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Emby Refusing Connections

Guardian Hope

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Guardian Hope

This is an interesting problem that just cropped up today and after thoroughly exhausting every option I could think of I am at a loss as to why Emby Server is refusing the connection on port 8096 (and its SSL counterpart). I have reviewed the Endpoint Protection Firewall and Windows Firewall (which is managed by Norton anyways) and saw the respective entries for Emby Server which was working not that long ago but today it's rejecting the connections locally and no client such as Kodi can even connect to MediaBrowser as it doesn't even seem to be binding to the ports.


Here's today's Emby log (which is so short that I don't even need to attach it):

2016-01-13 23:30:07.1045 Info Main: Emby
	Command line: C:\Users\[USERNAME]\AppData\Roaming\MediaBrowser-Server\System\MediaBrowser.ServerApplication.exe
	Operating system: Microsoft Windows NT 6.2.9200.0
	Processor count: 8
	64-Bit OS: True
	64-Bit Process: True
	Program data path: C:\Users\[USERNAME]\AppData\Roaming\MediaBrowser-Server
	Application Path: C:\Users\[USERNAME]\AppData\Roaming\MediaBrowser-Server\System\MediaBrowser.ServerApplication.exe
2016-01-13 23:30:07.4941 Info App: Application version: 3.0.5807.0
2016-01-13 23:30:07.5739 Info App: Application configuration:
	{"EnableUPnP":true,"PublicPort":8096,"PublicHttpsPort":8920,"HttpServerPortNumber":8096,"HttpsPortNumber":8920,"EnableHttps":false,"EnableInternetProviders":true,"IsPortAuthorized":true,"MetadataPath":"","SeasonZeroDisplayName":"Specials","SaveLocalMeta":true,"EnableLocalizedGuids":false,"DisableStartupScan":false,"EnableUserViews":false,"EnableLibraryMetadataSubFolder":false,"PreferredMetadataLanguage":"en","MetadataCountryCode":"US","SortReplaceCharacters":[".","+","%"],"SortRemoveCharacters":[",","&","-","{","}","'"],"SortRemoveWords":["the","a","an"],"MinResumePct":5,"MaxResumePct":90,"MinResumeDurationSeconds":300,"RealtimeLibraryMonitorDelay":40,"EnableDashboardResponseCaching":true,"EnableDashboardResourceMinification":true,"MergeMetadataAndImagesByName":false,"EnableStandaloneMetadata":false,"ImageSavingConvention":"Legacy","MetadataOptions":[{"ItemType":"Book","ImageOptions":[{"Type":"Backdrop","Limit":1,"MinWidth":1280}],"DisabledMetadataSavers":[],"LocalMetadataReaderOrder":[],"DisabledMetadataFetchers":[],"MetadataFetcherOrder":[],"DisabledImageFetchers":[],"ImageFetcherOrder":[]},{"ItemType":"MusicAlbum","ImageOptions":[{"Type":"Backdrop","Limit":1,"MinWidth":1280}],"DisabledMetadataSavers":["Nfo"],"LocalMetadataReaderOrder":[],"DisabledMetadataFetchers":[],"MetadataFetcherOrder":[],"DisabledImageFetchers":[],"ImageFetcherOrder":[]},{"ItemType":"MusicArtist","ImageOptions":[{"Type":"Backdrop","Limit":1,"MinWidth":1280}],"DisabledMetadataSavers":["Nfo"],"LocalMetadataReaderOrder":[],"DisabledMetadataFetchers":[],"MetadataFetcherOrder":[],"DisabledImageFetchers":[],"ImageFetcherOrder":[]},{"ItemType":"Season","ImageOptions":[{"Type":"Primary","Limit":1,"MinWidth":0},{"Type":"Banner","Limit":1,"MinWidth":0},{"Type":"Thumb","Limit":1,"MinWidth":0},{"Type":"Backdrop","Limit":0,"MinWidth":1280},{"Type":"Screenshot","Limit":1,"MinWidth":0}],"DisabledMetadataSavers":[],"LocalMetadataReaderOrder":["Nfo","Emby 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2016-01-13 23:30:07.5829 Info App: Loading MediaBrowser.Api, Version=3.0.5807.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
2016-01-13 23:30:07.5829 Info App: Loading MediaBrowser.WebDashboard, Version=3.0.5807.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
2016-01-13 23:30:07.5829 Info App: Loading MediaBrowser.Model, Version=3.0.5807.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
