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Retain directory structure for home videos

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Posted (edited)

I would like to be able to add the root directory of a folder of videos and be able to browse the directory structure as is. As it currently stands if you have a sub-folder that contains both video files and more sub-folders only the video files in the first sub-folder are accessible and the folders within the folder are not visible. Attached is a crude drawing that helps explain my problem.




Folders 1 and 2 work correctly where all sub folders and files can be viewed correctly. Folder 3 only shows file8.avi and does not allow Folder 6 to viewed or the files within that folder. Hope that makes sense. 

Edited by Jdiesel
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I think it is because there is only a single video file in folder 3.  If you put another one in there, does it work?

Posted (edited)

Correct adding a second video to the folder enables the subfolders within Folder 3.


I see can see why this makes sense for movies that are in individual folders as it saves having to enter the folder to select the movie however it is inconvenient for non-movie video files that are organized by a certain folder structure.

Edited by Jdiesel
  • Solution

That may just be a limitation for now because it is very difficult to distinguish between what you are trying to achieve and our other supported structures for movies (that most use).


So, even if it is a dummy video, you just may need to have more than one in any folder that also wants to contain sub-folders.

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It is not a major inconvenience in my case since I only have a few folders setup like this. Hopefully others will see this thread if they are having similar issues. Thanks for the clarification.

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