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Is gamebrowser suppose to work with the new Emby theater? Cause mine has no way to launch games now, just has the pictures.

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I see there is now a way to get emulators working but i can not for the life of me get it to wok. Anyone got this working yet?

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I have platforms set up, games & artwork visible in Theater, external players configured, etc. but all I'm getting when I click 'Play' is a circular loading icon.

In MB Classic, I was able to configure switches to tell the emulator how to load the roms but there doesn't seem to be any way to do this in Emby Theater?



I've seen older posts (http://emby.media/community/index.php?/topic/17852-gamebrowser-guide-mb-classic-setup-read-this/) saying this can be done through MB Classic Configurator (which no longer works) or by manually editing the gamebrowser.xml file, but the path referenced in the post no longer seems to be relevant since there's no gamebrowser.xml in  programdata\mediabrowser-classic\plugins\configurations\gamebrowser.xml


I followed this guide (http://emby.media/community/index.php?/topic/16380-gamebrowser-guide/) but can't get this to work.


Has anyone got Emby Theater launching games successfully? If so, can you help please?



Edited by bigohnsull
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You can now setup external players for Games. Please try it out and report any feedback. Currently it's one player per game system, so you can't do custom players for specific games (yet). Thanks for crazybbs for helping on this.

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How do I setup the path to the roms for my games? not sure I understand the command line argument setup. Maybe an example would be helpful.


Also, do I have to setup an external player for every Windows game?


Thanks for setting this up! Been using gamebrowser in Classic for a while now and I am ready to move on to Theater. :)

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The path command line is {path}. It shows it under the path area.


@@porkbone do you have a Nintendo 64 emulator and if so what are you using?

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Thanks @@mediacowboy, but is there more to it than just {path}? like how do I add the path to that. 

My roms with Nintendo 64 for example are on  I:\Games\Roms\N64.

what would the command line argument be  {path=I:\Games\Roms\N64}  ?


Pardon my noobness  :huh:


I'm using Project64 2.1 for my emulator. I'm able to get the emulators to launch, just can't get the games to launch...yet

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Just use {path}. I am having the same issue with project64 1.6. It will launch my emulator but days can't load the game. I have used the same path configured for the sever and it works. I believe @@Luke is looking into it, please correct me if I'm wrong.

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I'm not really looking into it. I don't really know much about project 64, at least not anymore. I did back in the day. Emby Theater's only real responsibility is to launch the program with the arguments given.

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I changed all the emulators to {path} and they are all working and starting the games! Including Project64 2.1.  Thanks for clearing that up @@mediacowboy.


How would I setup Windows games? Do I need to link the executable for each game as an external player?


And lastly, how do I exit the games and get back to Theater? With Emby Classic/gamebrowser you could select the back or previous key and it would close the game and return to emby classic.

Edited by porkbone
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So I have tested all my emulators. The main problem is emby still captures the xbox controller input and wrecks all type of havoc behind the scenes. Kega Fusion does not work along with the 1964 emulator. How does theater send the info to the emulator? In the old one it was an xml file that could be edited. would help me troubleshoot if I could see what commands were being sent.

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the gamepad is an open issue that we'll look into. the actual launching should work fine though, given the correct arguments.

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All other emulators work great except those two for some reason. The 1964 emulator for Nintendo 64 and the Kega Fusion emulator for Sega Genesis. They don't load the ROMs event with no other command line arguments except the {path} one.

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I know this has been asked a number of times already, but would like to know if there is any progress on de windows games.

I'm not the only one interested, see:


How would I setup Windows games? Do I need to link the executable for each game as an external player?


Is it in the pipeline and if yes, what is the ETA?

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it's already coded , but we decided to not make it public for now


I think when the gamepad bugs will be resolved , @@Luke could release windows games setup.

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A fix has been pushed for the issue of gamepad input controlling Emby Theater even when the app is minimized. This will help with external players for games. Enjoy.

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Awesome!, now all i need is the program launcher plug-in and i can switch the family to the new theater app.

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An external program launcher would be awesome. A built-in force quit would be handy.

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