2016-01-13 23:30:07.5829 Info App: Loading MediaBrowser.Common, Version=3.0.5807.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
2016-01-13 23:30:07.5829 Info App: Loading MediaBrowser.Controller, Version=3.0.5807.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
2016-01-13 23:30:07.5829 Info App: Loading MediaBrowser.Providers, Version=3.0.5807.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
2016-01-13 23:30:07.5829 Info App: Loading MediaBrowser.Common.Implementations, Version=3.0.5807.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
2016-01-13 23:30:07.5829 Info App: Loading MediaBrowser.Server.Implementations, Version=3.0.5807.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
2016-01-13 23:30:07.5829 Info App: Loading MediaBrowser.MediaEncoding, Version=3.0.5807.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
2016-01-13 23:30:07.5829 Info App: Loading MediaBrowser.Dlna, Version=3.0.5807.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
2016-01-13 23:30:07.5829 Info App: Loading MediaBrowser.LocalMetadata, Version=3.0.5807.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
2016-01-13 23:30:07.5829 Info App: Loading MediaBrowser.XbmcMetadata, Version=3.0.5807.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
2016-01-13 23:30:07.5829 Info App: Loading MediaBrowser.ServerApplication, Version=3.0.5807.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
2016-01-13 23:30:07.5829 Info App: Loading MediaBrowser.Server.Startup.Common, Version=3.0.5807.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
2016-01-13 23:30:07.7311 Info SqliteUserRepository: Sqlite 3.8.6 opening C:\Users\[USERNAME]\AppData\Roaming\MediaBrowser-Server\data\users.db
2016-01-13 23:30:07.7957 Info SqliteFileOrganizationRepository: Sqlite 3.8.6 opening C:\Users\[USERNAME]\AppData\Roaming\MediaBrowser-Server\data\fileorganization.db
2016-01-13 23:30:07.7957 Info AuthenticationRepository: Sqlite 3.8.6 opening C:\Users\[USERNAME]\AppData\Roaming\MediaBrowser-Server\data\authentication.db
2016-01-13 23:30:07.8187 Info SyncRepository: Sqlite 3.8.6 opening C:\Users\[USERNAME]\AppData\Roaming\MediaBrowser-Server\data\sync14.db
2016-01-13 23:30:07.8868 Info ImageMagick: ImageMagick version: ImageMagick 6.9.2-7 Q8 x64 2015-11-28 http://www.imagemagick.org
2016-01-13 23:30:07.9324 Info ImageProcessor: ImageProcessor started with 8 max concurrent image processes
2016-01-13 23:30:07.9910 Info App: FFMpeg: C:\Users\[USERNAME]\AppData\Roaming\MediaBrowser-Server\ffmpeg\20151111\ffmpeg.exe
2016-01-13 23:30:07.9910 Info App: FFProbe: C:\Users\[USERNAME]\AppData\Roaming\MediaBrowser-Server\ffmpeg\20151111\ffprobe.exe
2016-01-13 23:30:07.9910 Info SharingRepository: Sqlite 3.8.6 opening C:\Users\[USERNAME]\AppData\Roaming\MediaBrowser-Server\data\shares.db
2016-01-13 23:30:08.0020 Info ActivityRepository: Sqlite 3.8.6 opening C:\Users\[USERNAME]\AppData\Roaming\MediaBrowser-Server\data\activitylog.db
2016-01-13 23:30:08.0020 Info SqliteDisplayPreferencesRepository: Sqlite 3.8.6 opening C:\Users\[USERNAME]\AppData\Roaming\MediaBrowser-Server\data\displaypreferences.db
2016-01-13 23:30:08.0150 Info SqliteItemRepository: Sqlite 3.8.6 opening C:\Users\[USERNAME]\AppData\Roaming\MediaBrowser-Server\data\library.db
2016-01-13 23:30:08.0150 Info SqliteProviderInfoRepository: Sqlite 3.8.6 opening C:\Users\[USERNAME]\AppData\Roaming\MediaBrowser-Server\data\refreshinfo.db
2016-01-13 23:30:08.0321 Info SqliteUserDataRepository: Sqlite 3.8.6 opening C:\Users\[USERNAME]\AppData\Roaming\MediaBrowser-Server\data\userdata_v2.db
2016-01-13 23:30:08.0321 Info SqliteNotificationsRepository: Sqlite 3.8.6 opening C:\Users\[USERNAME]\AppData\Roaming\MediaBrowser-Server\data\notifications.db
2016-01-13 23:30:08.2754 Info HttpServer: Calling ServiceStack AppHost.Init
2016-01-13 23:30:10.1351 Info ServiceStackHost: Initializing Application took 2292.2783ms

