateModified, System.String outputPath, System.Boolean autoOrient, System.Nullable`1[T] orientation, System.Int32 quality, MediaBrowser.Controller.Drawing.ImageProcessingOptions options, MediaBrowser.Model.Drawing.ImageFormat selectedOutputFormat) [0x000c2] in <db38ef1aaca0440189425a87cae39d25>:0 
	  at Emby.Drawing.ImageProcessor+<ProcessImage>c__async1.MoveNext () [0x00589] in <61f6896091a74cddb5c4c87188fa6e1b>:0 

I thought, skia isn't being used on ubuntu, yet?

Also, my library scan stucs on 75% since I added a new folder to my tv show library with a new tv show. After manually stopping the scan (then it stucks on "stopping" and restarting the server, I'm getting

Scan media library failed. - Cannot access a disposed object. Object name: 'SqliteItemRepository has been disposed and cannot be accessed.'.

I don't know if this is related, will provide a log file when scanning library, later.


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Can you please attach the complete emby server log? thanks.

here we go:

Starting Emby server and initiated a library scan which stucks at 75%. CPU keeps being loaded by Emby server quite much.

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Try updating to the new release now that it's available. Thanks.

thank you very much, the skia errors seem to be gone.

Unfortunately, the scan still stucks on 72,4%, although it looks like everything's finished.

There are tons of themoviedb errors in log, but I guess this is because of the new tv show (One Piece, 795 episodes) is totally different ordered on tvdb and so Emby can't fetch images from themoviedb...? That's just my guess...

But I don't see what's preventing Emby from finish scanning, looks like it doesn't do anything since some time, but CPU is still used very well.

Edited by horstepipe
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Try removing the kodi sync plugin and see if this has any effect on the library scan. Thanks !

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okay removed the Emby.Kodi.Syncqueue.json and now it's working again.

But scan still needs twice as long as on v3.2.20


Here is a new log, what's about all those errors occuring on scan?


Another thing: Just updated to v3.2.23, but server still tells me I'm on 3.2.22 (Ubuntu 16.4)

Edited by horstepipe
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Guest plexman

okay removed the Emby.Kodi.Syncqueue.json and now it's working again.

But scan still needs twice as long as on v3.2.20


Here is a new log, what's about all those errors occuring on scan?


Another thing: Just updated to v3.2.23, but server still tells me I'm on 3.2.22 (Ubuntu 16.4)


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okay removed the Emby.Kodi.Syncqueue.json and now it's working again.

But scan still needs twice as long as on v3.2.20


Here is a new log, what's about all those errors occuring on scan?


Another thing: Just updated to v3.2.23, but server still tells me I'm on 3.2.22 (Ubuntu 16.4)


You enabled MovieDb metadata for episodes. When you add additional providers your scans will take longer. For faster library scans consider unchecking MovieDb for episodes. Or live with the longer scans and enjoy your extra metadata.

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You enabled MovieDb metadata for episodes. When you add additional providers your scans will take longer. For faster library scans consider unchecking MovieDb for episodes. Or live with the longer scans and enjoy your extra metadata.

Okay but what's about all those moviedb errors in log?

Looks like they disappear when I disable movieDB IMAGES for episodes. Maybe themoviedb made some changes here?


Btw I didn't enable movieDB metadata fetching after the update to 3.2.22. So either this was enabled before updating, yet (so this wouldn't explain my longer scan times now), or it was enabled by the update.

Edited by horstepipe
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