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Live-TV DVBViewer Plugin Channel group


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Keine Panik, werde auch so erst mal überleben ;)

Falls ich noch was an Logs oder tests dazu steuern kann, gerne..


Ich kann übrigens auch keine Genre mappen unter "Program Options" ist mir aufgefallen.

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Unter Live-TV gibts auch keine Vorschaubilder (Denke da sollten Vorschaubilder sein... Hatte vorher TVheadend, mangels vernünftiger Anbindung hatte ich da immer nur bunte Kacheln..)


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  • 2 weeks later...

Eins ist mir auch noch aufgefallen: Unter Aufnahmen bekommen nicht alle ein Vorschaubild, siehe Anhang. In der Android-App bzw. im Kodi haben alle ein Vorschaubild.



Dann wärs das aber glaube ich auch erst mal  :rolleyes:


EDIT: Doch nicht -> laufende Aufnahmen werden in Emby leider nicht angezeigt..


Edited by himisk71
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  • 4 weeks later...

Tja, warum die Kanalgruppen bei dir nicht funktionieren hab ich bisher nicht herausbekommen.

Aber statt dessen kann man jetzt die DVBViewer Favoriten nutzen. Das sollte dein Problem umgehen.

Probier mal den Anhang!

Edited by pünktchen
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Status: Unavailable (Cannot connect to DVBViewer Recording Service - check your settings)



Leider kommt das obige, trotz korrekter Benutzerdaten.. 

Ansonsten öffnet er die Plugin-Einstellungen normal ohne Ladekreis.

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Status: Unavailable (Cannot connect to DVBViewer Recording Service - check your settings)



Leider kommt das obige, trotz korrekter Benutzerdaten.. 

Ansonsten öffnet er die Plugin-Einstellungen normal ohne Ladekreis.


Hätte nicht gedacht, dass jemand in seinem eigenem LAN ein Passwort nutzt.

Sollte jetzt hoffentlich funktionieren.

Edited by pünktchen
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Hätte nicht gedacht, dass jemand in seinem eigenem LAN ein Passwort nutzt.

Sollte jetzt hoffentlich funktionieren.

:D  :D  sicher ist sicher


ne, hier ein teil des logs - hilft das weiter oder brauchst du das ganze oder ein anderes?

2017-12-02 21:47:44.543 Info App: User policy for mike. EnablePlaybackRemuxing: True EnableVideoPlaybackTranscoding: True EnableAudioPlaybackTranscoding: True
2017-12-02 21:47:44.543 Info App: Profile: Unknown Profile, Path:, isEligibleForDirectPlay: True, isEligibleForDirectStream: True
2017-12-02 21:47:44.543 Info App: Profile: Unknown Profile, No direct play profiles found for Path:
2017-12-02 21:47:44.543 Info App: Profile: Unknown Profile, Path:, isEligibleForDirectPlay: True, isEligibleForDirectStream: True
2017-12-02 21:47:44.543 Info App: Profile: Unknown Profile, No direct play profiles found for Path:
2017-12-02 21:47:44.544 Info App: Opening channel stream from DVBViewer (Recording Service), external channel Id: -108
2017-12-02 21:47:44.544 Info HttpClient: GET:
2017-12-02 21:47:44.557 Error HttpServer: Error processing request
	*** Error Report ***
	Command line: C:\Users\mike\AppData\Roaming\Emby-Server\system\EmbyServer.dll -service
	Operating system: Microsoft Windows NT 6.2.9200.0
	64-Bit OS: True
	64-Bit Process: True
	User Interactive: True
	Processor count: 8
	Program data path: C:\Users\mike\AppData\Roaming\Emby-Server\programdata
	Application directory: C:\Users\mike\AppData\Roaming\Emby-Server\system
	System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
	   at MediaBrowser.Plugins.DVBViewer.Services.Entities.Settings.GetEntry(List`1 section, String key)
	   at MediaBrowser.Plugins.DVBViewer.Services.Entities.Settings.StreamPort()
	   at MediaBrowser.Plugins.DVBViewer.Services.Proxies.StreamingServiceProxy.GetTVStreamingURL(CancellationToken cancellationToken, String channelId)
	   at MediaBrowser.Plugins.DVBViewer.Services.Proxies.StreamingServiceProxy.GetStream(CancellationToken cancellationToken, String itemId, TimeSpan startPosition)
	   at MediaBrowser.Plugins.DVBViewer.Services.Proxies.StreamingServiceProxy.GetLiveTvStream(CancellationToken cancellationToken, String channelId)
	   at MediaBrowser.Plugins.DVBViewer.DVBViewerTvService.GetChannelStream(String channelId, String streamId, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
	   at Emby.Server.Implementations.LiveTv.LiveTvManager.<GetLiveStream>d__59.MoveNext()
	--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
	   at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()
	   at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
	   at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ConfiguredTaskAwaitable`1.ConfiguredTaskAwaiter.GetResult()
	   at Emby.Server.Implementations.LiveTv.LiveTvMediaSourceProvider.<OpenMediaSource>d__11.MoveNext()
	--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
	   at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()
	   at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
	   at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ConfiguredTaskAwaitable`1.ConfiguredTaskAwaiter.GetResult()
	   at Emby.Server.Implementations.Library.MediaSourceManager.<OpenLiveStream>d__28.MoveNext()
	--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
	   at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()
	   at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
	   at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ConfiguredTaskAwaitable`1.ConfiguredTaskAwaiter.GetResult()
	   at Emby.Server.MediaEncoding.Api.MediaInfoService.<OpenMediaSource>d__14.MoveNext()
	--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
	   at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()
	   at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
	   at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ConfiguredTaskAwaitable`1.ConfiguredTaskAwaiter.GetResult()
	   at Emby.Server.MediaEncoding.Api.MediaInfoService.<GetPlaybackInfo>d__16.MoveNext()
	--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
	   at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()
	   at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
	   at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ConfiguredTaskAwaitable`1.ConfiguredTaskAwaiter.GetResult()
	   at Emby.Server.MediaEncoding.Api.MediaInfoService.<Post>d__18.MoveNext()
	--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
	   at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()
	   at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
	   at Emby.Server.Implementations.Services.ServiceExecGeneral.<Execute>d__2.MoveNext()
	--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
	   at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()
	   at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
	   at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ConfiguredTaskAwaitable`1.ConfiguredTaskAwaiter.GetResult()
	   at Emby.Server.Implementations.Services.ServiceHandler.<ProcessRequestAsync>d__15.MoveNext()
	--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
	   at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()
	   at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
	   at Emby.Server.Implementations.HttpServer.HttpListenerHost.<RequestHandler>d__72.MoveNext()
	   at MediaBrowser.Plugins.DVBViewer.Services.Entities.Settings.GetEntry(List`1 section, String key)
	   at MediaBrowser.Plugins.DVBViewer.Services.Entities.Settings.StreamPort()
	   at MediaBrowser.Plugins.DVBViewer.Services.Proxies.StreamingServiceProxy.GetTVStreamingURL(CancellationToken cancellationToken, String channelId)
	   at MediaBrowser.Plugins.DVBViewer.Services.Proxies.StreamingServiceProxy.GetStream(CancellationToken cancellationToken, String itemId, TimeSpan startPosition)
	   at MediaBrowser.Plugins.DVBViewer.Services.Proxies.StreamingServiceProxy.GetLiveTvStream(CancellationToken cancellationToken, String channelId)
	   at MediaBrowser.Plugins.DVBViewer.DVBViewerTvService.GetChannelStream(String channelId, String streamId, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
	   at Emby.Server.Implementations.LiveTv.LiveTvManager.<GetLiveStream>d__59.MoveNext()
	--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
	   at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()
	   at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
	   at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ConfiguredTaskAwaitable`1.ConfiguredTaskAwaiter.GetResult()
	   at Emby.Server.Implementations.LiveTv.LiveTvMediaSourceProvider.<OpenMediaSource>d__11.MoveNext()
	--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
	   at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()
	   at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
	   at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ConfiguredTaskAwaitable`1.ConfiguredTaskAwaiter.GetResult()
	   at Emby.Server.Implementations.Library.MediaSourceManager.<OpenLiveStream>d__28.MoveNext()
	--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
	   at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()
	   at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
	   at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ConfiguredTaskAwaitable`1.ConfiguredTaskAwaiter.GetResult()
	   at Emby.Server.MediaEncoding.Api.MediaInfoService.<OpenMediaSource>d__14.MoveNext()
	--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
	   at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()
	   at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
	   at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ConfiguredTaskAwaitable`1.ConfiguredTaskAwaiter.GetResult()
	   at Emby.Server.MediaEncoding.Api.MediaInfoService.<GetPlaybackInfo>d__16.MoveNext()
	--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
	   at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()
	   at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
	   at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ConfiguredTaskAwaitable`1.ConfiguredTaskAwaiter.GetResult()
	   at Emby.Server.MediaEncoding.Api.MediaInfoService.<Post>d__18.MoveNext()
	--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
	   at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()
	   at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
	   at Emby.Server.Implementations.Services.ServiceExecGeneral.<Execute>d__2.MoveNext()
	--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
	   at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()
	   at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
	   at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ConfiguredTaskAwaitable`1.ConfiguredTaskAwaiter.GetResult()
	   at Emby.Server.Implementations.Services.ServiceHandler.<ProcessRequestAsync>d__15.MoveNext()
	--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
	   at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()
	   at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
	   at Emby.Server.Implementations.HttpServer.HttpListenerHost.<RequestHandler>d__72.MoveNext()
2017-12-02 21:47:44.557 Info HttpServer: HTTP Response 500 to Time: 20ms. 
2017-12-02 21:48:02.254 Info HttpServer: HTTP GET UserAgent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/62.0.3202.94 Safari/537.36
2017-12-02 21:48:02.270 Info HttpClient: GET:
2017-12-02 21:48:02.272 Info HttpClient: GET:
2017-12-02 21:48:02.273 Info HttpClient: GET:
2017-12-02 21:48:02.274 Info HttpClient: GET:
2017-12-02 21:48:02.275 Info HttpClient: GET:
2017-12-02 21:48:02.276 Info HttpClient: GET:
2017-12-02 21:48:02.276 Info HttpClient: GET:
2017-12-02 21:48:02.277 Info HttpClient: GET:
2017-12-02 21:48:02.278 Info HttpClient: GET:
2017-12-02 21:48:02.279 Info HttpClient: GET:
2017-12-02 21:48:02.280 Info HttpClient: GET:
2017-12-02 21:48:02.280 Info HttpClient: GET:
2017-12-02 21:48:02.286 Info HttpServer: HTTP Response 200 to Time: 31ms. 
2017-12-02 21:48:05.685 Info HttpServer: HTTP GET UserAgent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/62.0.3202.94 Safari/537.36
2017-12-02 21:48:05.685 Info HttpServer: HTTP GET UserAgent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/62.0.3202.94 Safari/537.36
2017-12-02 21:48:05.687 Info HttpServer: HTTP Response 200 to Time: 3ms. 
2017-12-02 21:48:05.688 Info HttpServer: HTTP Response 200 to Time: 3ms. 
2017-12-02 21:48:05.693 Info HttpServer: HTTP GET UserAgent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/62.0.3202.94 Safari/537.36
2017-12-02 21:48:05.694 Info HttpServer: HTTP GET UserAgent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/62.0.3202.94 Safari/537.36
2017-12-02 21:48:05.696 Info HttpServer: HTTP Response 200 to Time: 2ms. 
2017-12-02 21:48:05.696 Info HttpServer: HTTP GET UserAgent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/62.0.3202.94 Safari/537.36
2017-12-02 21:48:05.699 Info HttpServer: HTTP GET UserAgent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/62.0.3202.94 Safari/537.36
2017-12-02 21:48:05.699 Info HttpServer: HTTP GET UserAgent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/62.0.3202.94 Safari/537.36
2017-12-02 21:48:05.700 Info HttpServer: HTTP Response 200 to Time: 1ms. 
2017-12-02 21:48:05.700 Info HttpServer: HTTP Response 200 to Time: 1ms. 
2017-12-02 21:48:05.701 Info HttpServer: HTTP Response 200 to Time: 4ms. 
2017-12-02 21:48:05.703 Info HttpServer: HTTP Response 200 to Time: 9ms. 
2017-12-02 21:48:05.709 Info HttpServer: HTTP GET UserAgent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/62.0.3202.94 Safari/537.36
2017-12-02 21:48:05.713 Info HttpServer: HTTP GET UserAgent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/62.0.3202.94 Safari/537.36
2017-12-02 21:48:05.713 Info HttpServer: HTTP GET UserAgent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/62.0.3202.94 Safari/537.36
2017-12-02 21:48:05.713 Info HttpServer: HTTP GET UserAgent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/62.0.3202.94 Safari/537.36
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Also das Verbinden funktioniert wieder und auch die Favoriten? Du kannst jetzt aber nix mehr abspielen, richtig?

