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I really like the new chapter selection in media browser classic. Is there any chance specials can be added in the same way?


Better than not a chance. Thanks ebr Ill take it.

  • 1 month later...

high on the "want" list


I forgot that this wasn't implemented yet until my wife started asking me today how come she can't see the specials for her victorian movies.  Let's just say this has moved up a couple pegs on my "want list".  I have MBT working for the moment so she can get to them that way, but MBT just isn't as polished as Breeze in MBC yet; plus we're already in WMC 90% of the time anyways.

  • Solution

This has already been implemented in the dev builds and will be in the next release.

  • Like 3

After just watching a classic 80's movie with my kids I must say. Radical!! 

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