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Bug: Real Time Monitoring


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Version 3.0.8500


Real time monitoring seems to be broken again for me. Just updated today to 3.0.8500.


I checked the settings in Library>Manage Folders and they look good to me (see Screenshot).


Manual refresh via Metadata Manager works.


Log attached


Did I miss something?


Thanks for reading and any help!







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It's not broken, rather there is an issue in your environment preventing it from working.

2016-11-04 14:42:48.3919 Error LibraryMonitor: Error in Directory watcher for: \\DELTA-VEGA\Films\The Divergent Collection
	Insufficient system resources exist to complete the requested service

This error is coming from the Windows operating system. Perhaps try rebooting your machine.

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I appreciate the help Luke.  Great minds thinks alike Luke.


Thought of that after I made the post. No difference.


Any other thoughts?


Edit: latest log


Edited by kanipek
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Well heck. I really didn't think this was a problem with my system. Turns out it is not. Did a fresh install of Emby(saved the original) and added a small number of library folders. Seem fine and I am not getting any Library monitor errors.


So I would rather not have to do an entire database rebuild and set everything up again. Anyone have any suggestions?

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It is definitely system-related, sorry. It could be related to the number of file system watchers that are opened, that it's possible. What's really happening here is that the two setups are not identical and that is leading you to believe it is an Emby problem.


Anyway, I would just keep it simple and add your libraries back manually.

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System watchers? I don't understand what you mean by that.


The number of users watching? If so that is currently zero. If not then can you clarify that for me?


Thanks for the info though more is always better.


I am still not convinced that this is system related. I have not changed MUCH regarding the library - I had started switching over from the old collections.xml setup to the new way of doing it.


I have 21 folders in TV library that has not changed at all - Structured MediaStorage\TV Shows\"Network Name"\"Show Name" (So Servername\\TV Shows\ABC\ being the folder added)


I have 126 movie folders organized by genre MediaStorage\Films\"Genre"\"MovieName (year)" (So ServerName\Films\Comedy\ being the folder added) <- This is what has changed recently as under the old method of collection.xml each genre folder had a collection file inside it. I added just the ServerName\\Films share and it worked pretty well but Emby would come up with some off the wall naming for the collections using this method.


So I decided to switch over to the new way started adding each genre folder individually (so...\\..\Action - and so on) to the library and then added/created collections via the web UI - only got up 66 folders before I noticed this issue.


That is rather a long description but I wanted to ask could this have caused the problem in some way?


As far as I can tell my library structure is in the "supported" way of doing things - maybe not conventional but still supported.




I am not dismissing your thoughts on it being system related - am in the process of doing a rebuild of the OS on a new drive as I type, But I just have a feeling that won't solve the issue when all is said, done, configured and setup. My system logs are completely clean except for an occasional service taking to long to start (I am pretty anal about monitoring them and fixing things when I see something crop up). And I would expect some indications in the logs of problems (cryptic as they usually are) and I find none.


I will be keeping this original drive around to try and figure out the mystery.


I appreciate your help, thoughts and advice - and I know you have more than just one or two things and users to occupy your time. Know that your and everyone's help is appreciated!

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System watchers meaning file system watchers created by the real-time library monitor. In other words we're opening these watchers with Windows and it is Windows that is raising those errors.

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Got it.


I have real time monitoring unchecked (always have) on the movie library under manage folders and am still seeing  these:


2016-11-06 16:47:12.2830 Info LibraryMonitor: Watching directory \\DELTA-VEGA\Films\A Nightmare on Elm Street Collection


Being generated. is that normal? If not can I change something to prevent it? I prefer to use MCM for generating metadata for films so leaving real time monitoring and actually all the settings for the film library unchecked.


My continued thanks!

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I will do that.


So would you agree that the way I am setup library wise is unconventional but supported?


Should I set up the film libraries in Emby Differently?


I have one movie library setup with the folders for the various genres under it, Set them all up as individual libraries?


Thanks again Luke!

