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LiveTV unable to stream some channels


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Not quite sure how to explain.  Hope I make sense.  I'm using Emby LiveTV with an HD Homerun Connect dual tuner.  I'm having trouble streaming/recording from certain OTA channels.  I've tried streaming through the browser and a Roku 3 and both fail to play a particular channel. I don't know if the problem would be the antenna, the HDHR, my system resources, or something in Emby.  I'm able to play other channels through both the browser and the Roku, and If I plug the HD antenna directly into my TV, I'm able to play this channel I'm having trouble with, so I'm not sure why it won't play through Emby.

I do notice that the ffmpeg process for LiveTV streaming consumes anywhere from 80-90% of my cpu, but this is the case with any channel that I stream, so I'm not sure why it wouldn't work for this particular channel.  FYI, the ffmpeg service doesn't even appear to execute before the stream crashes for this channel.    I've attached the server logs from just after I tried playing through the browser and the Roku app and I notice the 500 (slow) response I'm getting just before it stops.  Wondering if the HDHR is having trouble picking up the channel and if Emby is somehow timing out before it picks up the stream? I really don't know.  Any settings I can look at?  Any help would be great.  Thanks.


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I've attached two transcode logs from around the same time period as the live stream failure. 


I also just tested again and the stream is working, to the same channel I was having trouble with earlier!

I figured out how to check the logs for my HD Homerun and I noticed a lot of entries like this around the time I was trying to tune the channel earlier:

20160424-04:11:09 Tuner: tuner0 tuning 14.1 ION (8vsb:575MHz-3)20160424-04:11:14 HTTP: rejecting request from - no video data

It would seem that the problem is with the HDHR, not with Emby.  For some reason it wasn't detecting the video data, so it didn't have anything to send to Emby to transcode.  I was testing earlier for probably an hour and it wouldn't tune the channel.  I haven't rebooted or anything, so I'm not sure why it seems to be working now.

I'm pretty new to the built-in LiveTV feature and HD Homerun, so maybe this is typical, for the HDHR to be unable to pull video data for a channel that tunes fine by just plugging in the antenna directly to the Television?  I really don't understand.  It's been working fine up until I tried tuning this station.  Anyone with more experience on this have any insight?  Maybe something I need to do with the tuner to make it more reliable? 



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Thanks for the investigation. I think what you'll want to do is report this in the silicon dust community:

20160424-04:11:14 HTTP: rejecting request from - no video data
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