I haven't checked the firewall at the network edge primarily because anything accessing Emby is located within the Local Area Network and thus the edge firewall not having any rules one way or another shouldn't really interfere with the operation of Emby Server and mjost certainly wouldn't interfere with me being able to access the configuration via http://localhost:8096which is actively refusing connections probably because nothing appears to Windows as listening on that port.


OS" Windows 10 Pro (11082)

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what makes you think it is refusing anything? please provide the complete log file. perhaps the apps are just unable to reach it.

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Guardian Hope

what makes you think it is refusing anything? please provide the complete log file. perhaps the apps are just unable to reach it.


Unless Emby hides server logs anywhere else than:


That is quite literally the entirety of the log file from today. There's nothing else to provide/post and hence my statement that there was no reason to bother attaching it as a file to the post when it's only about 43 lines long.


As to what makes me think Emby is refusing the connections:

  1. Emby Server application is active but doesn't appear to be bound to any of Emby's usual ports;
  2. Chrome Developer Edition, Firefox Aurora, Edge, and Internet Explorer all state that the connection has been refused by the server;
  3. Emby for Kodi says it's unable to find Emby Server;
  4. Using nmap reveals that no service is actually listening on 8096
  5. Since the Media Server and the Media Clients reside on the same physical machine and are streamed to a home theater via wireless HDMI (or Wireless HDI as it's sometimes referred to) I tested the responses from nmap and simple pings and traceroutes from the localhost as well as hosts that don't ordinarily connect to the system except for file services (like storing iCloud Libraries) and the host itself is reachable but Emby is not and just like on the localhost, nmap shows nothing is actually listening on port 8096

So my conclusion should actually be that Emby Server is not binding itself to the listening ports and not actively refusing connections considering that if there's nothing listening on the port to begin with then of course the system will refuse the connection.


I can only provide what I have and this is the log file as of today. Emby has log files dating back to December 28th which I can provide also but considering the problem started today and not last year I didn't think they were relevant but they can easily be attached upon request.

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Guardian Hope

i would try restarting your machine.


I have already done that: four times (one to update Adobe DocuCloud and three to see if it would resolve Emby's issues). Now a fifth restart is in progress applying the latest Windows Build to the system (about 60% complete).


I have also even reinstalled Emby Server and eliminated the firewalls on the local machine briefly to see.


Emby Server starts up normally - loading an icon into the tray but just doesn't bind itself to any port and thus making it unreachable even though the services are actually running.


To further that, Emby doesn't perform any normal operations like metadata retrieval as a show was added but Emby Server didn't start pulling its metadata like it normally does.

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it's not starting up normally. there should be a logging statement after the http server is authorized with the OS

core startup complete

it's getting stuck at that stage for some reason. i've seen this only one or two other times and the user uninstalled reinstalled before i had a chance to get to the bottom of it. you might just try installing the beta again on top of your current install.

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Guardian Hope

it's not starting up normally. there should be a logging statement after the http server is authorized with the OS

core startup complete

it's getting stuck at that stage for some reason. i've seen this only one or two other times and the user uninstalled reinstalled before i had a chance to get to the bottom of it. you might just try installing the beta again on top of your current install.


Well, once Windows 10 is completed its build update which is now 71% I guess I will have to try to uninstall and then reinstall Emby Server as I have already done the installing the beta overtop of the already in-place install to no avail prior to calling it quits and posting this thread.

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Guardian Hope

it's not starting up normally. there should be a logging statement after the http server is authorized with the OS

core startup complete

it's getting stuck at that stage for some reason. i've seen this only one or two other times and the user uninstalled reinstalled before i had a chance to get to the bottom of it. you might just try installing the beta again on top of your current install.


Alright, after trying to reinstall Emby Server it still won't launch.


