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On Samsung smart TV UE32J5530UE transcoded file (with default samsung profile) doesn't play.


I tried to show liveTV http://win.cdn.bonus-tv.ru/TVB8/wfhd/playlist.m3u8


Then I put this link into serviio and everything was OK on TV


Which settings i need to change in emby if profile from serviio looks like:

	<Profile id="sam_j" name="Samsung TV / player (J-series)" extendsProfileId="1">
				<!-- some models only support headers -->
				<User-Agent>(.*SEC_HHP_\[TV\] [A-Z]{2}\d{2}J[A-Z]?\d{3,4}.*)</User-Agent>
            <MediaFormatProfile mime-type="video/x-matroska">MATROSKA</MediaFormatProfile>
            <MediaFormatProfile mime-type="audio/x-flac">FLAC</MediaFormatProfile>            
			<!-- Transcode all h264 video with HIGH/MAIN > Level 4.1 on MPEG-TS stream with MPEG2VIDEO and ac3 audio transcoding -->
			<Video targetContainer="mpegts" targetVCodec="mpeg2video" targetACodec="ac3" aBitrate="192" maxVBitrate="15360" forceInheritance="true">
				<Matches container="*" vCodec="h264" profile="high_10" />
				<Matches container="*" vCodec="h264" profile="high" levelGreaterThan="4.2" />
				<Matches container="*" vCodec="h264" profile="main" levelGreaterThan="4.2" />
                <Matches container="mp4" vCodec="mpeg4" aCodec="lpcm" />
                <Matches container="*" vCodec="dvvideo" />
                <Matches container="mp4" vCodec="mjpeg" />   
                <Matches container="matroska" vCodec="vp9" />             
			<Video targetContainer="mpegts" targetACodec="ac3" forceInheritance="true">
				<Matches container="wtv" vCodec="h264"/>  
			<Video targetContainer="mpegts" forceInheritance="true">
				<Matches container="wtv" />
			<Audio targetContainer="mp3" forceInheritance="true">
				<Matches container="mp4" />
				<Matches container="ogg" />
				<Matches container="adts" />
				<Matches container="mp2" />
				<Matches container="wavpack" />
				<Matches container="mpc" />
      		    <Matches container="ape" />
      		    <Matches container="asf" />
      		    <Matches container="dsf" />
			<Video targetContainer="mpegts" targetACodec="ac3" aBitrate="384">
				<Matches container="applehttp" vCodec="h264"/>
			<Video targetContainer="mpegts" targetVCodec="mpeg2video" targetACodec="ac3" aBitrate="384">
				<Matches container="asf" /> <!-- mms -->
				<Matches container="flv" /> <!-- transcoding all flv streams, even h264, to avoild premature disconnects, to avoid this, use Samsung C/D profile -->
			<Video targetContainer="mpegts" targetVCodec="mpeg2video" targetACodec="ac3" aBitrate="192"/>
			<SoftSubs mime-type="smi/caption" />
				<TextBased supported="false" />
		<AllowChunkedTransfer forced="true">true</AllowChunkedTransfer>
  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

I have a Samsung UN60JU7100.


I couldn't get ANY of my videos to work over DLNA, either with "PlayTo" or using the DLNA browser built-in to the Tizen OS. Serviio, however, works fine via the Tizen interface, which told me there MUST be a way to get it to work in Emby!


I fixed it by using Serviio's profile Regex argument to find the HTTP header instead of the Emby's "substring" match:


I changed this:


      <HttpHeaderInfo name="User-Agent" value="SEC_" match="Substring" />


To this:


      <HttpHeaderInfo match="Regex" value=".*(SEC_HHP_\[TV\] [A-Z]{2}\d{2}J[A-Z]?\d{3,4})*." name="User-Agent"/>


Now, I can push videos to the TV from the Emby web-client and Android app and they play without getting the "An error has occurred" whenever I tried before!


Here's the new, working profile:



<?xml version="1.0"?>

  <Name>Samsung TV/player (J-series)</Name>
      <HttpHeaderInfo match="Regex" value=".*(SEC_HHP_\[TV\] [A-Z]{2}\d{2}J[A-Z]?\d{3,4})*." name="User-Agent"/>
  <ModelName>Emby Server</ModelName>
    <XmlAttribute name="xmlns:sec" value="http://www.sec.co.kr/"/>
    <TranscodingProfile container="mp3" type="Audio" audioCodec="mp3" estimateContentLength="false" enableMpegtsM2TsMode="false" transcodeSeekInfo="Auto" copyTimestamps="false" context="Streaming" forceLiveStream="false" />
    <TranscodingProfile container="ts" type="Video" videoCodec="h264" audioCodec="mp3" protocol="Http" estimateContentLength="false" enableMpegtsM2TsMode="false" transcodeSeekInfo="Auto" copyTimestamps="false" context="Streaming" forceLiveStream="false" />


Anyone with a J-series Samsung TV, you can now direct-play DLNA by using my profile. Other Samsung TVs should work with a little tweaking of the regex strings.


To add this profile on a Windows Emby server, it should be stored under "C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\Emby-Server\config\dlna\user" as an XML file,like "Samsung J-series TV.xml"

Edited by farleytron
  • Like 1

Hey, thanks for the info! So this potentially could result in support for some older tv's getting dropped, right?

  • 9 months later...

I have a Samsung UN60JU7100.


I couldn't get ANY of my videos to work over DLNA, either with "PlayTo" or using the DLNA browser built-in to the Tizen OS. Serviio, however, works fine via the Tizen interface, which told me there MUST be a way to get it to work in Emby!


I fixed it by using Serviio's profile Regex argument to find the HTTP header instead of the Emby's "substring" match:


I changed this:


      <HttpHeaderInfo name="User-Agent" value="SEC_" match="Substring" />


To this:


      <HttpHeaderInfo match="Regex" value=".*(SEC_HHP_\[TV\] [A-Z]{2}\d{2}J[A-Z]?\d{3,4})*." name="User-Agent"/>


Now, I can push videos to the TV from the Emby web-client and Android app and they play without getting the "An error has occurred" whenever I tried before!


Here's the new, working profile:



Anyone with a J-series Samsung TV, you can now direct-play DLNA by using my profile. Other Samsung TVs should work with a little tweaking of the regex strings.


To add this profile on a Windows Emby server, it should be stored under "C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\Emby-Server\config\dlna\user" as an XML file,like "Samsung J-series TV.xml"


Hi i have samsung samsung ju6000 and live tv with m3u dosent work with dlna

if i use ps4 dlna agent same tv it works

i am using profile that are similar to this (different xml version)

but still dosent work

i am attaching server log ffmpeg log and profile


pls help 

Samsung Smart TV b.xml




What if you just use the default samsung profile?


Not working and also ps4 dlna not working


What does not working mean? what exactly happens?


U see the channel list and when picking one there is a problem : pls check network

In the ffmpeg I see that he is trying to send frames but not in ordinary pace comparing to ps4 thats working

I also see in the log error msg about "to slow" connection


Hi I think it's not so convenience to surf in tizen browser

Don't u have a real app on the Samsung app store ,is it on the road map

Same 4 ps4 :(


Hi, did click the link about Samsung? We do have an app.


The PS4 app is also quite good, you should not discard it without giving it a chance. Thanks !


Users in the USA can install Emby in Samsung App Store.


All other users can run Emby using the Tizen Web


I am from Isreal there is no app in our Samsung app store

Maybe u can provide me a way to install it manually


Hey that's fantastic app I don't need dlna any more :)

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