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Looking for Uncle Johns Band. I apologize for the newbie interruption. I am switching from Comcast cable to WMC to NextPVR with Fire TV extenders at the TVs on a GB network. Everything is up and Kodi works OK but Mama dislikes the user interface, and channel switching is very slow. Next, I installed Newa. It works great from a Windows PC but not from FireTV with a browser (can't find a good FireTV browser). Needs a keyboard and mouse to operate. VLC and HDHomerun APKs work well except for changing channels/guide. Now I am trying Emby as the user interface. Seems to work fair, except for installation issues (learning curve). Could someone make a Fire TV browser for NEWA only that runs from a Fire TV remote ( tab around screen from left/right/up/down inputs) ? I think that would be simple and straight forward. You could require VLC to simplify the browser.

Also, can anyone give me any recommendations for a final solution? I also have 2 HDHomerun tuners, one for cable and 1 for antenna - works great with NextPVR.

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I would like to but I can't get it to record anything. I need to test out the series naming conventions, file locations, and ad skipping.

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