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Disable all metadata for a collection?


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I have a bunch of Anime DVD ISO's.  Since I learned that Media Browser works in tandem with VLC to auto "mount" and play ISO's directly, I decided to include them as part of my media database.  However, I'm having a lot of issues with the metadata being wrong.  I know there is an Anime plugin available, but I don't really have any use for it, since these are ISO's and not individual episodes.  I have them setup list this:




/Storage/Anime/Dragonball/Disk 1.iso

/Storage/Anime/Dragonball/Disk 2.iso



While I could use a folder.jpg in the /Dragonball (for example) root to identify that series is all Dragonball, I don't really need it.  Also, the metadata it tries to pull from the internet actually is incorrect a bunch of times.  For instance, I have an Anime that is 2 disks, but after installing Media Browser, the online metadata retrieval identified it as "The Hobbit: Desolation of Smaug" and went ahead to rename the Sort and Title, fill in a bunch of movie synopsis details, and download a whole bunch of crew/actor lists and images I don't want/need.  Also, the art that it gets doesn't match the Anime in some cases, especially for those that have 4-6 episodes on an ISO, yet it shows 1 single screen shot from the entire disk, rather than a box art.


What I'd LOVE to be able to do is just completely turn off all metadata and retrieval for that specific path, yet still have it display in Media Browser.  I already found the "Edit Metadata" screen and the box to uncheck called "Enable Metadata Providers for this Item" but it still seems to build an xml in the paths for each disk, and attempts to grab a screenshot from within the ISO.  Is there anyway to completely disable all this?

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You were on the right track but the xml is going to get generated because that's where the information is stored that says the item is locked. For video image extraction, you can either disable it globally or just make sure your items have images and then we won't do that.

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