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Also das Verbinden funktioniert wieder und auch die Favoriten? Du kannst jetzt aber nix mehr abspielen, richtig?

Verbinden funktioniert, Statt Channels sind die Favoriten ausgwählt in den Einstellungen. Nur statt abspielen dreht sich dauerhaft der Wartekreis..


Übrigens hab ich jetzt die Anmeldedaten entfernt. Positiver Effekt: Auf der Startseite Live-TV werden jetzt die Logos der Sender angezeigt (Gerade läuft, etc..)

Edited by himisk71
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Anbei wiederwas zum Testen.

Abspielen sollte wieder funktionieren, gerade laufende Aufnahmen sollten sichtbar sein und für fertige Aufnahmen auch die Bilder.

Das ganze auch bei eingeschalteter Passwort-Authentifizierung.

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  • 1 month later...

Hallo zusammen,


ich bin mir nicht ganz im Klaren, ob mein Post noch nötig ist. Irgendwie checke ich nicht mehr durch. Vielleicht kann mir jemand helfen, das wäre super.

Ich verwende Emby auf einer Synology DS916+ und habe separat auf einem PC den DMS installiert. Ich habe den Zugang über einen User und ein PW beschränkt, da ich auch von außen darauf zugreifen möchte.

In Emby habe ich das DVBViewer Plugin in der Version 1 installiert. Das Plugin zeigt an, dass die Verbindung Ok ist, jedoch kann ich keine Favoritenliste o.ä. auswählen. Stattdessen werden mir nur 200 Internetkanäle angezeigt, die ich auch im DVB-Viewer selber habe. 


Beim Aufrufen der Pluginseite in den Einstellungen von Emby kommt der Ladebalken endlos. Logos und Programm werden bei den geladenen Sendern nicht angezeigt, ausgenommen Anixe.


