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"All languages" not fetching TheMovieDB's images in other languages


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I wasn't getting posters for a lot of japanese movies and when I tried to find the problem I found out that Emby doesn't get images in other languages, even by checking the "All Languages" box when manually editing images.




Movie: "The boy and the beast", metadata language set to English.


In Emby I only get the English TheMovieDB poster, even by checking "All Languages"



But when you check the TheMovieDB page (https://www.themoviedb.org/movie/315465-the-boy-and-the-beast-bakemono-no-ko/posters) you can see several posters in French, Japanese and Korean.



I tried manually changing the metadata language for the movie and then I does get the images in the language you chose and the english images, but still no other languages if you check the box:









I'm using the newest Emby version on a fresh install (I completely uninstalled it yesterday to see if a reinstall fixed this problem, but it doesn't)

Edited by Knudow
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I wasn't getting posters for a lot of japanese movies and when I tried to find the problem I found out that Emby doesn't get images in other languages, even by checking the "All Languages" box when manually editing images.




Movie: "The boy and the beast", metadata language set to English.


In Emby I only get the English TheMovieDB poster, even by checking "All Languages"



But when you check the TheMovieDB page (https://www.themoviedb.org/movie/315465-the-boy-and-the-beast-bakemono-no-ko/posters) you can see several posters in French, Japanese and Korean.



I tried manually changing the metadata language for the movie and then I does get the images in the language you chose and the english images, but still no other languages if you check the box:









I'm using the newest Emby version on a fresh install (I completely uninstalled it yesterday to see if a reinstall fixed this problem, but it doesn't)


+1 . That is a problem that has to be checked out by the devs.

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