Edited by kanipek
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You shouldn't have any issues with your libraries and your structure as you noted about.


But why would library monitor be seeing a collection folder as a library?  "Watching directory \\DELTA-VEGA\Films\A Nightmare on Elm Street Collection"


It should be Watching "Films" not "A Nightmare on Elm Street Collection".

Edited by Happy2Play
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Well I think you should setup your libraries the way that you want to see them, so that depends on whether or not you want one top level folder for all your movies, or whether or not you want a separate one for each genre. 


Ultimately this won't affect the library monitor because that is based on the actual folder paths and not on the virtual structures that you create within Emby. So in other words these are two separate things that don't need to impact each other.

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Thanks to all!


@@Happy2Play That is actually how I have named the folders in my library - Added "collection" to each one to sort of help keep things straight in my addled mind. The two are the same now between Emby and Windows. That is why I think we are seeing that.

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So do you have a library pointing to "\Films" and libraries setup to other subfolders?

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When I initially set Emby up - In Emby I set up just \Films and at that time I had been using Media Center Master for metadata for everything and I added the collection.xml to each genre folder. So When I setup Emby it picked up those genre folders as collections which was perfect for me couple of odd names that Emby identified them as but easily fixed.


I am a Kodi user so I have been having issues with getting the Movie Sets (collections) in Kodi to update I guess it is a known problem, anyways I always understood that the structure I was using was not supported (\Films\genre\moviename) so I thought I would switch over to the new method - creating the collections within Emby. A little work well not so little really, so I did. I removed the \Films "root" folder I had initially setup and added each genre folder individually in the Emby movie Library - so ServerName\\Films\Comedy - ServerName\\Films\Action and so on. Then I built the collections in Emby. I got up to 66 collections and then I noticed this issue crop up not sure exactly when it started, I edit and add recordings daily so it would have started around 66 minus a few possibly. I was adding 5-10 collections a day after starting.


I am not sure what the "cause" of it is. Luke is thinking it is system related and I am sort of leaning in that direction now as well - Not in there is something wrong with my system (Win7Pro x64) but I know there is a limit on the number of connections allowed - which is the part I don't get totally - Once upon a time I was much better versed in the inner workings of Windows - not so much anymore.


One thing I don't understand is - is that connection limit what is causing this problem? There are a total of 4 clients including this one that are accessing Emby/Kodi but the number of connections...? I know the limit is 20 concurrent connection on Win7Pro. I could see each of the clients having multiple collections.


Another thing I don't understand is why is the problem only occurring now? After I made the switch to the new method? or are those unrelated and coincidental?


Anyways I am open to any and all help, advice, suggestions and the like.


I always say Thanks to all you guys!  You are appreciated.


If I can't do this via the new method I am good with that. I haven't switched back to the older method yet, perhaps I should to see what happens! But whatever I end up doing THANKS TO ALL - plus I got a really cool SSD to load up - there is always a bright side.

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Well I'm only talking about the inability of the realtime monitor to report file system change events. That looks to be a system-related issue. That should only prevent the ability to add new content and have it discovered without a library scan. Everything else is unrelated and deserves a separate topic.

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So in case any one else runs into this issue.


I tried many things. Nothing seemed to work. Then I found an obscure reference to "Insufficient system resources exist to complete the requested service" referencing Exchange Server. So I decided to give it a try.


So I started the disk defragmenter and I saw some odd behavior. The scheduler stated it would run every Sunday at 7am. Current status said it had never run. This installation is coming up on 2 years old. Something was

wrong. So I clicked on analyze and as soon as I did this these errors disappeared. Took hours to analyze the disk and the result was 13% fragmented. So I ran it overnight and so far the LibraryMonitor errors I was seeing have not recurred.


So Luke was absolutely correct in post 4 regarding it being disk/memory related. Great call! I of course was not seeing any indication in the windows logs of any problem at all and I was skeptical.


So if you see this error give defrag a try.


I still got a really cool solid state drive out of this experience so I am happy!!

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