Log schaut so aus, beim Versuch einen Refresh zu machen:

2018-01-22 17:09:15.565 Info HttpClient: HttpClientManager GET:
2018-01-22 17:09:15.586 Info DVBViewer TV Plugin: [Recording Service] - Found overall channels: 200
2018-01-22 17:09:15.586 Info DVBViewer TV Plugin: [Recording Service] - Found channel: Das Erste, Nr: 0, Id: 4135501688129821776, EPGId: 2007889709341776 of type:TV, channel logo: True
2018-01-22 17:09:15.586 Info DVBViewer TV Plugin: [Recording Service] - Found channel: ONE HD, Nr: 1, Id: 4135484263447524100, EPGId: 2133126394868484 of type:TV, channel logo: True
2018-01-22 17:09:15.586 Info DVBViewer TV Plugin: [Recording Service] - Found channel: ZDF, Nr: 2, Id: 4135683768973330593, EPGId: 2009382841288865 of type:TV, channel logo: True
2018-01-22 17:09:15.586 Info DVBViewer TV Plugin: [Recording Service] - Found channel: ZDFinfo, Nr: 3, Id: 4135470687055854788, EPGId: 1986530363915460 of type:TV, channel logo: True
2018-01-22 17:09:15.586 Info DVBViewer TV Plugin: [Recording Service] - Found channel: ZDFneo, Nr: 4, Id: 4135665511067418023, EPGId: 2108334314290599 of type:TV, channel logo: True
2018-01-22 17:09:15.586 Info DVBViewer TV Plugin: [Recording Service] - Found channel: 3sat, Nr: 5, Id: 4135589889578232641, EPGId: 2046674609892161 of type:TV, channel logo: True
2018-01-22 17:09:15.586 Info DVBViewer TV Plugin: [Recording Service] - Found channel: arte, Nr: 6, Id: 4135463355546672945, EPGId: 2062503928536881 of type:TV, channel logo: True
2018-01-22 17:09:15.586 Info DVBViewer TV Plugin: [Recording Service] - Found channel: KiKa, Nr: 7, Id: 4135457810743889262, EPGId: 2190657078103406 of type:TV, channel logo: True
2018-01-22 17:09:15.586 Info DVBViewer TV Plugin: [Recording Service] - Found channel: ARD alpha, Nr: 8, Id: 4135644414188056730, EPGId: 2047285327229082 of type:TV, channel logo: True
2018-01-22 17:09:15.586 Info DVBViewer TV Plugin: [Recording Service] - Found channel: Bayerisches Fernsehen Nord, Nr: 9, Id: 4135645423505326374, EPGId: 2222275195126054 of type:TV, channel logo: True
2018-01-22 17:09:15.586 Info DVBViewer TV Plugin: [Recording Service] - Found channel: Bayerisches Fernsehen Süd, Nr: 10, Id: 4135537894704107073, EPGId: 2230352387853889 of type:TV, channel logo: True
2018-01-22 17:09:15.586 Info DVBViewer TV Plugin: [Recording Service] - Found channel: hr-fernsehen, Nr: 11, Id: 4135631890063367246, EPGId: 2220024425749582 of type:TV, channel logo: True
2018-01-22 17:09:15.586 Info DVBViewer TV Plugin: [Recording Service] - Found channel: MDR FERNSEHEN Sachsen, Nr: 12, Id: 4135576686848726992, EPGId: 2191801353328592 of type:TV, channel logo: True
2018-01-22 17:09:15.586 Info DVBViewer TV Plugin: [Recording Service] - Found channel: MDR FERNSEHEN Sachsen-Anhalt, Nr: 13, Id: 4135693720412595969, EPGId: 2111104998614785 of type:TV, channel logo: True
2018-01-22 17:09:15.587 Info DVBViewer TV Plugin: [Recording Service] - Found channel: MDR FERNSEHEN Thüringen, Nr: 14, Id: 4135448344636025498, EPGId: 2078124495596186 of type:TV, channel logo: True
2018-01-22 17:09:15.587 Info DVBViewer TV Plugin: [Recording Service] - Found channel: NDR Hamburg, Nr: 15, Id: 4135439015967037085, EPGId: 2172605043807901 of type:TV, channel logo: False
2018-01-22 17:09:15.587 Info DVBViewer TV Plugin: [Recording Service] - Found channel: NDR Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Nr: 16, Id: 4135524301132650636, EPGId: 2058635093006476 of type:TV, channel logo: False
2018-01-22 17:09:15.587 Info DVBViewer TV Plugin: [Recording Service] - Found channel: NDR Niedersachsen, Nr: 17, Id: 4135602667105915476, EPGId: 2147198514401876 of type:TV, channel logo: False
2018-01-22 17:09:15.587 Info DVBViewer TV Plugin: [Recording Service] - Found channel: NDR Schleswig-Holstein, Nr: 18, Id: 4135545720134527556, EPGId: 1973895715056196 of type:TV, channel logo: False
2018-01-22 17:09:15.587 Info DVBViewer TV Plugin: [Recording Service] - Found channel: rbb Berlin, Nr: 19, Id: 4135644766375352117, EPGId: 2051301127001909 of type:TV, channel logo: True
2018-01-22 17:09:15.587 Info DVBViewer TV Plugin: [Recording Service] - Found channel: rbb Brandenburg, Nr: 20, Id: 4135531714246191002, EPGId: 2108864848635802 of type:TV, channel logo: True
2018-01-22 17:09:15.587 Info DVBViewer TV Plugin: [Recording Service] - Found channel: SR Livestream, Nr: 21, Id: 4135615019431876661, EPGId: 2033197385963573 of type:TV, channel logo: False
2018-01-22 17:09:15.587 Info DVBViewer TV Plugin: [Recording Service] - Found channel: SWR Fernsehen Baden-Württemberg, Nr: 22, Id: 4135454134251910445, EPGId: 2152775410480429 of type:TV, channel logo: False
2018-01-22 17:09:15.587 Info DVBViewer TV Plugin: [Recording Service] - Found channel: SWR Fernsehen Rheinland-Pfalz, Nr: 23, Id: 4135696920163220548, EPGId: 2000260531452996 of type:TV, channel logo: False
2018-01-22 17:09:15.587 Info DVBViewer TV Plugin: [Recording Service] - Found channel: WDR Fernsehen, Nr: 24, Id: 4135567624467759865, EPGId: 2072864980714233 of type:TV, channel logo: True
2018-01-22 17:09:15.587 Info DVBViewer TV Plugin: [Recording Service] - Found channel: WDR weltweit, Nr: 25, Id: 4135533831665039261, EPGId: 2030181080053661 of type:TV, channel logo: False
2018-01-22 17:09:15.587 Info DVBViewer TV Plugin: [Recording Service] - Found channel: Disney Channel, Nr: 26, Id: 4135691680303141593, EPGId: 2172170812510937 of type:TV, channel logo: True
2018-01-22 17:09:15.587 Info DVBViewer TV Plugin: [Recording Service] - Found channel: phoenix, Nr: 27, Id: 4135504260815236856, EPGId: 2160223648657144 of type:TV, channel logo: True
2018-01-22 17:09:15.587 Info DVBViewer TV Plugin: [Recording Service] - Found channel: Tagesschau, Nr: 28, Id: 4135673856188814813, EPGId: 2050743225095645 of type:TV, channel logo: True
2018-01-22 17:09:15.587 Info DVBViewer TV Plugin: [Recording Service] - Found channel: DW, Nr: 29, Id: 4135681191992976173, EPGId: 2055570880291629 of type:TV, channel logo: False
2018-01-22 17:09:15.587 Info DVBViewer TV Plugin: [Recording Service] - Found channel: EuroNews German, Nr: 30, Id: 4135569660282245477, EPGId: 2197827085242725 of type:TV, channel logo: True
2018-01-22 17:09:15.587 Info DVBViewer TV Plugin: [Recording Service] - Found channel: n-tv, Nr: 31, Id: 4135515943126317337, EPGId: 2047416510855449 of type:TV, channel logo: True
2018-01-22 17:09:15.587 Info DVBViewer TV Plugin: [Recording Service] - Found channel: N24 News, Nr: 32, Id: 4135647424960095357, EPGId: 2085124035011709 of type:TV, channel logo: True
2018-01-22 17:09:15.587 Info DVBViewer TV Plugin: [Recording Service] - Found channel: Parlamentsfernsehen, Nr: 33, Id: 4135483318540074028, EPGId: 2161103797386284 of type:TV, channel logo: False
