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Posted (edited)



thanks first for the great application and addon! The best I could imagine, espeacially that everything is automatic. That's very useful!


But it doesn't seem to find sometimes, all meta-data for some collections. The addon have found about 25 collections (probably at "themoviedb.org") and couldn't find for 14 any poster or any backdrop, allthough there are some posted at the moviedb.



And it also doesn't seem to matter, for which language the backdrop or the poster is linked to, because in my Iron-Man-collection, i had a different sellection of art at "edit/images" than at the moviedb. I tried to delete the created boxset-files and watch, if the addon recognize it differently afterwards, but it didn't.


What could it be? Thank you

Edited by Foo

All of the metadata retrieval is actually handled by the server.  Edit the collection item and compare the tmdb id to what you found on their website.  They recently have changed a bunch of these IDs and it may be pointing to the wrong place.

Posted (edited)

ebr, is there a low-resolution limit or anything similar that might stop boxset images from being downloaded?  I am seeing the same thing happening that Foo is reporting.  An example is the Grumpy Old Men collection (TMDB id = 119050).  I've confirmed the ID is correct, clicking on the arrow button next to the TMDB id in the metadata editor takes me to the correct page at TMDB, and there is a poster for the collection there.  The poster is not being downloaded and is not available when I choose "Browse online images".


Edit:  This is the TMDB link  http://www.themoviedb.org/collection/119050

Edited by bigjohn322

Yes, the server does have a setting for minimum resolution for images and, I believe, it is set fairly high by default.


there is no limit in online image browser but language settings are enforced


No, I take that back.  The setting is only for backdrops.


Refresh one of the collections in the editor and post the server log.


there is no limit in online image browser but language settings are enforced


OK, I wondered about that too, because there is some non-English text on the collection poster for this example collection.




Refresh one of the collections in the editor and post the server log.


OK, I've attached my server log, minus a crapload of tv program image requests.


grumpy old men colleciton only has one poster on the tmdb and it's hungarian, so unless that's your configured language, you're not going to get it


Well then, there is my answer.  So, would it be feasible to allow any/all languages when using the Browse Online Images interface so I could settle for something in another language for lack of anything better?


not until i have time to actually make it a real toggle controllable from the browser because otherwise for other titles the number of images would just be out of control


Yeah, I can definitely see that.  Maybe give priority to those that are in the language of choice?


What about images where no language is set?  Are those treated the same as if they were in a different language?

example: The Gruffalo Collection  http://www.themoviedb.org/collection/129748

Is that image excluded because it has no associated language?


no those should be included but i'll have to check to see if there's an issue there with collections


Could be coincidence, but all my collections that don't have poster images either have no image on TMDB or an image with no language specified.

Posted (edited)

Doesn't explain a thing with the topic, because there are no images loaded in a lot of collections of me (and you also can't have the full selection of images for your language, if there are images)


for example: 





Edited by Foo
Posted (edited)

Refresh one of the collections in the editor and post the server log.


How could you refresh a single collection? The server log is also always very active, so it's a little hard to filter what depends on the topic

Edited by Foo

How could you refresh a single collection? 




That's not a response to the main question of the topic, why some collections get images and some not. That's an instruction for dummys.


I would say that's a response to your question about how do you refresh a single collection...

Posted (edited)

I would say that's a response to your question about how do you refresh a single collection...


But it was not the question. Do you have a simular problem in your collection list? Your experiences would be senseful...


The log is:

