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IPTV Sellers using EMBY now?


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There are a lot of these out there, as emby gets better people will migrate to use emby instead of all the other platforms.  Those of you who know my setup know I totally have the capability to do this... But I would never SELL content I'm not licensed to, but I still enjoy the hobby of making my "server" as robust as possible...  


You are not going to stop it...  and if you do you will kill off emby.     I suggest you handle it by having a commercial license. If you want to add any more than 10 or 15 users...  you buy commercial emby-50 for $1500 (50 users) or commercial emby-100 for $3k (100 users).   Other than a user limit I wouldn't try to limit emby's usage.  


Think of emby as a regular webserver, I can put whatever I choose on that web server, I am accountable for what I put on that server.  Lots of hacker sites are ran on Apache but Apache doesn't get a bad rap.   This is what happens to media servers...  All of them that work well and are popular usually hit a peak and either die off or deal with the bad guys.


---- Angry rock throwers begin posts below ----

Edited by pir8radio
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Then allow better customizations of Emby so they can use their own logos. It's a catch 22, you want your Cake and eat it too, sure you want the Emby name out there but you just want it out there if it meets your criteria. That's why you make it hard to totally rebrand Emby. Allow it. People don't know they are using Emby then Emby doesn't get a bad rap. Or make it cost prohibitive for them, go with my user plan. The bad guys are looking for a cheap platform, which you are providing. If plex is cheaper they will move over there.

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Then allow better customizations of Emby so they can use their own logos. It's a catch 22, you want your Cake and eat it too, sure you want the Emby name out there but you just want it out there if it meets your criteria. That's why you make it hard to totally rebrand Emby. Allow it. People don't know they are using Emby then Emby doesn't get a bad rap. Or make it cost prohibitive for them, go with my user plan. The bad guys are looking for a cheap platform, which you are providing. If plex is cheaper they will move over there.


No, I'm not talking about in our apps.  I mean on their actual web sites and support platforms (see above) where it looks like they are us.

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Oh yea, I did see that... But I think its due to Emby connect and the fact that they HAVE to have the Emby logo and name present.. Emby connect easy to use they don't have to develop it.. If they cant change the branding from Emby they will adapt themselves to look like the actual provider (YOU). I am somewhat familiar with this line of thinking from a past life.


You have a few options for that as well, ban bad guys servers from Emby connect which requires human intervention on your part. You probably don't have the resources for this. Or ban servers that have more than 30 users from using Emby connect. (Easy to do) on top of allowing better branding. IF given the option to use their own logos they will.


Or do all of the above, commercial license based on users count, commercial licenses are not allowed to use Emby connect. Ban servers with more than 30 users from using Emby connect, and allow better branding.

Edited by pir8radio
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Or just go after those IPTV resellers that use the Emby logo on their web pages and Face Book  and leave it at that ... I mean I could list a dozen resellers that use the app but would have to plead the fifth on this one ....

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Thanks guys - I think we can deal with this from here.


Each of these sites is responsible for their own content licensing so, as long as they don't try to represent themselves as Emby, and they contact us about commercial usage, we can handle it.

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