2018-01-22 17:09:15.587 Info DVBViewer TV Plugin: [Recording Service] - Found channel: Welt der Wunder, Nr: 34, Id: 4135646561671692989, EPGId: 2159641704448701 of type:TV, channel logo: True
2018-01-22 17:09:15.587 Info DVBViewer TV Plugin: [Recording Service] - Found channel: Servus TV, Nr: 35, Id: 4135622947941472756, EPGId: 2021927512726004 of type:TV, channel logo: True
2018-01-22 17:09:15.587 Info DVBViewer TV Plugin: [Recording Service] - Found channel: ORF 1, Nr: 36, Id: 4135673942088166590, EPGId: 2190308188695742 of type:TV, channel logo: True
2018-01-22 17:09:15.587 Info DVBViewer TV Plugin: [Recording Service] - Found channel: ORF 2, Nr: 37, Id: 4135677240623051478, EPGId: 2069563823436502 of type:TV, channel logo: True
2018-01-22 17:09:15.588 Info DVBViewer TV Plugin: [Recording Service] - Found channel: ORF 3, Nr: 38, Id: 4135584894531244255, EPGId: 2089095925633247 of type:TV, channel logo: False
2018-01-22 17:09:15.588 Info DVBViewer TV Plugin: [Recording Service] - Found channel: ORF Sport+, Nr: 39, Id: 4135611974300020808, EPGId: 2018169248886856 of type:TV, channel logo: True
2018-01-22 17:09:15.588 Info DVBViewer TV Plugin: [Recording Service] - Found channel: gotv, Nr: 40, Id: 4135653090021966778, EPGId: 2143436892439482 of type:TV, channel logo: True
2018-01-22 17:09:15.588 Info DVBViewer TV Plugin: [Recording Service] - Found channel: KRONEHIT TV HD, Nr: 41, Id: 4135441670256808666, EPGId: 2246066204922586 of type:TV, channel logo: False
2018-01-22 17:09:15.588 Info DVBViewer TV Plugin: [Recording Service] - Found channel: OE24.TV, Nr: 42, Id: 4135700098439030291, EPGId: 2185893361460755 of type:TV, channel logo: False
2018-01-22 17:09:15.588 Info DVBViewer TV Plugin: [Recording Service] - Found channel: Deluxe Music TV, Nr: 43, Id: 4135470042810779113, EPGId: 2193990159402473 of type:TV, channel logo: True
2018-01-22 17:09:15.588 Info DVBViewer TV Plugin: [Recording Service] - Found channel: NRJ TV, Nr: 44, Id: 4135628436909692797, EPGId: 1995788425533309 of type:TV, channel logo: True
2018-01-22 17:09:15.588 Info DVBViewer TV Plugin: [Recording Service] - Found channel: XITE Germany, Nr: 45, Id: 4135601473104973225, EPGId: 2015643647872425 of type:TV, channel logo: True
2018-01-22 17:09:15.588 Info DVBViewer TV Plugin: [Recording Service] - Found channel: Das Ding (Visual Radio), Nr: 46, Id: 4135467272556862568, EPGId: 1989223256317032 of type:TV, channel logo: True
2018-01-22 17:09:15.588 Info DVBViewer TV Plugin: [Recording Service] - Found channel: SWR 3 (Visual Radio), Nr: 47, Id: 4135491972913782343, EPGId: 2058570175176263 of type:TV, channel logo: True
2018-01-22 17:09:15.588 Info DVBViewer TV Plugin: [Recording Service] - Found channel: nice, Nr: 48, Id: 4135675505456259248, EPGId: 2099933510705328 of type:TV, channel logo: True
2018-01-22 17:09:15.588 Info DVBViewer TV Plugin: [Recording Service] - Found channel: RTL II You, Nr: 49, Id: 4135589052074296976, EPGId: 2139634869208720 of type:TV, channel logo: False
2018-01-22 17:09:15.588 Info DVBViewer TV Plugin: [Recording Service] - Found channel: Anixe, Nr: 50, Id: 4135596641281559604, EPGId: 1990363396688948 of type:TV, channel logo: True
2018-01-22 17:09:15.588 Info DVBViewer TV Plugin: [Recording Service] - Found channel: Nickelodeon, Nr: 51, Id: 4135689300891222307, EPGId: 2197158895894819 of type:TV, channel logo: True
2018-01-22 17:09:15.588 Info DVBViewer TV Plugin: [Recording Service] - Found channel: RIC, Nr: 52, Id: 4135435562813305078, EPGId: 2205040584110326 of type:TV, channel logo: True
2018-01-22 17:09:15.677 Info DVBViewer TV Plugin: [Recording Service] - Found channel: eoTV, Nr: 53, Id: 4135469995566159506, EPGId: 2159011945043602 of type:TV, channel logo: True
2018-01-22 17:09:15.677 Info DVBViewer TV Plugin: [Recording Service] - Found channel: Family TV, Nr: 54, Id: 4135453825014240753, EPGId: 1993466478794225 of type:TV, channel logo: False
2018-01-22 17:09:15.677 Info DVBViewer TV Plugin: [Recording Service] - Found channel: blizz, Nr: 55, Id: 4135466250354652095, EPGId: 2016418973643711 of type:TV, channel logo: False
2018-01-22 17:09:15.677 Info DVBViewer TV Plugin: [Recording Service] - Found channel: Sky Sport News, Nr: 56, Id: 4135492518374617401, EPGId: 2153029399228729 of type:TV, channel logo: True
2018-01-22 17:09:15.677 Info DVBViewer TV Plugin: [Recording Service] - Found channel: SportTime TV 1, Nr: 57, Id: 4135622535624654291, EPGId: 2139656855027155 of type:TV, channel logo: False
2018-01-22 17:09:15.677 Info DVBViewer TV Plugin: [Recording Service] - Found channel: SportTime TV 2, Nr: 58, Id: 4135696366112436667, EPGId: 2158779175956923 of type:TV, channel logo: False
2018-01-22 17:09:15.677 Info DVBViewer TV Plugin: [Recording Service] - Found channel: SportTime TV 3, Nr: 59, Id: 4135468969068923585, EPGId: 2089476408806081 of type:TV, channel logo: False
2018-01-22 17:09:15.677 Info DVBViewer TV Plugin: [Recording Service] - Found channel: SportTime TV 4, Nr: 60, Id: 4135451127774803969, EPGId: 2165119100614657 of type:TV, channel logo: False
2018-01-22 17:09:15.677 Info DVBViewer TV Plugin: [Recording Service] - Found channel: SportTime TV 5, Nr: 61, Id: 4135432698070158595, EPGId: 2124406824422659 of type:TV, channel logo: False
2018-01-22 17:09:15.677 Info DVBViewer TV Plugin: [Recording Service] - Found channel: SportTime TV 6, Nr: 62, Id: 4135659175990627802, EPGId: 2148182924168666 of type:TV, channel logo: False
2018-01-22 17:09:15.677 Info DVBViewer TV Plugin: [Recording Service] - Found channel: SportTime TV 7, Nr: 63, Id: 4135675209103545861, EPGId: 2251726240388613 of type:TV, channel logo: False
2018-01-22 17:09:15.677 Info DVBViewer TV Plugin: [Recording Service] - Found channel: Bibel TV, Nr: 64, Id: 4135460598177663275, EPGId: 2119154505091371 of type:TV, channel logo: True
2018-01-22 17:09:15.677 Info DVBViewer TV Plugin: [Recording Service] - Found channel: Bibel TV Impuls, Nr: 65, Id: 4135441631602139829, EPGId: 1989523512812213 of type:TV, channel logo: False
2018-01-22 17:09:15.678 Info DVBViewer TV Plugin: [Recording Service] - Found channel: ERF 1, Nr: 66, Id: 4135489331508931142, EPGId: 2104874177325638 of type:TV, channel logo: True
2018-01-22 17:09:15.678 Info DVBViewer TV Plugin: [Recording Service] - Found channel: Spon TV, Nr: 67, Id: 4135619344463916254, EPGId: 2229597716442334 of type:TV, channel logo: True
2018-01-22 17:09:15.678 Info DVBViewer TV Plugin: [Recording Service] - Found channel: HSE24, Nr: 68, Id: 4135630223616072547, EPGId: 2120248015084387 of type:TV, channel logo: True
2018-01-22 17:09:15.678 Info DVBViewer TV Plugin: [Recording Service] - Found channel: HSE24 Extra, Nr: 69, Id: 4135519155761805118, EPGId: 2195794795067198 of type:TV, channel logo: True
