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Music Album is not displaying artist


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This is nit picking, but it is frustrating the hell out of me. I have gone so far as to perform a complete reinstall (stopped the service and deleted %appdata%\emby-server) and the problem persists. I also deleted the nfo files from the artist and album directories.


Background: I originally had the artist folder and all the tracks with the artist 30H!3 (that is a zero, not the letter o)


In picture one, I am looking at the artist 3OH!3. It is spelled correctly up top, but under albums, the artist name is still spelled with a zero.


In picture two, I have clicked on the album. Notice there is no artist name above the album.


In picture three, I have clicked on a different album. This is to show that the artist does normally appear above the album.



Now, I believe this has all stemmed from my original SNAFU of having a zero in my file names. But how did it recreate this problem if I deleted all traces of my emby installation. More importantly, how do I fix it?


EDIT: If I look in artists, 3OH!3 appears. But they do not appear in album artists. So it seems the album is populating the album artist field with 30H!3 (with a zero). Since this is not a real artist in my library, they are missing from the album view and the album artist view.


EDIT SOLUTION: I figured out that the album artist in the mp3 was still using a zero. I changed it to an O, moved the folder, deleted the album from emby, then moved the folder back. Emby picked it up and it is now displaying correctly. I still am not sure what I did originally to cause the incorrect artist to not show up at all.

Edited by VanillaXtract
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