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[FR or Bug?] Incomplete german ratings

Emby Tower

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Emby Tower



today I had some thoughts about our german ratings system and then I saw that two additional steps are missing in Emby Server!


Here in Germany we have to ratings above FSK-18: SPIO-JK and "on the Index".


Sometimes it happens that a movie or TV show doesn't get any kind of FSK in its uncutted version. Examples are Season 1 and "Gods of Arena" from the Spartacus show or until some weeks ago the John Woo movie "Hard Target". Then a special board of lawyers, called SPIO-JK, checks the content and says if there is no big danger for the youth. After this certification a salesman can trade with it "under the table" and it isn't allowed to present it in the shop officially.

This is one step above FSK-18!


One step above SPIO-JK is if the movie or the TV show is on the index of the authority for youth protection. Then it isn't allowed to make any kind to trade with it but it is still allowed to own it.


So it would be nice to have these two additional steps in the Emby Server.


"SPIO-JK" above "FSK-18"

"Index" above "SPIO-JK"


It's just a thought! ;)

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