2014-01-23 10:49:59.9640 Debug - HttpServer: HTTP Response 200 to [::1]:49348. Response time: 2301,1316 ms
Headers: X-UA-Compatible=IE=Edge,Vary=Accept-Encoding,X-Powered-By=ServiceStack/4,001 Win32NT/.NET,Access-Control-Allow-Origin=*,Access-Control-Allow-Methods=GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, OPTIONS,Access-Control-Allow-Headers=Content-Type, Authorization,Content-Type=application/json,Content-Encoding=deflate,Transfer-Encoding=chunked
Ip: [::1]:49348. Headers: Origin=http://localhost:8096,Connection=keep-alive,Content-Length=0,Accept=*/*,Accept-Encoding=gzip,deflate,sdch,Accept-Language=de-DE,de;q=0.8,en-US;q=0.6,en;q=0.4,Authorization=MediaBrowser Client="Dashboard", Device="Chrome 31.0.1650.63", DeviceId="7fc6ab4ecf58d96d7c5ff72f6c5a8c4445841bc0", Version="3.0.5135.31685", UserId="1ad275c286f9182ffcf6a4959c57060e",Host=localhost:8096,Referer=http://localhost:8096/mediabrowser/dashboard/edititemmetadata.html?id=b55964df483a48d4d3e4008fc434ce18,User-Agent=Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/31.0.1650.63 Safari/537.36 OPR/18.0.1284.68
2014-01-23 10:51:53.9315 Debug - ProviderManager: Running ImageFromMediaLocationProvider for \\NEMO\Videos\Filme\Box Sets\MB Auto Set [boxset][tmdbid=103001]
2014-01-23 10:51:53.9315 Debug - ProviderManager: Running FolderProviderFromXml for \\NEMO\Videos\Filme\Box Sets\MB Auto Set [boxset][tmdbid=103001]
2014-01-23 10:51:53.9315 Debug - ProviderManager: Running BoxSetProviderFromXml for \\NEMO\Videos\Filme\Box Sets\MB Auto Set [boxset][tmdbid=103001]
2014-01-23 10:51:53.9315 Debug - ProviderManager: Running MovieDbProvider for \\NEMO\Videos\Filme\Box Sets\MB Auto Set [boxset][tmdbid=103001]
2014-01-23 10:51:53.9315 Debug - ProviderManager: Running MovieDbImagesProvider for \\NEMO\Videos\Filme\Box Sets\MB Auto Set [boxset][tmdbid=103001]
2014-01-23 10:51:53.9315 Debug - ProviderManager: Running FanArtMovieProvider for \\NEMO\Videos\Filme\Box Sets\MB Auto Set [boxset][tmdbid=103001]
2014-01-23 10:51:53.9315 Debug - BaseItem: Found shortcut at \\NEMO\Videos\Filme\Box Sets\MB Auto Set [boxset][tmdbid=103001]\Fantomas (1964) - Shortcut.mblink
2014-01-23 10:51:53.9315 Debug - BaseItem: Found shortcut at \\NEMO\Videos\Filme\Box Sets\MB Auto Set [boxset][tmdbid=103001]\Fantomas bedroht die Welt (1967) - Shortcut.mblink
2014-01-23 10:51:53.9515 Debug - BaseItem: Found shortcut at \\NEMO\Videos\Filme\Box Sets\MB Auto Set [boxset][tmdbid=103001]\Fantomas gegen Interpol (1965) - Shortcut.mblink
2014-01-23 10:51:53.9625 Debug - HttpServer: HTTP Response 204 to [::1]:49348. Response time: 39,0022 ms
Headers: X-UA-Compatible=IE=Edge,X-Powered-By=ServiceStack/4,001 Win32NT/.NET,Access-Control-Allow-Origin=*,Access-Control-Allow-Methods=GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, OPTIONS,Access-Control-Allow-Headers=Content-Type, Authorization,Content-Length=0
Ip: [::1]:49348. Headers: Connection=keep-alive,Accept=application/json, text/javascript, */*; q=0.01,Accept-Encoding=gzip,deflate,sdch,Accept-Language=de-DE,de;q=0.8,en-US;q=0.6,en;q=0.4,Authorization=MediaBrowser Client="Dashboard", Device="Chrome 31.0.1650.63", DeviceId="7fc6ab4ecf58d96d7c5ff72f6c5a8c4445841bc0", Version="3.0.5135.31685", UserId="1ad275c286f9182ffcf6a4959c57060e",Host=localhost:8096,Referer=http://localhost:8096/mediabrowser/dashboard/edititemmetadata.html?id=b55964df483a48d4d3e4008fc434ce18,User-Agent=Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/31.0.1650.63 Safari/537.36 OPR/18.0.1284.68
2014-01-23 10:51:54.0145 Debug - HttpServer: HTTP Response 200 to [::1]:49348. Response time: 4,0002 ms
Headers: X-UA-Compatible=IE=Edge,Vary=Accept-Encoding,X-Powered-By=ServiceStack/4,001 Win32NT/.NET,Access-Control-Allow-Origin=*,Access-Control-Allow-Methods=GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, OPTIONS,Access-Control-Allow-Headers=Content-Type, Authorization,Content-Type=application/json,Content-Encoding=deflate,Transfer-Encoding=chunked
2014-01-23 10:51:54.0655 Debug - HttpServer: HTTP GET http://localhost:8096/mediabrowser/Localization/ParentalRatings
Ip: [::1]:49348. Headers: Connection=keep-alive,Accept=application/json, text/javascript, */*; q=0.01,Accept-Encoding=gzip,deflate,sdch,Accept-Language=de-DE,de;q=0.8,en-US;q=0.6,en;q=0.4,Authorization=MediaBrowser Client="Dashboard", Device="Chrome 31.0.1650.63", DeviceId="7fc6ab4ecf58d96d7c5ff72f6c5a8c4445841bc0", Version="3.0.5135.31685", UserId="1ad275c286f9182ffcf6a4959c57060e",Host=localhost:8096,Referer=http://localhost:8096/mediabrowser/dashboard/edititemmetadata.html?id=b55964df483a48d4d3e4008fc434ce18,User-Agent=Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/31.0.1650.63 Safari/537.36 OPR/18.0.1284.68
2014-01-23 10:51:54.0655 Debug - HttpServer: HTTP Response 200 to [::1]:49348. Response time: 1 ms