I have attached two log files: the last working launch which is dated for early January and the launch from when I tried just now.


In either case, currently Emby won't bind to any port so it's been virtually rendered into this green little taskbar paperweight.


Server logs attached. Please note that the more recent one is about as long as the one I posted above.


Also note that from the older one you'll see references to both 10.x.x.x and 192.x.x.x - one is the local LAN and one is the VMWare VMNet.



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Check to see if you have an errant ffmpeg process running and kill it and see if you can start emby normally.  I am currently experiencing this same issue and am looking for a permanent solution.

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hi yesterday I was using emby and is was working perfect today I don't now if they working with the server went I try to sigh in they ask for my user and pass and they show up the server went I press the server they said this

Connection Failure
We're unable to connect to the selected server right now. Please ensure it is running and try again.
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hi yesterday I was using emby and is was working perfect today I don't now if they working with the server went I try to sigh in they ask for my user and pass and they show up the server went I press the server they said this

Connection Failure
We're unable to connect to the selected server right now. Please ensure it is running and try again.



Hi there, and welcome. Your issue is not related to this. Please open a new topic and we'll help you there. Thanks!

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Guardian Hope

Check to see if you have an errant ffmpeg process running and kill it and see if you can start emby normally.  I am currently experiencing this same issue and am looking for a permanent solution.


Nope, there is no errant ffmpeg process running.


I am out of ideas of what to do because I have done virtually everything I can think of at the moment. 


@@Luke mentioned that he saw this problem once before but never got to the bottom of it because that person fixed it by reinstalling Emby Server but that didn't work for me.


I have used Emby since it was MediaBrowser and I have never ran into this type of problem before. Usually it's pretty plug 'n play.


Edit: OS Version is Windows 10 Redstone 11099.

Edited by Guardian Hope
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Guardian Hope

was it a clean install?




Yes, it was a clean install. In fact, everything was thoroughly enough deleted that this time Emby installed itself to %AppData%\Emby-Server rather than to %AppData%\MediaBrowser-Server.


Nevertheless, Emby is still not binding to any ports and shows no network activity whatsoever.


Here's the newest log (which again is so short that it doesn't need to be attached including when I finally just decided to hit "Exit"):

