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pop up ad in new app


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I am using the new Roku App now for months since the beta was 1st launched, and tonight for the first time I had a green box pop up over the home screen saying something like "Try Emby premiere to enhance your experience"


I have never seen an advertisement like this in any of the previous version of the app, and I am already an Emby Premiere member, so why am I receiving these ads?

The Emby server is showing my key fine.







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Ive seen this too, once. I am guessing there is a registry value storing unixtime when it has last shown the popup, say in popup_time. Then take present unixtime - popup_time and is it bigger than X. Not sure what X is, two weeks or five days or a month. I do know it should'nt do this if you aee a premier member.

If (NOT premier)
  popup_time = regread("popup_time")
  If popup_time <> invalid
    If (unixtime - popup_time.toInt()) > 1209600 ' 2 weeks
      ' do nothing isnt 2 weeks since last popup
    End if
    ' must be first time this app has run
  End if
  ' premier member do nothing
End if

The above is roku flavored pseudocode of how this would work.

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No, you shouldn't see that if you are Premiere already.  So, my best guess is that some sort of network interruption made it impossible to check if you were Premiere.


If it happens again, send a log from the app right after it.  Thanks.

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There was no network interruption, my server was online and had access to the internet, when I logged into the server it showed my premiere key fine.




No, you shouldn't see that if you are Premiere already.  So, my best guess is that some sort of network interruption made it impossible to check if you were Premiere.


If it happens again, send a log from the app right after it.  Thanks.

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There was no network interruption, my server was online and had access to the internet, when I logged into the server it showed my premiere key fine.


There is really no way for you to know what may or may not have happened at the exact moment the app tried to check.  That's why I requested you send an app log if it happens again so I can confirm if it was something like that or some other situation or bug.

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I was goofing in the new app and saw that pop up also.

I chuckeled a little bit,

I see no harm in the pop up for us non Premiere users.

That is just my opinion


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@@ebr Even if there was a network interruption at that exact moment I don't think the app should display a message like that.  


Should it not try again to check for premiere?  Perhaps if it fails to connect after say 4 hours then display the message, but certainly not after just 1 attempt.

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@@ebr Even if there was a network interruption at that exact moment I don't think the app should display a message like that.  


Should it not try again to check for premiere?  Perhaps if it fails to connect after say 4 hours then display the message, but certainly not after just 1 attempt.


At this point, we are just guessing at what actually happened.  If we can get a log of it happening, then we can make a more informed decision.  I personally have never seen this happen (with probably 1,000s of app starts through development and testing) so, whatever it was, I'm guessing it is pretty rare.

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Sounds like the app is not trusting the server. The server has an API call you make directly to the server(not to the internet) to see if the server is running with premier benefits. But, this as we all know, can be cracked, because that part is open source. The server can be cracked to lie. Assuming bad actors may use the roku app for these stolen benefits of using liveTV, one can deduce something. The roku app isnt listening to the server, whether it thinks there is premier or not, and the app is making an http call directly to emby premier servers to check. If the app smells bad actors you will see a popup (same as non premier users see), regardless of what your cracked server thinks. Is this what is happening? If so, understandable. A few bad actors make it so we cannot have nice things. Poor kodi.


Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk

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