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Emby for Kodi - Mark as Watched


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Hey guys.


Back in the stone age, when I had several separate Kodi libraries, I would go through manually and mark items as watched in Kodi. I have a harmony remote with a custom key map. I'd assigned a particular button the Kodi command to "mark item as watched". I forget exactly what the syntax is, but it's something like "action=togglewatched" or whatever. Now, with Emby being the library in Kodi, this button either freezes Kodi, or simply does nothing (I forget which and cannot verify as I am not home). I was wondering if there is a possibility of changing the button action to something that Emby recognizes in order to achieve the same result. I can adjust watched status in the Emby Android app and others, but am not sure how to accomplish this is Kodi.



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Have you tried to bring up the Context Menu and use that to mark something as watched? I know its not one button press way of doing it. 


I have the logitech harmony companion with the default setting, no custom keys. The guide command brings up the menu by default.

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I'm using kodi with my harmony remote configured to use the shortcut for toggle watched (don't remember off the top of my head what it is, and I'm at work so I can't just look).  But it seems to work with out issue.  So you might need to post a log so that one of the more experienced kodi users can have a look and see if they can see what's happening.  

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I use this as well and it works fine for me.  I do use a keyboard.xml with custom key maps.


For my off-brand MCE remote knock-off its:  <e mod="ctrl">togglewatched</e>


That maps Toggle Watched to the red-button on the remote.


If you do W which is the keyboard shortcut, does that freeze it too?  If so, sounds like something is wrong with the change of watched status being sent to Emby by the plugin on your system.


Maybe do a Manual Sync from the plugin and try again?

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