Headers: X-UA-Compatible=IE=Edge,Vary=Accept-Encoding,X-Powered-By=ServiceStack/4,001 Win32NT/.NET,Access-Control-Allow-Origin=*,Access-Control-Allow-Methods=GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, OPTIONS,Access-Control-Allow-Headers=Content-Type, Authorization,Content-Type=application/json,Content-Encoding=deflate,Transfer-Encoding=chunked
By the way: it seems, that the internal database doesn't delete entries of moved or deleted items properly, for example:
2014-01-23 10:46:49.2261 Warn - BaseItem: Unable to find linked item at D:\Videos\Dokumentation\Natur\Begegnungen am Ende der Welt.avi
2014-01-23 10:46:49.2461 Warn - BaseItem: Unable to find linked item at D:\Videos\Dokumentation\Antike und Archäologie\Das Christentum 9 - Neue Welten.mp4
2014-01-23 10:46:49.2661 Warn - BaseItem: Unable to find linked item at D:\Videos\Dokumentation\Antike und Archäologie\Die Höhle der vergessenen Träume cd1.flv
2014-01-23 10:46:49.2861 Warn - BaseItem: Unable to find linked item at D:\Videos\Dokumentation\Antike und Archäologie\Die Höhle der vergessenen Träume cd2.flv
2014-01-23 10:46:49.3161 Warn - BaseItem: Unable to find linked item at D:\Videos\Dokumentation\Biographien\Gesualdo - Death for Five Voices.mp4
2014-01-23 10:46:49.3361 Warn - BaseItem: Unable to find linked item at D:\Videos\Dokumentation\Biographien\Gesualdo - Death for Five Voices.mp4
2014-01-23 10:46:49.3551 Warn - BaseItem: Unable to find linked item at D:\Videos\Dokumentation\Stadt- und Landleben\Grizzly Man.mp4
2014-01-23 10:46:49.3761 Warn - BaseItem: Unable to find linked item at D:\Videos\Dokumentation\Krieg\Little Dieter Need to Fly.flv
2014-01-23 10:46:49.3951 Warn - BaseItem: Unable to find linked item at D:\Videos\Dokumentation\Kunst und Film\Location Africa.mkv
2014-01-23 10:46:49.4161 Warn - BaseItem: Unable to find linked item at D:\Videos\Dokumentation\Biographien\Mein liebster Feind.avi
2014-01-23 10:46:49.4381 Warn - BaseItem: Unable to find linked item at D:\Videos\Dokumentation\Mockumentary\Zwischenfall am Loch Ness.avi
2014-01-23 10:46:49.5261 Warn - BaseItem: Unable to find linked item at D:\Videos\Dokumentation\Kunst und Film\Die Macht der Bilder 1v2 (Leni Riefenstahl).avi
2014-01-23 10:46:49.5461 Warn - BaseItem: Unable to find linked item at D:\Videos\Dokumentation\Kunst und Film\Die Macht der Bilder 2v2 (Leni Riefenstahl).avi
2014-01-23 10:46:49.5661 Warn - BaseItem: Unable to find linked item at D:\Videos\Filme\Krimi\Rififi.avi
2014-01-23 10:46:49.5891 Warn - BaseItem: Unable to find linked item at D:\Videos\Filme\Kriegsfilm\Fünf Patronenhülsen.avi
2014-01-23 10:46:49.6091 Warn - BaseItem: Unable to find linked item at D:\Videos\Filme\Film Noir\Casablanca.avi
2014-01-23 10:46:49.6291 Warn - BaseItem: Unable to find linked item at D:\Videos\Filme\Humphrey Bogart\Die Caine war ihr Schicksal.avi
2014-01-23 10:46:49.6491 Warn - BaseItem: Unable to find linked item at D:\Videos\Filme\New new Hollywood\Leaving Las Vegas.avi
2014-01-23 10:46:49.6691 Warn - BaseItem: Unable to find linked item at D:\Videos\Filme\BRD\Aus einem deutschen Leben.avi
2014-01-23 10:46:49.6891 Warn - BaseItem: Unable to find linked item at D:\Videos\Filme\BRD\Die Grünstein-Variante (1985).avi
2014-01-23 10:46:49.7101 Warn - BaseItem: Unable to find linked item at D:\Videos\Filme\Literaturverfilmung\Mephisto.avi
2014-01-23 10:46:49.7301 Warn - BaseItem: Unable to find linked item at D:\Videos\Filme\Louis de Funès\Fisch oder Fleisch.flv
2014-01-23 10:46:49.7501 Warn - BaseItem: Unable to find linked item at D:\Videos\Filme\Komödie\Monsieur Ibrahim und die Blumen des Koran.avi
2014-01-23 10:46:49.7701 Warn - BaseItem: Unable to find linked item at D:\Videos\Filme\Actionfilm\Public Enemy No. 1 - Mordinstinkt.avi
2014-01-23 10:46:49.7901 Warn - BaseItem: Unable to find linked item at D:\Videos\Filme\Actionfilm\Public Enemy No. 1 - Todestrieb.avi
2014-01-23 10:46:49.8101 Warn - BaseItem: Unable to find linked item at D:\Videos\Filme\Krimi\Rififi.avi
2014-01-23 10:46:49.8341 Warn - BaseItem: Unable to find linked item at D:\Videos\Filme\Komödie\Willkommen bei den Sch'tis.avi
2014-01-23 10:46:49.8541 Warn - BaseItem: Unable to find linked item at D:\Videos\Filme\Vampir-, Zombie- und Gruselfilm\Tanz der Vampire.avi
2014-01-23 10:46:49.8741 Warn - BaseItem: Unable to find linked item at D:\Videos\Filme\Historienfilm in und um England\Tess.avi
2014-01-23 10:46:49.8941 Warn - BaseItem: Unable to find linked item at D:\Videos\Filme\Nazifilm\Agenten sterben einsam.avi
2014-01-23 10:46:49.9141 Warn - BaseItem: Unable to find linked item at D:\Videos\Filme\Alfred Hitchcock\Topas.avi
2014-01-23 10:46:49.9351 Warn - BaseItem: Unable to find linked item at D:\Videos\Filme\Tim Burton\Sleepy Hollow.avi
Edited by Foo
Posted (edited)


