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The font cylon put in for sci fi is nice too btw.. Nice to give people options!


Sent from my Windows Phone 8X by HTC using Tapatalk

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@@Luke your going to make me blush lol

@@Lee yes I can do it as Animation easy fix specially with the way i have my template setup. all i have to do is change the middle picture and middle text and then the folder and thumb area gets auto done for me. still have to cut then save as either thumb or folder but at least i dont have to setup the background and text more than once.


@@Lee the cylon font is nice until you put the layers that i use. its to skinny to look good imo thus why i do not like it already tried with the font.

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had to keep it pg13 so what better way than a lingerie model lol

Edited by bloodtaker
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Man these are nice!  I wish I had half your talent in Photoshop.  It takes me an hour to take text out of a picture I want to use as a backdrop and make it look 10% as good as these!  Nice work...

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normally it would take a while to try and make them as uniform as i am making them except i have a master image file that i change the background and the text on that auto applies to the thumb and folder image in the same spot kinda like a assembly line for cars lol


im not the best at photoshop and everything i know i have learned just by playing around 

it all started from when i was doing custom paint schemes for sim racing platforms like nascar racing 2003 and iracing

i have been using photoshop since around 2008 and still dont know 1/4 of the stuff you can do with it

so keep at it im sure you can do it :)

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You mention the thumb, folder image, etc.  How do download these images?  Did I miss a link somewhere in the thread?  All I see if click the image and I can get it to display the .png then save it.  Is there a link to a gallery or photo album or something?

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not yet as i am just showing off the ones i have done so far have quiet a few left to go and thats when i will upload the pack

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I'm not nitpicking, those are awesome boxsets, I'm just trying to save u some editing in the future. Sometimes its best to name the box set "Jurrasic Park Collection" or something else instead of "Trilogy" so you dont have to go back in and edit the icon when there is another sequel released later on.


Keep up the good work tho.

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in this case its really easy to change as all it is a font change it on 1 spot changes everywhere i make sure to make easy for myself lol

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