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New behavior for Auto-organize?


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I didn't want this to be so long... but I just couldn't figure out how to summarize this one. Hoping to gauge interest in this idea... would make for one additional checkbox in the auto-organize settings. And it would alleviate some "date added" problems I ran across early this morning/last night.


After sourcing an episode file, the "date created" attribute for the file can have various values. Sometimes it's the release date of the episode, sometimes it's some random date after that. So if we import files into our library and use the file's creation date, then it isn't accurate for when the episode was available on the server.


You'll say the solution to this is to use the date the file was scanned into the library... but the problem I've started running into is files missing/rescanned into the library and overwriting this original date added value.


It happened to about 50 files early this morning. Not sure if my hard drive is on the outs or what, but it made me question if there was a better way to handle this.



So... after much ado... What if there was an advanced option in auto-organize that make emby modify the file's creation date on import. If you import files manually, this process would be skipped. Then if something catastrophic happened, you could rebuild your entire library with metadata and maintain the original dates added since they're coded into the file's native attributes.


A side note to this: it would be nice to change the "date added behavior" for each library separately. Some people would enjoy using the file creation date after auto-organize changes it for all television episodes, but date scanned into library for feature film, audio, and home video/photo libraries

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