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Emby for Kodi - 2nd profile isn't updating

Jack Burton

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Jack Burton

Been having an issue with the 2nd profile on Kodi (Jarvis stable). Noticed a few days ago it wasn't updating, so I went into the Emby server settings to make sure nothing had changed. I unchecked enable all libraries and rechecked hoping it'd slap it into doing something, but instead, every time I logged on, it asked for a password (don't have passwords set up for either account). Figured it may be for Emby, but the password didn't work. No password worked actually. I finally had to delete the profile and restart. Did full sync, all looked good and updated, but now once again nothing is updating for that profile. My main profile works fine. If I try to force it and go into movies or tv and update library, "compressing database" shows up seemingly forever, or freezes Kodi. Thoughts?


Edit: After 3 days of the same, I decided to check the "show update progress" tab in Emby for Kodi, and there actually was a change (not sure if that's the reason). So there was a small update, new movies and shows were added so that's great, but now about 150 random movies have doubles and it's missing 1 show. Not sure why this profile is acting up so much when my main one is fine. Maybe admin privileges?


Edit 2: Seems to be updating new shows correctly, but each time it also adds more duplicates of movies. went from 1122, to 1268, now at 1278.

Edited by Jack Burton
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