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Kodi, Emby and Trakt


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I have been using Emby with Kodi for a few months and love it.

I am interested in understanding how Trakt is designed to work with Emby.


Specifically, I am trying to find out if the Trakt for Emby addon will:

- Sync my Emby "watched" status with Trakt?

- Sync my Trakt lists with Emby and put the content into my library. (Can I add a show or movie to my Trakt list online and have it appear in my Kodi library)?

- If I subscribe to a show (add to the library) from a Kodi addon, will that show appear on my Track list?

- Will my Trakt lists be available in Kodi? (Watchlist and other personal lists)

- How often does the sync occur or is it instantaneous? 

- Does a guide exist that outlines functionality and setup?





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I don't use the Emby trakt addon i use the one from Kodi but here goes



- Sync my Emby "watched" status with Trakt?


Yes, can be turned on or off for tv/movies


- Sync my Trakt lists with Emby and put the content into my library. (Can I add a show or movie to my Trakt list online and have it appear in my Kodi library)?


It doesn't add content (download anything) to your library, i think that's what you mean?


- If I subscribe to a show (add to the library) from a Kodi addon, will that show appear on my Track list?


As long as you have watched at least 1 episode with the trakt addon running it'll show up


- Will my Trakt lists be available in Kodi? (Watchlist and other personal lists)


There is an addon for this here


- How often does the sync occur or is it instantaneous?


Library is synced on every DB update or you can do it manually. Items are added to trakt history as soon as they are watched


- Does a guide exist that outlines functionality and setup?


For the Kodi addon you can have a look here

Edited by dazed
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