2016-01-15 01:40:59.3242 Info Main: Emby
	Command line: C:\Users\[USERNAME]\AppData\Roaming\Emby-Server\System\MediaBrowser.ServerApplication.exe
	Operating system: Microsoft Windows NT 6.2.9200.0
	Processor count: 8
	64-Bit OS: True
	64-Bit Process: True
	Program data path: C:\Users\[USERNAME]\AppData\Roaming\Emby-Server
	Application Path: C:\Users\[USERNAME]\AppData\Roaming\Emby-Server\System\MediaBrowser.ServerApplication.exe
2016-01-15 01:40:59.7257 Info App: Application version: 3.0.5846.28133
2016-01-15 01:40:59.8103 Info App: Application configuration:
	{"EnableUPnP":true,"PublicPort":8096,"PublicHttpsPort":8920,"HttpServerPortNumber":8096,"HttpsPortNumber":8920,"EnableHttps":true,"EnableInternetProviders":true,"IsPortAuthorized":true,"EnableHighQualityImageScaling":false,"SeasonZeroDisplayName":"Specials","SaveLocalMeta":false,"EnableLocalizedGuids":false,"PreferredMetadataLanguage":"en","MetadataCountryCode":"US","SortReplaceCharacters":[".","+","%"],"SortRemoveCharacters":[",","&","-","{","}","'"],"SortRemoveWords":["the","a","an"],"MinResumePct":5,"MaxResumePct":90,"MinResumeDurationSeconds":300,"RealtimeLibraryMonitorDelay":40,"EnableDashboardResponseCaching":true,"EnableDashboardResourceMinification":true,"MergeMetadataAndImagesByName":false,"EnableStandaloneMetadata":false,"ImageSavingConvention":"Compatible","MetadataOptions":[{"ItemType":"Book","ImageOptions":[{"Type":"Backdrop","Limit":1,"MinWidth":1280}],"DisabledMetadataSavers":[],"LocalMetadataReaderOrder":[],"DisabledMetadataFetchers":[],"MetadataFetcherOrder":[],"DisabledImageFetchers":[],"ImageFetcherOrder":[]},{"ItemType":"Movie","ImageOptions":[{"Type":"Backdrop","Limit":1,"MinWidth":1280},{"Type":"Art","Limit":0,"MinWidth":0},{"Type":"Disc","Limit":0,"MinWidth":0},{"Type":"Primary","Limit":1,"MinWidth":0},{"Type":"Banner","Limit":0,"MinWidth":0},{"Type":"Thumb","Limit":1,"MinWidth":0},{"Type":"Logo","Limit":1,"MinWidth":0}],"DisabledMetadataSavers":[],"LocalMetadataReaderOrder":[],"DisabledMetadataFetchers":[],"MetadataFetcherOrder":[],"DisabledImageFetchers":[],"ImageFetcherOrder":[]},{"ItemType":"MusicVideo","ImageOptions":[{"Type":"Backdrop","Limit":1,"MinWidth":1280},{"Type":"Art","Limit":0,"MinWidth":0},{"Type":"Disc","Limit":0,"MinWidth":0},{"Type":"Primary","Limit":1,"MinWidth":0},{"Type":"Banner","Limit":0,"MinWidth":0},{"Type":"Thumb","Limit":1,"MinWidth":0},{"Type":"Logo","Limit":1,"MinWidth":0}],"DisabledMetadataSavers":[],"LocalMetadataReaderOrder":[],"DisabledMetadataFetchers":[],"MetadataFetcherOrder":[],"DisabledImageFetchers":[],"ImageFetcherOrder":[]},{"ItemType":"Series","ImageOptions":[{"Type":"Backdrop","Limit":1,"MinWidth":1280},{"Type":"Art","Limit":0,"MinWidth":0},{"Type":"Primary","Limit":1,"MinWidth":0},{"Type":"Banner","Limit":1,"MinWidth":0},{"Type":"Thumb","Limit":1,"MinWidth":0},{"Type":"Logo","Limit":1,"MinWidth":0}],"DisabledMetadataSavers":[],"LocalMetadataReaderOrder":[],"DisabledMetadataFetchers":[],"MetadataFetcherOrder":[],"DisabledImageFetchers":[],"ImageFetcherOrder":[]},{"ItemType":"MusicAlbum","ImageOptions":[{"Type":"Backdrop","Limit":0,"MinWidth":1280},{"Type":"Disc","Limit":0,"MinWidth":0}],"DisabledMetadataSavers":[],"LocalMetadataReaderOrder":[],"DisabledMetadataFetchers":[],"MetadataFetcherOrder":[],"DisabledImageFetchers":[],"ImageFetcherOrder":[]},{"ItemType":"MusicArtist","ImageOptions":[{"Type":"Backdrop","Limit":1,"MinWidth":1280},{"Type":"Banner","Limit":0,"MinWidth":0},{"Type":"Art","Limit":0,"MinWidth":0},{"Type":"Logo","Limit":0,"MinWidth":0}],"DisabledMetadataSavers":[],"LocalMetadataReaderOrder":[],"DisabledMetadataFetchers":[],"MetadataFetcherOrder":[],"DisabledImageFetchers":[],"ImageFetcherOrder":[]},{"ItemType":"BoxSet","ImageOptions":[{"Type