2018-01-22 17:09:15.678 Info DVBViewer TV Plugin: [Recording Service] - Found channel: HSE 24 Trends, Nr: 70, Id: 4135629532111717260, EPGId: 2141284754342796 of type:TV, channel logo: True
2018-01-22 17:09:15.678 Info DVBViewer TV Plugin: [Recording Service] - Found channel: QVC, Nr: 71, Id: 4135478916198542081, EPGId: 2035523181456129 of type:TV, channel logo: True
2018-01-22 17:09:15.678 Info DVBViewer TV Plugin: [Recording Service] - Found channel: QVC Plus, Nr: 72, Id: 4135513018238858762, EPGId: 2056624876123658 of type:TV, channel logo: True
2018-01-22 17:09:15.678 Info DVBViewer TV Plugin: [Recording Service] - Found channel: QVC Beauty, Nr: 73, Id: 4135489748106081156, EPGId: 2139706368455556 of type:TV, channel logo: True
2018-01-22 17:09:15.678 Info DVBViewer TV Plugin: [Recording Service] - Found channel: Sonnenklar TV, Nr: 74, Id: 4135521148611987427, EPGId: 2226280503314403 of type:TV, channel logo: True
2018-01-22 17:09:15.678 Info DVBViewer TV Plugin: [Recording Service] - Found channel: Juwelo TV, Nr: 75, Id: 4135573401198756991, EPGId: 2136890146325631 of type:TV, channel logo: True
2018-01-22 17:09:15.678 Info DVBViewer TV Plugin: [Recording Service] - Found channel: Pearl TV, Nr: 76, Id: 4135637602355253900, EPGId: 2106654556164748 of type:TV, channel logo: True
2018-01-22 17:09:15.678 Info DVBViewer TV Plugin: [Recording Service] - Found channel: Astro TV, Nr: 77, Id: 4135600047175872622, EPGId: 2185483812909166 of type:TV, channel logo: True
2018-01-22 17:09:15.678 Info DVBViewer TV Plugin: [Recording Service] - Found channel: Melodie TV, Nr: 78, Id: 4135675161858894080, EPGId: 2146014209599744 of type:TV, channel logo: True
2018-01-22 17:09:15.678 Info DVBViewer TV Plugin: [Recording Service] - Found channel: Deutsches Musikfernsehen, Nr: 79, Id: 4135671545496444267, EPGId: 2228520476188011 of type:TV, channel logo: True
2018-01-22 17:09:15.678 Info DVBViewer TV Plugin: [Recording Service] - Found channel: Folx, Nr: 80, Id: 4135624438295104270, EPGId: 2003188593134350 of type:TV, channel logo: True
2018-01-22 17:09:15.678 Info DVBViewer TV Plugin: [Recording Service] - Found channel: VISIT-X TV, Nr: 81, Id: 4135539440892329194, EPGId: 2080522477321450 of type:TV, channel logo: False
2018-01-22 17:09:15.678 Info DVBViewer TV Plugin: [Recording Service] - Found channel: FunDorado TV, Nr: 82, Id: 4135544637802804594, EPGId: 2201395821278578 of type:TV, channel logo: False
2018-01-22 17:09:15.678 Info DVBViewer TV Plugin: [Recording Service] - Found channel: Pro7 (einzelne Sendungen), Nr: 83, Id: 4135574389056010466, EPGId: 2218997051226338 of type:TV, channel logo: True
2018-01-22 17:09:15.678 Info DVBViewer TV Plugin: [Recording Service] - Found channel: Alex TV Berlin, Nr: 84, Id: 4135445857849911316, EPGId: 2138073611118612 of type:TV, channel logo: False
2018-01-22 17:09:15.678 Info DVBViewer TV Plugin: [Recording Service] - Found channel: Augsburg TV, Nr: 85, Id: 4135690696755592016, EPGId: 1991017666853712 of type:TV, channel logo: True
2018-01-22 17:09:15.678 Info DVBViewer TV Plugin: [Recording Service] - Found channel: Austria 24 TV, Nr: 86, Id: 4135671532611540905, EPGId: 1990403194132393 of type:TV, channel logo: False
2018-01-22 17:09:15.679 Info DVBViewer TV Plugin: [Recording Service] - Found channel: Baden TV, Nr: 87, Id: 4135469063558209899, EPGId: 1974680524366187 of type:TV, channel logo: True
2018-01-22 17:09:15.679 Info DVBViewer TV Plugin: [Recording Service] - Found channel: BLK Online, Nr: 88, Id: 4135496920716141875, EPGId: 2069011316204851 of type:TV, channel logo: False
2018-01-22 17:09:15.679 Info DVBViewer TV Plugin: [Recording Service] - Found channel: center.tv Düsseldorf, Nr: 89, Id: 4135562105434787624, EPGId: 2049474504609576 of type:TV, channel logo: True
2018-01-22 17:09:15.679 Info DVBViewer TV Plugin: [Recording Service] - Found channel: Chemnitz Fernsehen, Nr: 90, Id: 4135445733295911048, EPGId: 1983656650076296 of type:TV, channel logo: False
2018-01-22 17:09:15.679 Info DVBViewer TV Plugin: [Recording Service] - Found channel: Donau TV, Nr: 91, Id: 4135433763222026482, EPGId: 1988453945866482 of type:TV, channel logo: True
2018-01-22 17:09:15.679 Info DVBViewer TV Plugin: [Recording Service] - Found channel: Dorf TV HD, Nr: 92, Id: 4135670179696843774, EPGId: 2076710541302782 of type:TV, channel logo: True
2018-01-22 17:09:15.679 Info DVBViewer TV Plugin: [Recording Service] - Found channel: Dresden Fernsehen, Nr: 93, Id: 4135460164386018084, EPGId: 2122706436477732 of type:TV, channel logo: True
2018-01-22 17:09:15.679 Info DVBViewer TV Plugin: [Recording Service] - Found channel: DRF 1, Nr: 94, Id: 4135554164040240915, EPGId: 2151999547739923 of type:TV, channel logo: True
2018-01-22 17:09:15.679 Info DVBViewer TV Plugin: [Recording Service] - Found channel: Elbe TV, Nr: 95, Id: 4135500975165254535, EPGId: 1979993885879175 of type:TV, channel logo: True
2018-01-22 17:09:15.679 Info DVBViewer TV Plugin: [Recording Service] - Found channel: EV1 TV, Nr: 96, Id: 4135531529562590989, EPGId: 2110084616523533 of type:TV, channel logo: False
2018-01-22 17:09:15.679 Info DVBViewer TV Plugin: [Recording Service] - Found channel: Filstalwelle, Nr: 97, Id: 4135704440650979700, EPGId: 2071831981250932 of type:TV, channel logo: True
2018-01-22 17:09:15.679 Info DVBViewer TV Plugin: [Recording Service] - Found channel: Franken TV, Nr: 98, Id: 4135620731738346829, EPGId: 2018452850365773 of type:TV, channel logo: True
2018-01-22 17:09:15.679 Info DVBViewer TV Plugin: [Recording Service] - Found channel: FRF1 - Friesischer Rundfunk, Nr: 99, Id: 4135473371410461478, EPGId: 2143593063969574 of type:TV, channel logo: False
2018-01-22 17:09:15.679 Info DVBViewer TV Plugin: [Recording Service] - Found channel: HD Campus TV, Nr: 100, Id: 4135651187351444078, EPGId: 2069606375578222 of type:TV, channel logo: True
2018-01-22 17:09:15.679 Info DVBViewer TV Plugin: [Recording Service] - Found channel: intv, Nr: 101, Id: 4135592698486795094, EPGId: 2158511306124118 of type:TV, channel logo: True
2018-01-22 17:09:15.679 Info DVBViewer TV Plugin: [Recording Service] - Found channel: Isar TV, Nr: 102, Id: 4135571193585591013, EPGId: 2238594938233573 of type:TV, channel logo: True
2018-01-22 17:09:15.679 Info DVBViewer TV Plugin: [Recording Service] - Found channel: KabelJournal Beierfeld/Annaberg, Nr: 103, Id: 4135678688027072506, EPGId: 2082642020980730 of type:TV, channel logo: False
2018-01-22 17:09:15.679 Info DVBViewer TV Plugin: [Recording Service] - Found channel: Kanal 9 HD Deutsch, Nr: 104, Id: 4135562384607647652, EPGId: 2024696842524580 of type:TV, channel logo: False
2018-01-22 17:09:15.679 Info DVBViewer TV Plugin: [Recording Service] - Found channel: Kiel TV, Nr: 105, Id: 4135558364518251308, EPGId: 2229334792960812 of type:TV, channel logo: True
