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Artwork missing after updating to 3.0.5882.0


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Howdy, emby team,


Things had been working well with my emby setup for several months, but I decided to upgrade my Server version in preparation for the Xbox One app, Theater 2.0, Premier, etc.


When attempting to install the update the first time yesterday, it nearly finished but then threw an error about a directory not being empty. (Was going to screen cap the error when installing again, but it completed properly on second install attempt.)


Logged back into emby/WMC today for the first time since the Server upgrade, and things have gone wonky with my Movies group. The vast majority (but not all) of movies lost their artwork, metadata, watched status, etc. My TV group seemed to make it through unscathed.


I expect I can fix the artwork and metadata with a rescan, but rather than doing this is there any way to restore the previous data? (Manually going through and toggling watched status on hundreds of movies would be something I'd like to avoid if possible.)


As always, thanks for the great product. Looking forward to the upcoming native XBox one app, maturing DVR support, and saying goodbye to WMC!



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Run a scan library and then try again.


That version should have involved a database conversion step.  Did you see that?


Also, what version did you come from?  Did you skip several releases?

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Thanks for the reply @@ebr


Library scan pulled artwork and metadata for many movies, but probably about a ~third didn't retrieve info & artwork. Now all titles have lost their watched status - not sure if that's expected with a scan.


If there was a db conversion step during install, I saw no indication of it. Though I wasn't watching the installer closely as it was taking longer than I expected and there was a fussy newborn to attend to. (Installer took longer than expected because it was converting, maybe?)


Can't say for certain which version I was on previously, and digging through the UI I'm not finding any logs indicating "Updated from ver x.x.x.x to 5882". But yes, definitely safe to say I was likely multiple releases back.


Any chance of recovering all the old db? It'll require a substantial chunk of time for me to manually fetch metadata and toggle watched states for ~200 movies, so it'd be awesome if there were another way. Generally not a fan of Windows System Restore, but might that be worth a shot?


Thanks again,


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I think your watched states will come back as soon as you get everything properly identified.

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Hmm - but if that were the case wouldn't the watched states have already populated post-refresh on the 2/3 of the collection that did get properly identified?

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Posting an update here in case anyone encounters a similar situation and finds this useful.


After completing a library scan followed by scanning for missing items in metadata manager, I still had about a third of my collection missing a proper poster - it was just using a screen cap frame for the primary image instead. Other metadata appeared to be populated, including the non-poster images. So since the (incorrect) primary images were present, scanning for missing items wasn't going to help anything since emby didn't think anything was missing.


Rather than doing a full refresh, I poked around to see if I could find a standard naming convention for the broken images. In the metadata folder, the images that were incorrect were usually folder.jpg or primary.jpg. I navigated through CMD to (doing from memory, so may not be exact): %userprofile%\appdata\roaming\mediabrowser-server\metadata\library, and deleted poster.* /s and folder.* /s.


It goes without saying that if you're not comfortable with command line, you want to avoid this and do a full library refresh to be on the safe side.

This succeeded in getting rid of all my primary images (presumably the good with the bad), and then after doing a library scan followed by a scan for missing metadata again, emby automatically pulled down new proper primary images for everything. Not ideal, but way better than an entire metadata rebuild on hundreds of items. Woot!


Couldn't find any obvious way to restore watched status, so I'll plow through the list in the EMC client and use the "Clear" button to toggle as needed.

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