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Does PlayOn Plugin only work on port 54479?

Go to solution Solved by nwsurfer,

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I have the PlayOn server up and running, but for some reason I can't get it to run on Port 54479.  I can get PlayOn mobile to work on port 57331 (the new PlayOn default port?), but Emby Server fails to load any data or images.  When I view the logs, I see errors attempting to load images from port 54479.  


Is the plugin hard-coded to port 54479?  Is there any way to configure the port to use?  Or am I doing something totally wrong?


Thanks for your help!



It might be. Check if the plugin has any configuration settings about this. If not then try sending the developer @@snazy2000 a PM with a feature request.


The config does not.  I'll PM him. Thanks

  • 3 weeks later...

No response from the developer.  I don't suppose the source code is opensource?


I'm really not sure. I see he has signed on in the past few days so I'd probably just give him a little more time. It's summertime, he could be on vacation.


No worries. I'll try to be patient  ;)

  • Solution

Nevermind...I just randomly checked PlayOn and the icons loaded, and the content is now loading as well.  I haven't changed anything on my end, but it's magically working.  I'll take it. Thanks for responding, and thanks for an amazing product, I've been enjoying it for a long time.


Thanks, glad to hear it!

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