2018-01-22 17:09:15.679 Info DVBViewer TV Plugin: [Recording Service] - Found channel: Kultur MD, Nr: 106, Id: 4135584662602992466, EPGId: 2124679726123858 of type:TV, channel logo: False
2018-01-22 17:09:15.679 Info DVBViewer TV Plugin: [Recording Service] - Found channel: Ländle TV HD, Nr: 107, Id: 4135520822209125569, EPGId: 2147991834500289 of type:TV, channel logo: False
2018-01-22 17:09:15.679 Info DVBViewer TV Plugin: [Recording Service] - Found channel: Leipzig Fernsehen, Nr: 108, Id: 4135701202245627167, EPGId: 2144206425730335 of type:TV, channel logo: False
2018-01-22 17:09:15.679 Info DVBViewer TV Plugin: [Recording Service] - Found channel: MDF.1, Nr: 109, Id: 4135465116483270849, EPGId: 2145482723571905 of type:TV, channel logo: False
2018-01-22 17:09:15.680 Info DVBViewer TV Plugin: [Recording Service] - Found channel: Mittelrhein TV, Nr: 110, Id: 4135621113990433828, EPGId: 2122661647698980 of type:TV, channel logo: False
2018-01-22 17:09:15.680 Info DVBViewer TV Plugin: [Recording Service] - Found channel: Mon TV, Nr: 111, Id: 4135655250390496352, EPGId: 2148616655942752 of type:TV, channel logo: True
2018-01-22 17:09:15.680 Info DVBViewer TV Plugin: [Recording Service] - Found channel: München TV, Nr: 112, Id: 4135542808146702332, EPGId: 2082949185236988 of type:TV, channel logo: True
2018-01-22 17:09:15.680 Info DVBViewer TV Plugin: [Recording Service] - Found channel: München TV, Nr: 113, Id: 4135620925011917758, EPGId: 2158898283936702 of type:TV, channel logo: True
2018-01-22 17:09:15.680 Info DVBViewer TV Plugin: [Recording Service] - Found channel: NOA4 Hamburg, Nr: 114, Id: 4135446137037536530, EPGId: 1972524100959506 of type:TV, channel logo: False
2018-01-22 17:09:15.680 Info DVBViewer TV Plugin: [Recording Service] - Found channel: NOA4 Norderstedt, Nr: 115, Id: 4135458837255871516, EPGId: 2109808629439516 of type:TV, channel logo: False
2018-01-22 17:09:15.680 Info DVBViewer TV Plugin: [Recording Service] - Found channel: NRWISION, Nr: 116, Id: 4135469377090877171, EPGId: 2041003414189811 of type:TV, channel logo: True
2018-01-22 17:09:15.680 Info DVBViewer TV Plugin: [Recording Service] - Found channel: Oberpfalz TV, Nr: 117, Id: 4135604999273174777, EPGId: 2032497153398521 of type:TV, channel logo: False
2018-01-22 17:09:15.680 Info DVBViewer TV Plugin: [Recording Service] - Found channel: OK Dessau, Nr: 118, Id: 4135694094074750636, EPGId: 2048145078724268 of type:TV, channel logo: False
2018-01-22 17:09:15.680 Info DVBViewer TV Plugin: [Recording Service] - Found channel: OK Kaiserslautern, Nr: 119, Id: 4135442391811356528, EPGId: 2040990117525360 of type:TV, channel logo: False
2018-01-22 17:09:15.680 Info DVBViewer TV Plugin: [Recording Service] - Found channel: OK Magdeburg, Nr: 120, Id: 4135711566001698073, EPGId: 2024716298712345 of type:TV, channel logo: False
2018-01-22 17:09:15.680 Info DVBViewer TV Plugin: [Recording Service] - Found channel: OK Mainz, Nr: 121, Id: 4135490985071333714, EPGId: 2055095531589970 of type:TV, channel logo: True
2018-01-22 17:09:15.680 Info DVBViewer TV Plugin: [Recording Service] - Found channel: OK Merseburg, Nr: 122, Id: 4135530507360387585, EPGId: 2105635014820353 of type:TV, channel logo: False
2018-01-22 17:09:15.680 Info DVBViewer TV Plugin: [Recording Service] - Found channel: OK Nahe TV, Nr: 123, Id: 4135636129196101968, EPGId: 2225831286231376 of type:TV, channel logo: True
2018-01-22 17:09:15.680 Info DVBViewer TV Plugin: [Recording Service] - Found channel: OK Salzwedel, Nr: 124, Id: 4135685044578624057, EPGId: 2094350198776377 of type:TV, channel logo: False
2018-01-22 17:09:15.680 Info DVBViewer TV Plugin: [Recording Service] - Found channel: OK Stendal, Nr: 125, Id: 4135670128157249753, EPGId: 2223942019436761 of type:TV, channel logo: False
2018-01-22 17:09:15.680 Info DVBViewer TV Plugin: [Recording Service] - Found channel: OK TV Südwestpfalz, Nr: 126, Id: 4135704861557724170, EPGId: 2108807361074186 of type:TV, channel logo: False
2018-01-22 17:09:15.680 Info DVBViewer TV Plugin: [Recording Service] - Found channel: OK Weinstraße, Nr: 127, Id: 4135612352257139326, EPGId: 2027570938061438 of type:TV, channel logo: True
2018-01-22 17:09:15.680 Info DVBViewer TV Plugin: [Recording Service] - Found channel: OK Wernigerode, Nr: 128, Id: 4135622080358080937, EPGId: 2157657055977897 of type:TV, channel logo: False
2018-01-22 17:09:15.680 Info DVBViewer TV Plugin: [Recording Service] - Found channel: OK Wettin, Nr: 129, Id: 4135550775311013156, EPGId: 1999004170982692 of type:TV, channel logo: False
2018-01-22 17:09:15.680 Info DVBViewer TV Plugin: [Recording Service] - Found channel: OK4 Adenau, Nr: 130, Id: 4135589442901577911, EPGId: 2108736880447671 of type:TV, channel logo: False
2018-01-22 17:09:15.680 Info DVBViewer TV Plugin: [Recording Service] - Found channel: OK54 Trier, Nr: 131, Id: 4135599896851984314, EPGId: 2049539505729466 of type:TV, channel logo: True
2018-01-22 17:09:15.681 Info DVBViewer TV Plugin: [Recording Service] - Found channel: Okto TV, Nr: 132, Id: 4135656770808908137, EPGId: 1975422122920297 of type:TV, channel logo: True
2018-01-22 17:09:15.681 Info DVBViewer TV Plugin: [Recording Service] - Found channel: Oldenburg 1, Nr: 133, Id: 4135518820754383561, EPGId: 2245453201859273 of type:TV, channel logo: False
2018-01-22 17:09:15.681 Info DVBViewer TV Plugin: [Recording Service] - Found channel: P3tv, Nr: 134, Id: 4135437791901379385, EPGId: 2245430490622777 of type:TV, channel logo: True
2018-01-22 17:09:15.681 Info DVBViewer TV Plugin: [Recording Service] - Found channel: Punktum, Nr: 135, Id: 4135638895155071353, EPGId: 2004365634816377 of type:TV, channel logo: False
2018-01-22 17:09:15.681 Info DVBViewer TV Plugin: [Recording Service] - Found channel: Radio Weser TV, Nr: 136, Id: 4135450393335418844, EPGId: 2174967449440220 of type:TV, channel logo: True
2018-01-22 17:09:15.681 Info DVBViewer TV Plugin: [Recording Service] - Found channel: Ran1, Nr: 137, Id: 4135659021371807096, EPGId: 2146799942342008 of type:TV, channel logo: False
2018-01-22 17:09:15.681 Info DVBViewer TV Plugin: [Recording Service] - Found channel: RBW, Nr: 138, Id: 4135622617229026709, EPGId: 2053383848191381 of type:TV, channel logo: False
2018-01-22 17:09:15.681 Info DVBViewer TV Plugin: [Recording Service] - Found channel: RFH, Nr: 139, Id: 4135463892417612516, EPGId: 2078799042677476 of type:TV, channel logo: False
2018-01-22 17:09:15.681 Info DVBViewer TV Plugin: [Recording Service] - Found channel: RNF, Nr: 140, Id: 4135495464722212640, EPGId: 2206768075024160 of type:TV, channel logo: True