But it was not the question. Do you have a simular problem in your collection list? Your experiences would be senseful...

It was not your original question, but it was a perfectly valid response to your other question about refreshing individual collections...However, back OT - yes, I do have a similar experience with the auto boxsets. I did have all my bosxets in dedicated folders with the films (not the shortcuts) inside. After the auto boxsets plugin was released, I moved all my films out of boxset folders and now I have more boxsets than previously as it has picked up on some I didn't realise were part of sets. I am in the process of comparing what I had with what I now have and seeing what the differences are. In some instances, there have been no images downloaded but I have not yet figured out if that is my system or the plugin or TVDB etc I have about 6 that all state MB Auto Set (I think) and I am trying to determine why these have not been named etc properly...

Edited by aspdend

 I have about 6 that all state MB Auto Set (I think) and I am trying to determine why these have not been named etc properly...


See the troubleshooting section of the plug-in description page.  More than likely some of your movies have defunct collection IDs defined.


Foo - WWW was answering a specific question you asked with a very specific answer which, I assume helped you since you then did refresh the item.  


For future reference, you can attach the entire log file to a message instead of trying to paste in what you think is relevant.


However, I see no errors getting images so it must either be an issue with configuration surrounding the language issues Luke mentioned, or it is a problem in the server fetching for collections/box sets.


See the troubleshooting section of the plug-in description page.  More than likely some of your movies have defunct collection IDs defined.

I managed to have a quick look last night and managed to manually adjust a couple of the collections. They were Grindhouse and I forget the other now. They both had invalid TMDB ID's - if you follow the link under the collection to TMDB in the web browser, it leads to a 404 not found page on TMDB. I searched for the collections manually, took the TMDB ID from the web page, inserted it manually into the metadata editor and then navigated to where my boxsets are stored and changed the ID in the folder name to match. Both work fine now, metadata was found and images downloaded etc. I have about 12 left to check. I have noticed that the first of these is "Inglourious Basterds"  - not sure why this is flagged as a 'collection'. (I do have Auto Box Sets set to produce collections if I have only 1 film in the set as I like to see what films I am missing)

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