":"Backdrop","Limit":1,"MinWidth":1280},{"Type":"Primary","Limit":1,"MinWidth":0},{"Type":"Thumb","Limit":1,"MinWidth":0},{"Type":"Logo","Limit":1,"MinWidth":0},{"Type":"Art","Limit":0,"MinWidth":0},{"Type":"Disc","Limit":0,"MinWidth":0},{"Type":"Banner","Limit":0,"MinWidth":0}],"DisabledMetadataSavers":[],"LocalMetadataReaderOrder":[],"DisabledMetadataFetchers":[],"MetadataFetcherOrder":[],"DisabledImageFetchers":[],"ImageFetcherOrder":[]},{"ItemType":"Season","ImageOptions":[{"Type":"Backdrop","Limit":0,"MinWidth":1280},{"Type":"Primary","Limit":1,"MinWidth":0},{"Type":"Banner","Limit":0,"MinWidth":0},{"Type":"Thumb","Limit":0,"MinWidth":0}],"DisabledMetadataSavers":[],"LocalMetadataReaderOrder":[],"DisabledMetadataFetchers":["TheMovieDb"],"MetadataFetcherOrder":[],"DisabledImageFetchers":[],"ImageFetcherOrder":[]},{"ItemType":"Episode","ImageOptions":[{"Type":"Backdrop","Limit":0,"MinWidth":1280},{"Type":"Primary","Limit":1,"MinWidth":0}],"DisabledMetadataSavers":[],"LocalMetadataReaderOrder":[],"DisabledMetadataFetchers":[],"MetadataFetcherOrder":[],"DisabledImageFetchers":["TheMovieDb"],"ImageFetcherOrder":[]}],"EnableAutomaticRestart":true,"PathSubstitutions":[],"UICulture":"en-us","PeopleMetadataOptions":{"DownloadActorMetadata":true,"DownloadDirectorMetadata":true,"DownloadProducerMetadata":false,"DownloadWriterMetadata":false,"DownloadComposerMetadata":false,"DownloadOtherPeopleMetadata":false,"DownloadGuestStarMetadata":false},"FindInternetTrailers":true,"InsecureApps9":["Windows 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2016-01-15 01:40:59.8103 Info App: Loading MediaBrowser.Api, Version=3.0.5846.28126, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
2016-01-15 01:40:59.8103 Info App: Loading MediaBrowser.WebDashboard, Version=3.0.5846.28126, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
2016-01-15 01:40:59.8103 Info App: Loading MediaBrowser.Model, Version=3.0.5846.28125, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
2016-01-15 01:40:59.8103 Info App: Loading MediaBrowser.Common, Version=3.0.5846.28125, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
2016-01-15 01:40:59.8103 Info App: Loading MediaBrowser.Controller, Version=3.0.5846.28126, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
2016-01-15 01:40:59.8103 Info App: Loading MediaBrowser.Providers, Version=3.0.5846.28129, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
2016-01-15 01:40:59.8103 Info App: Loading MediaBrowser.Common.Implementations, Version=3.0.5846.28128, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
2016-01-15 01:40:59.8103 Info App: Loading MediaBrowser.Server.Implementations, Version=3.0.5846.28128, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
2016-01-15 01:40:59.8103 Info App: Loading MediaBrowser.MediaEncoding, Version=3.0.5846.28129, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
2016-01-15 01:40:59.8103 Info App: Loading MediaBrowser.Dlna, Version=3.0.5846.28130, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
2016-01-15 01:40:59.8103 Info App: Loading MediaBrowser.LocalMetadata, Version=3.0.5846.28130, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
2016-01-15 01:40:59.8103 Info App: Loading MediaBrowser.XbmcMetadata, Version=3.0.5846.28129, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
2016-01-15 01:40:59.8103 Info App: Loading MediaBrowser.ServerApplication, Version=3.0.5846.28133, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
2016-01-15 01:40:59.8103 Info App: Loading MediaBrowser.Server.Startup.Common, Version=3.0.5846.28131, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
2016-01-15 01:40:59.9570 Info SqliteUserRepository: Sqlite 3.8.6 opening C:\Users\[USERNAME]\AppData\Roaming\Emby-Server\data\users.db
