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Video playback stalls in web inferface, running server off Raspberry Pi 3


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Hi guys. New to this, so I'm probably missing something obvious, but using the browser interface (Chrome/Safari, fully updated) on 2 PCs (Windows 10) and 2 iPads (not at the same time) gets the same results: click on a video, it "thinks" for a bit, then the thinking stops and nothing happens.


Running the server (fully updated today - wasn't working before either) on a Raspberry Pi 3 with a 4TB USB drive attached (where the videos are) and a 16GB SD card. Also running Kodi from there, which functions perfectly, wired and wirelessly (with the Emby Add-On installed, though I doubt that's relevant).


Here's a log and two transcode logs generated from attempting to play a single video (mp4).






Any insight would be much appreciated.


Thanks a lot.

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Hi @@slips111, it is unable to start your ffmpeg. It is either not the right path or is not marked as executable, which is preventing emby server from running it. 

/usr/local/share/man/man1/ffmpeg.1 -fflags +genpts -i file:"/media/Videos/Movies/E.T. The Extra Terrestrial (1982) HD/E.T. The Extra Terrestrial (1982) HD.mp4" -map_metadata -1 -map_chapters -1 -threads 0 -sn -codec:v:0 libx264 -pix_fmt yuv420p -preset veryfast -crf 23 -tune zerolatency -maxrate 96290412 -bufsize 192580824 -vsync -1 -profile:v high -level 4.1 -force_key_frames "expr:gte(t,n_forced*3)" -flags -global_header -fflags +genpts -sc_threshold 0 -codec:a:0 aac -strict experimental -ac 6 -ab 192000 -af "adelay=1,aresample=async=1" -hls_time 3 -start_number 0 -hls_list_size 0 -hls_base_url "hls/639b83f4a441dbceea777078d6db03cb/" -y "/opt/mediabrowser.old/ProgramData-Server/transcoding-temp/639b83f4a441dbceea777078d6db03cb.m3u8"

What Emby server installation package did you use?

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Thanks for your quick response. I used this guy's install package (and updated with it today):




(Using these steps:

chmod +x ./install-emby.sh
Would be grateful if you could point me in the right direction.
Thanks again.
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Thanks. Just to be clear on a list of steps before I start (I’m running OSMC on the RPi3):


1. uninstall server by running uninstall.exe (which I can’t find in the MediaServer folder)


2. Open a command prompt on the RPi3 and type this:

curl -sSL https://get.docker.com/ | sh

docker run -it --rm \

  --volume /usr/local/bin:/target \

  emby/embyserver:armv7 instl



3. Type this:


And (obviously something missing there)??


Apologies for inflicting such newbiness on you, but I’m much appreciative.

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Hi, this is Linux, there is no uninstall.exe, since that's for Windows.


Since you installed someone else's install package, you will need to consult their uninstall instructions.


Then you can see our instructions here:




Does that help? Thanks !

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