2018-01-22 17:09:15.681 Info DVBViewer TV Plugin: [Recording Service] - Found channel: SYLT1 TV, Nr: 141, Id: 4135485732326280722, EPGId: 2219704367975954 of type:TV, channel logo: False
2018-01-22 17:09:15.681 Info DVBViewer TV Plugin: [Recording Service] - Found channel: Tele Bärn, Nr: 142, Id: 4135627878563963384, EPGId: 2093005001777656 of type:TV, channel logo: True
2018-01-22 17:09:15.681 Info DVBViewer TV Plugin: [Recording Service] - Found channel: Tele Basel, Nr: 143, Id: 4135471331300997466, EPGId: 1989090174302554 of type:TV, channel logo: True
2018-01-22 17:09:15.681 Info DVBViewer TV Plugin: [Recording Service] - Found channel: Tele M1, Nr: 144, Id: 4135607954210654527, EPGId: 2161724174469439 of type:TV, channel logo: True
2018-01-22 17:09:15.681 Info DVBViewer TV Plugin: [Recording Service] - Found channel: TeleZüri, Nr: 145, Id: 4135666743722983710, EPGId: 2127090455232798 of type:TV, channel logo: True
2018-01-22 17:09:15.681 Info DVBViewer TV Plugin: [Recording Service] - Found channel: Tide TV, Nr: 146, Id: 4135646136469935474, EPGId: 2224607373284722 of type:TV, channel logo: True
2018-01-22 17:09:15.681 Info DVBViewer TV Plugin: [Recording Service] - Found channel: Tirol TV, Nr: 147, Id: 4135598969139050111, EPGId: 2052477249205887 of type:TV, channel logo: True
2018-01-22 17:09:15.681 Info DVBViewer TV Plugin: [Recording Service] - Found channel: TRP1, Nr: 148, Id: 4135625894289031494, EPGId: 2100611358540102 of type:TV, channel logo: False
2018-01-22 17:09:15.681 Info DVBViewer TV Plugin: [Recording Service] - Found channel: TV Aktuell, Nr: 149, Id: 4135633642410032328, EPGId: 2034108203154632 of type:TV, channel logo: True
2018-01-22 17:09:15.681 Info DVBViewer TV Plugin: [Recording Service] - Found channel: TV Berlin, Nr: 150, Id: 4135509912992206401, EPGId: 2152385419595329 of type:TV, channel logo: True
2018-01-22 17:09:15.681 Info DVBViewer TV Plugin: [Recording Service] - Found channel: TV Halle, Nr: 151, Id: 4135708035538588548, EPGId: 2134491313968004 of type:TV, channel logo: False
2018-01-22 17:09:15.681 Info DVBViewer TV Plugin: [Recording Service] - Found channel: TV Oberfanken, Nr: 152, Id: 4135678829760976870, EPGId: 2151284190451686 of type:TV, channel logo: True
2018-01-22 17:09:15.681 Info DVBViewer TV Plugin: [Recording Service] - Found channel: TV Touring Schweinfurt, Nr: 153, Id: 4135659124451027628, EPGId: 2085437746162348 of type:TV, channel logo: False
2018-01-22 17:09:15.681 Info DVBViewer TV Plugin: [Recording Service] - Found channel: TV Touring Würzburg, Nr: 154, Id: 4135544843961214376, EPGId: 2055418475947432 of type:TV, channel logo: False
2018-01-22 17:09:15.682 Info DVBViewer TV Plugin: [Recording Service] - Found channel: TV38, Nr: 155, Id: 4135494910671421748, EPGId: 2039376011166004 of type:TV, channel logo: True
2018-01-22 17:09:15.682 Info DVBViewer TV Plugin: [Recording Service] - Found channel: W24, Nr: 156, Id: 4135672121022107374, EPGId: 2244042496757486 of type:TV, channel logo: True
2018-01-22 17:09:15.682 Info DVBViewer TV Plugin: [Recording Service] - Found channel: Westerwald TV, Nr: 157, Id: 4135483709396725577, EPGId: 2225343629209417 of type:TV, channel logo: False
2018-01-22 17:09:15.682 Info DVBViewer TV Plugin: [Recording Service] - Found channel: WMZ TV, Nr: 158, Id: 4135480999272340511, EPGId: 2151736438316063 of type:TV, channel logo: False
2018-01-22 17:09:15.682 Info DVBViewer TV Plugin: [Recording Service] - Found channel: 1-2-3.tv, Nr: 159, Id: 4135662109440932322, EPGId: 2182942139283938 of type:TV, channel logo: True
2018-01-22 17:09:15.682 Info DVBViewer TV Plugin: [Recording Service] - Found channel: a.tv, Nr: 160, Id: 4135625082540239843, EPGId: 2250991036115939 of type:TV, channel logo: True
2018-01-22 17:09:15.682 Info DVBViewer TV Plugin: [Recording Service] - Found channel: Anixe, Nr: 161, Id: 4135523502283468545, EPGId: 2042035032207105 of type:TV, channel logo: True
2018-01-22 17:09:15.682 Info DVBViewer TV Plugin: [Recording Service] - Found channel: ARD Time Code, Nr: 162, Id: 4135514753539033033, EPGId: 2243859706922953 of type:TV, channel logo: False
2018-01-22 17:09:15.682 Info DVBViewer TV Plugin: [Recording Service] - Found channel: Baden TV, Nr: 163, Id: 4135646931026507361, EPGId: 2187662076737121 of type:TV, channel logo: True
2018-01-22 17:09:15.682 Info DVBViewer TV Plugin: [Recording Service] - Found channel: Bloomberg, Nr: 164, Id: 4135571043249304034, EPGId: 2117124670829026 of type:TV, channel logo: True
2018-01-22 17:09:15.682 Info DVBViewer TV Plugin: [Recording Service] - Found channel: Donau TV, Nr: 165, Id: 4135530752173504696, EPGId: 2159764491368632 of type:TV, channel logo: True
2018-01-22 17:09:15.682 Info DVBViewer TV Plugin: [Recording Service] - Found channel: Elbe Kanal, Nr: 166, Id: 4135485865457897097, EPGId: 1993900759404169 of type:TV, channel logo: False
2018-01-22 17:09:15.682 Info DVBViewer TV Plugin: [Recording Service] - Found channel: Franken TV, Nr: 167, Id: 4135628046067691363, EPGId: 2016056370261859 of type:TV, channel logo: True
2018-01-22 17:09:15.682 Info DVBViewer TV Plugin: [Recording Service] - Found channel: Hope Channel, Nr: 168, Id: 4135570214320619400, EPGId: 2183477607939976 of type:TV, channel logo: True
2018-01-22 17:09:15.682 Info DVBViewer TV Plugin: [Recording Service] - Found channel: Ingolstadt TV, Nr: 169, Id: 4135450174292035494, EPGId: 2205551908161446 of type:TV, channel logo: False
2018-01-22 17:09:15.682 Info DVBViewer TV Plugin: [Recording Service] - Found channel: Isar TV, Nr: 170, Id: 4135640746285967856, EPGId: 2142891243252208 of type:TV, channel logo: True
2018-01-22 17:09:15.682 Info DVBViewer TV Plugin: [Recording Service] - Found channel: Main TV, Nr: 171, Id: 4135445037511164541, EPGId: 1988505657492093 of type:TV, channel logo: True
2018-01-22 17:09:15.682 Info DVBViewer TV Plugin: [Recording Service] - Found channel: MDF 1, Nr: 172, Id: 4135620336588965035, EPGId: 2025926087427243 of type:TV, channel logo: False
2018-01-22 17:09:15.682 Info DVBViewer TV Plugin: [Recording Service] - Found channel: München.TV, Nr: 173, Id: 4135623334488564012, EPGId: 2155110159540524 of type:TV, channel logo: True
2018-01-22 17:09:15.682 Info DVBViewer TV Plugin: [Recording Service] - Found channel: NHK World, Nr: 174, Id: 4135654365614847633, EPGId: 2191239897888401 of type:TV, channel logo: True
2018-01-22 17:09:15.682 Info DVBViewer TV Plugin: [Recording Service] - Found channel: Oberpfalz TV, Nr: 175, Id: 4135527938969947509, EPGId: 2056599334014325 of type:TV, channel logo: False
2018-01-22 17:09:15.682 Info DVBViewer TV Plugin: [Recording Service] - Found channel: OK Dessau, Nr: 176, Id: 4135622234964550233, EPGId: 2174076718342745 of type:TV, channel logo: False
2018-01-22 17:09:15.682 Info DVBViewer TV Plugin: [Recording Service] - Found channel: OK