2016-01-15 01:41:00.0422 Info SqliteFileOrganizationRepository: Sqlite 3.8.6 opening C:\Users\[USERNAME]\AppData\Roaming\Emby-Server\data\fileorganization.db
2016-01-15 01:41:00.0422 Info AuthenticationRepository: Sqlite 3.8.6 opening C:\Users\[USERNAME]\AppData\Roaming\Emby-Server\data\authentication.db
2016-01-15 01:41:00.0578 Info SyncRepository: Sqlite 3.8.6 opening C:\Users\[USERNAME]\AppData\Roaming\Emby-Server\data\sync14.db
2016-01-15 01:41:00.1420 Info ImageMagick: ImageMagick version: ImageMagick 6.9.2-7 Q8 x64 2015-11-28 http://www.imagemagick.org
2016-01-15 01:41:00.1530 Info ImageProcessor: ImageProcessor started with 8 max concurrent image processes
2016-01-15 01:41:00.1990 Info App: FFMpeg: C:\Users\[USERNAME]\AppData\Roaming\Emby-Server\ffmpeg\20151111\ffmpeg.exe
2016-01-15 01:41:00.1990 Info App: FFProbe: C:\Users\[USERNAME]\AppData\Roaming\Emby-Server\ffmpeg\20151111\ffprobe.exe
2016-01-15 01:41:00.1990 Info SharingRepository: Sqlite 3.8.6 opening C:\Users\[USERNAME]\AppData\Roaming\Emby-Server\data\shares.db
2016-01-15 01:41:00.1990 Info ActivityRepository: Sqlite 3.8.6 opening C:\Users\[USERNAME]\AppData\Roaming\Emby-Server\data\activitylog.db
2016-01-15 01:41:00.2190 Info SqliteDisplayPreferencesRepository: Sqlite 3.8.6 opening C:\Users\[USERNAME]\AppData\Roaming\Emby-Server\data\displaypreferences.db
2016-01-15 01:41:00.2190 Info SqliteItemRepository: Sqlite 3.8.6 opening C:\Users\[USERNAME]\AppData\Roaming\Emby-Server\data\library.db
2016-01-15 01:41:00.2380 Info SqliteProviderInfoRepository: Sqlite 3.8.6 opening C:\Users\[USERNAME]\AppData\Roaming\Emby-Server\data\refreshinfo.db
2016-01-15 01:41:00.2460 Info SqliteUserDataRepository: Sqlite 3.8.6 opening C:\Users\[USERNAME]\AppData\Roaming\Emby-Server\data\userdata_v2.db
2016-01-15 01:41:00.2460 Info SqliteNotificationsRepository: Sqlite 3.8.6 opening C:\Users\[USERNAME]\AppData\Roaming\Emby-Server\data\notifications.db
2016-01-15 01:41:00.4652 Info HttpServer: Calling ServiceStack AppHost.Init
2016-01-15 01:41:02.3290 Info ServiceStackHost: Initializing Application took 2238.0082ms
2016-01-15 01:45:16.6887 Info Main: Disposing app host
2016-01-15 01:45:16.6887 Info App: Disposing ApplicationHost
2016-01-15 01:45:16.6887 Info App: Disposing TaskManager
2016-01-15 01:45:16.6887 Info App: Disposing HttpClientManager
2016-01-15 01:45:16.6887 Info App: Disposing InstallationManager
2016-01-15 01:45:16.6887 Info App: Disposing IsoManager
2016-01-15 01:45:16.6887 Info App: Disposing SqliteUserRepository
2016-01-15 01:45:16.6887 Info App: Disposing SqliteDisplayPreferencesRepository
2016-01-15 01:45:16.6887 Info App: Disposing SqliteItemRepository
2016-01-15 01:45:16.6887 Info App: Disposing SqliteProviderInfoRepository
2016-01-15 01:45:16.6887 Info App: Disposing SqliteFileOrganizationRepository
2016-01-15 01:45:16.6887 Info App: Disposing SyncRepository
2016-01-15 01:45:16.6887 Info App: Disposing LibraryMonitor
2016-01-15 01:45:16.6887 Info App: Disposing ProviderManager
2016-01-15 01:45:16.6887 Info App: Disposing ServerManager
2016-01-15 01:45:16.6887 Info App: Disposing ImageProcessor
2016-01-15 01:45:16.6887 Info App: Disposing ChannelManager
2016-01-15 01:45:16.6887 Info App: Disposing MediaSourceManager
2016-01-15 01:45:16.6887 Info App: Disposing LiveTvManager
2016-01-15 01:45:16.7043 Info App: Disposing ContentDirectory
2016-01-15 01:45:16.7043 Info App: Disposing MediaReceiverRegistrar
2016-01-15 01:45:16.7043 Info App: Disposing DeviceDiscovery
2016-01-15 01:45:16.7043 Info App: Disposing MediaEncoder
2016-01-15 01:45:16.7043 Info App: Disposing SsdpHandler
2016-01-15 01:45:16.7043 Info App: Disposing ActivityRepository
2016-01-15 01:45:16.7043 Info Main: Calling Application.Exit

