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Won't cast to Chromecast


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So, for the last few weeks I've been having issues casting to my TV via chromecast from my PC. I had a workaround where refreshing the Emby library page in the browser got it to work. That doesn't work since updating emby server.


This is a real shame. The reason I switched to Emby was because it worked and I didn't have to mess around with stuff. 


I'm not going to bother posting logs and stuff, I don't have time to mess around and configure and sort through this. I was using a different media player before and once it got to that point I found something that worked... Emby.


Now it doesn't work. Time to find a new one!


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If you can help me get it working again, that would be great.


When I try it the Emby logo displays on the TV, but the wheel just keeps turning.



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If you can help me get it working again, that would be great.


When I try it the Emby logo displays on the TV, but the wheel just keeps turning.






Hi, i had a friend that this was happening to just the other day. The problem was Windows firewall blocking the Chromecast reaching the server, I had to open port 8096 on the firewall and its now working fine. 

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I'm not able to copy and paste the log here.


I changed the ports, still won't work. Rebooted my chromecast, nothing. 

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@@sinclair79, you're saying this is from the time you tried to play with chromecast? I don't see any traffic in this log from your Chromecast, which indicates that your Chromecast may be having trouble reaching your Emby Server.


Can you describe what exactly happens, as well as what you see on screen? thanks !

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Hi. I've tried repeatedly to connect through my chromecast.


The emby logo appears on the screen and then the spinner shows up and then nothing happens. 

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@@sinclair79, are you by chance testing this from the chrome browser on the same machine as the server (e.g., in localhost) ? 


If so, can you please pull up the emby server dashboard. on the front page of the dashboard it will show your local network address. Is this correct? This is the value that is being passed to your Chromecast device. Thanks.

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How do I tell if it's correct??


This is exactly the stuff that I didn't want to waste my time on!

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