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Server - Possible bug in IP Binding


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Hello Again.


When trying to use the BIND TO IP feature I'm having trouble connecting to it via external networks.


- Internal connections seem fine.

- If I disable the bind, both internal ad external work fine.



The message that appears in browser is only: "Bad Request (Invalid host)"

Nothing shows up in logs.. even with debugging mode ON.



Funny fact: My laptop (used only as client) has in it's HOST files an entry telling my local emby server IP when looking for the external address. I do that to avoid NAT loopback here at home.


"What's so fun?" - When I use the local IP in browser and https port... it lets me connect (with just a ssl warning). If I write the external domin name (that should do the same result), it throws me that error, too. It's almost as if when Emby has IP BIND, it won't like being connected via domain name



UPDATE: Using http port with domain name also throws that error. Really not related to HTTP/HTTPS, but instead connecting via domain name.

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probably due to port forwarding with the docker container. does the port forwarding address in your router match the address you configured for internal binding?

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If you Windows folks don't have this kind of problems and can't reproduce it..... once again Mono may be the reason  :-(

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If you Windows folks don't have this kind of problems and can't reproduce it..... once again Mono may be the reason  :-(


No, not mono related. Probably more likely related to the networking virtualization in the container.

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Actually I just moved from Bridge and am trying Host.


In Host networking mode... there are really no network-related config to do. Just "Host". Not even ports like in bridge mode

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That's how my config is:


Port forwarded in router: 8920 -> (TCP/UDP)

Host Server IP:

Emby Container Network Mode: HOST

Emby HTTPS Port: 8920


Tried bind to only, because Docker creates several other interfaces...

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Actually I can reproduce, thanks.


Easy one? Hard one?


Anything I can do to help?

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Fixed, thanks.


Luke, now I set a BIND IP and the error doesn't come back. Thanks!



but... I still see the lines below in log:

2016-08-19 11:27:10.2535 Info IDeviceDiscovery: Creating SSDP listener on

2016-08-19 11:27:10.2536 Info IDeviceDiscovery: Creating SSDP listener on

2016-08-19 11:27:10.2535 Info IDeviceDiscovery: Creating SSDP listener on

2016-08-19 11:27:10.3742 Debug HttpServer: Validating host

2016-08-19 11:27:10.4534 Debug HttpServer: Validating host




- How can I really be sure the Bind happened correctly?

- Why does he creates a ssdp listener to all interfaces?

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It does bind correctly, but the feature is limited right now to the http server, not upnp socket communications.


Ok, got it!


If possible... please throw to log (Normal or Debug, don't care) something like: "HTTP Server bound to IP XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX", so you and we users can confirm it's working as expected.


If no IP BIND is specified at configuration, X lines (1 for each interface) will be thrown.

If one IP is specified, 1 line would be thrown

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