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I recently bought a pretty nice Android TV mini-computer. I did so with the intention of running Emby Server on it.  I want to build the server here, then I plan on relocating it to a different location once it is completed and functional, along with the USB hard drives that will contain the movie files.. I am struggling to figure out how to do that...


I searched the Google Playstore for "Emby Server for Android TV". It showed an app called "Emby for Android TV". I assumed it was exactly what I wanted, so I downloaded and installed the app on my new box. It installed fine, but doesn't appear to be the Emby Server, but rather an Emby client that looks for an Emby Server to connect to.


Is there an actual Emby Server for Android TV application out there somewhere?  I cannot find it anywhere.


I also have a large Windows 10 box running Emby Server. This is my main Media PC for our home.  We have 3 TV's, each with their own Kodi box accessing the Emby movie library. The actual movies are located on a NAS.  I only mention this primary Emby Server because I don't want its existence to hinder the building out of the new Emby server that I'm trying to establish.


Thank you for any help or guidance you can provide me...

Posted (edited)

There is no Emby server build for Android but if your device support LibreELEC there is a Emby server add-on available for that. What device do you have?

Edited by Jdiesel
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It's a Vorke Z1. Has an Amlogic S912 octa-core processor, 3GB RAM, and is running Android 6.0.


Does anyone know if there are plans to create a build of Emby Server to run on Android TV?  It would be extremely convenient to be able to run Emby Server and Kodi on the same box.

Posted (edited)

You may wish to start here




S912 is very new and may not be well supported. S905 support is generally much much better. There should be a Emby server add-on once you get LibreELEC running.

Edited by Jdiesel
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Apart from the technical challenge, I just cannot understand the reasons to try and shoehorn emby server on to these under powered boxes.  The point of emby IMHO is to provide a central media server that has the POWER to transcode a diverse set of media to multiple clients, both locally and remotely, simultaneously.


So educate me.  What is the point?


For my server,  I want the biggest, badest, multicore (more cores the better) fastest server my budget can afford.





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Thanks for the responses. I don't disagree with you, maegibbons. A bigger badder system is far better. As I mentioned in my first post above, that is exactly what I have here in my home to run emby server.  It is Windows-based, powerful, fast, and reliable. I use the smaller, cheaper android boxes here at home for running kodi at each tv.


The new box I'm trying to build out is for a remote cabin location. No internet access, so I have to do everything here, then move it there. The cabin is visited by many family members and friends, and I want to have the simplest setup possible. My hope was to have a single android-based kdoi box at each tv there, but also have emby server running on the main android kodi box. This was to eliminate the need for a dedicated box to run emby server.  This "main" android box is what I'm now trying to configure and build. It is a pretty powerful little box - it has the new Amlogic S912 octacore processor, and 3GB RAM. The other kodi boxes there at the cabin will be cheaper, less powerful boxes running nothing but kodi. Nearly everyone who will visit there knows how to run kodi to watch movies, but none of them know emby server - at all. I'm not expert enough to know if this arrangement makes the most sense, but it my best effort to build something as simple and cost-effective as possible for a remote environment where there will usually be no one available to administer a Windows-based emby server.


I know nothing about LibreELEC. Is it essentially another O.S.? Would LibreELEC replace Android on this box or would it create a dual-boot situation? If it is something that runs under android, I'm confused as to what that would look like from a user's perspective...Would I boot the box under android, then somehow run LibreELEC, then launch emby server???


I know nothing about LibreELEC. Is it essentially another O.S.? Would LibreELEC replace Android on this box or would it create a dual-boot situation? If it is something that runs under android, I'm confused as to what that would look like from a user's perspective...Would I boot the box under android, then somehow run LibreELEC, then launch emby server???

LibreELEC is a stripped down version of Linux that boots directly into Kodi, so yes, it would replace Android on the box.  From a user's perspective it would simply be another Kodi install, but with an Emby server running in the background.  See here for more info:  https://wiki.libreelec.tv/index.php?title=Main_Page

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Here is the link for the Amlogic S912 boxes for the LibreELEC OS.  You will install this LibreELEC OS onto a fast microSD card using Rufus.  You will not affect in anyway your existing Android OS, when you wish to use Android, just boot into Android from the power screen in LibreELEC.  Once you install it, you will see how easy it is to use.



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