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Multiple servers listed, losing remote access


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Not sure if this should be here or in the server section but I got an issue with emby showing the same server multiple times. Now I assume this is the result of my playing around with the server and generating multiple links between my emby connect account and the server.


If I pick the correct one I can login. However when you got to pick a server and try to delete the ones that didn't work you are bound to also remove the one that did work (in my case, the bottom one was working, so I removed the ones above that one but after doing so the bottom one stopped working as well, probably got reshuffled or something), thus losing remote access and needing to reassign the emby connect account to your user and link again through the email confirmation.


The thing is, the android app, which I think is just a simple wrapper for the web interface, does only show one server and remove the servers from the web interface also removes it from the android app.


I don't think this is a massive issue but it might be handy to have some kind of indication which server is only or to avoid duplicates. I assume emby is already running some kind of ddns to keep the wan ip up-to-date so maybe there could be a ping request every once in a while with a online/offline mark showed next a server?

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HI,  yes its' a good idea for us to add a way to differentiate between then, definitely. Thanks.

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