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Emby for Kodi updates


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I've just started using the plugin for Kodi and love it so far! Since I have multiple Kodi's running in my home its ideal. I'm just wondering if the plugin does auto update? I've installed the stable repository from .zip and it seems logical this repo stays active but I'm just not sure.


Second update question is about updating the actual movies / series. Since I almost never reboot my running kodi's I wonder if I need to manually sync from Kodi? I noticed on one Kodi player it was missing some movies. After a reboot everything was there. Did it just need some more time or is it a config setting? Btw, I run Kodi from OpenElec, Aeon MQ6 skin and just the Emby for Kodi plugin.





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Yes, the plugin auto updates.  We haven't pushed to stable in a while, but expect we will soon.


Second, no - if you have to manually sync, something is wrong.  You might post a log now and we can take a look if there is anything obvious, otherwise next time you notice something added to the server not adding to Kodi, post a log.


Please make sure to follow the process in the 'How to report a problem' thread.

Edited by xnappo
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