Danke und viele Grüße



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Besten Dank für die schnelle Antwort. Er findet jetzt in der Logdatei die Channels, jedoch kommt nach den Channels direkt folgendes in der Log:

2018-01-22 18:40:29.857 Error App: Error refreshing channels for service
    *** Error Report ***
    Command line: /var/packages/EmbyServer/target/server/MediaBrowser.Server.Mono.exe -package synology -programdata /var/packages/EmbyServer/target/var -ffmpeg /var/packages/EmbyServer/target/ffmpeg/bin/ffmpeg -ffprobe /var/packages/EmbyServer/target/ffmpeg/bin/ffprobe -restartpath /var/packages/EmbyServer/scripts/restart
    Operating system: Unix
    64-Bit OS: True
    64-Bit Process: True
    User Interactive: False
    Mono: (tarball Thu Sep 21 16:55:02 CST 2017)
    Processor count: 4
    Program data path: /var/packages/EmbyServer/target/var
    Application directory: /volume1/@appstore/EmbyServer/releases/v3.2.70.0
    System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
     at MediaBrowser.Plugins.DVBViewer.Helpers.GeneralExtensions.ChannelImageUrl (System.String channellogo) [0x00023] in <7efd905f7fb34a9b8f024ba37c6909d3>:0
     at MediaBrowser.Plugins.DVBViewer.Services.Proxies.TVServiceProxy+<>c.<GetChannels>b__8_1 (MediaBrowser.Plugins.DVBViewer.Services.Entities.Channel c, System.Int32 index) [0x0006a] in <7efd905f7fb34a9b8f024ba37c6909d3>:0
     at System.Linq.Enumerable+<SelectIterator>d__156`2[TSource,TResult].MoveNext () [0x0005a] in <858a65b9e92949a4a3d8023cd46647b7>:0
     at System.Linq.Enumerable+SelectEnumerableIterator`2[TSource,TResult].ToList () [0x0002d] in <858a65b9e92949a4a3d8023cd46647b7>:0
     at System.Linq.Enumerable.ToList[TSource] (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1[T] source) [0x0001f] in <858a65b9e92949a4a3d8023cd46647b7>:0
     at Emby.Server.Implementations.LiveTv.LiveTvManager+<RefreshChannelsInternal>d__72.MoveNext () [0x000dc] in <27d78f338d664069b682d55d7fd43e8b>:0
    --- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
     at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw () [0x0000c] in <d31cad56a57f4677b3b2262d472abcad>:0
     at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess (System.Threading.Tasks.Task task) [0x0003e] in <d31cad56a57f4677b3b2262d472abcad>:0
     at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAn

Grüße Domi

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Leider nicht. Er zeigt mir Aufnahmen und Timer wunderbar an, jedoch keine Sender. Komischerweise habe ich im DMS die Senderlogos drin.

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Hammer, das funktioniert. Zwar ohne Logos, aber er zeigt mir die Programme an und schauen kann ich auch. Weißt Du, an was es liegen könnte, dass er keine Bilder und Logos ladet?

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Ich hab ne Vermutung, aber anscheinend bist du der erste, der das Plugin auf einem Nicht-Windows-System einsetzt.

Wird bei dir in dem Verzeichnis wo du die dll hinkopierst, ein Ordner "MediaBrowser.Plugins.DVBViewer" angelegt?

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Es sind 2 Ordner. Einmal MediaBrowser.Plugins.DVBViewer\channelthumbs und einmal MediaBrowser.Plugins.DVBViewer\recordingthumbs

Und sind die leer oder ist was drin?

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Und sind die leer oder ist was drin?


Ganz komisch irgendwie. Er sagt mir, dass wenn ich drauf zugreifen will, dass er keinen Ordner mit dem Namen findet. Liste ich allerdings alle Verzeichnisse auf, erscheinen die beiden mit null Inhalt. Muss allerdings dazu sagen, dass ich jetzt nicht so der Linux Mensch bin.

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Na gut, dann weiß ich wenigstens schon mal wo ich suchen.

Muss aber erst eine Linux VM aufsetzen usw. und da ich im Moment wenig Zeit hab, wird's frühestens am Wochende.

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Na gut, dann weiß ich wenigstens schon mal wo ich suchen.

Muss aber erst eine Linux VM aufsetzen usw. und da ich im Moment wenig Zeit hab, wird's frühestens am Wochende.


Alles Ok, ich will dich nicht stressen. Ich bin dankbar für deinen tollen und wirklich schnellen Support.

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