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I would suggest running windows chkdsk to look for disc errors. I know you're not going to like hearing this, but I'm not convinced there's an Emby problem yet.

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Guardian Hope

I would suggest running windows chkdsk to look for disc errors. I know you're not going to like hearing this, but I'm not convinced there's an Emby problem yet.




Actually, you have conveniently caught me on the day I had been planning the annual maintenance testing. Well, actually it's a week long process because there are a number of RAIDs that have to be inspected. Nevertheless, last night was the OS drive's, which happens to be the final drive, turn.


chkdsk reported no errors and it was very deep scan which returned no errors as expected considering that the drives in the system are datacenter and enterprise rated.


This is the chkdsk command I used:

Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.11099]
(c) 2016 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

X:\WINDOWS\system32> chkdsk C: /f /r /b /x /scan /forceofflinefix /perf

I am sure you already know this but anyone can tell you that in fact that particular type of scan is pretty... deep for a non-vendor tool. And while yes, some of the commands imply others already incorporated into the scan, to use the "/perf" command with chkdsk requires the use of "/scan."


The volume is healthy and vendor tools are reporting the drive as perfectly healthy as well.


Remember, this has occurred over two different versions of Windows 10. Pre-Redstone (11082) and Redstone (11099). To top it off, it was working previously on 11082 up until the day I reported the issue. Like others, I let Emby Server auto-update when it can so I wouldn't know what version it was on before it stopped working as the logs were deleted in the clean install.


On a side note, at the moment I am in the process of getting Emby Server running on FreeBSD in VMWare as a stopgap until what's going on here is determined. 

Edited by Guardian Hope
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Guardian Hope

I hate to be that person who double posts but I wanted to update.


I have Emby Server currently running in an Ubuntu Virtual Appliance I made with vSphere 6 Enterprise. Now that I migrated it to a virtual machine for VMWare Workstation 12, everything is working as expected in terms of server connections. I can connect to it just fine and all the applications are happy with it but obviously this is just a temporary solution until we can figure out why Emby Server isn't binding to the ports in Windows 10 Pro but all other Emby applications function normally.


Keep in mind that if it was a firewall issue or anything of the like such as that, Endpoint Protection would have equally come down as hard on it as it would have the Windows Emby Server version since the Emby appliance uses the physical network in addition to the VMNet and Windows is connected to it through the physical network.


Hopefully you can get to the bottom of this soon @@Luke because I think I've seen several posts now about people not being able to connect to Emby though I admit it was a brief look and may not be related.


(I gave up on FreeBSD because FreeBSD is so stripped down and I couldn't get FFMpeg to compile + it started just feeling like work).

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Just curious have you tried setting emby to a different port?   I assume you ran netstat -an  in a cmd prompt when emby was unresponsive, just to make sure nothing (or possibly emby) was listening on 8096. 

netstat -aon | more      (run cmd as admin) will show you what process is listening on that port..

Edited by pir8radio
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Guardian Hope

Just curious have you tried setting emby to a different port?   I assume you ran netstat -an  in a cmd prompt when emby was unresponsive, just to make sure nothing (or possibly emby) was listening on 8096. 

netstat -aon | more      (run cmd as admin) will show you what process is listening on that port..




Although that's a good suggestion unfortunately I have already done it a long with the far better command nmap which with the right switches can tell you more than netstat can.


netstat shows all open connections but Emby Server on any port isn't one of them and 8096 as well as its SSL counterpart aren't in use by any application.


nmap shows the host reachable but the port closed as nothing is listening on that port whereas when I run the commands pointed at the Ubuntu appliance I created yesterday, Emby Server responds.


@@Luke says Emby Server isn't starting up properly and that there should be one more log notice once Emby Server registers the HTTP core with Windows but that doesn't appear to be happening.


I noticed on Ununtu there was a debug log setting and I am not sure if Windows' version was set to that (usually the first thing I set) but if it isn't I will edit the config to it and try to launch it; then post the output here.


Otherwise for me at least, Emby Server for some reason became a dead paperweight o  Windows 10 both before and after the start of Redstone (builds 11082 and 11099) even though the former was able to launch it correctly in early January.


I will also post Ununtu's Emby Server log for comparison since technically they are both running from the same system (I will of course shutdown Ubuntu first before testing Windows).

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Guardian Hope



For comparison's sake I have attached the Ubuntu Virtual Appliance's log file which may or may not include where I tried to put emby-server as a startup service incorrectly.


The Windows logging was already set to the debug state according to its configuration so unfortunately that's all we have to go on.


Now keep in mind: the Windows Emby Server and the Ubuntu Virtual Appliance Emby Server reside on the same physical machine - just one is using the VMWare Hypervisor. Also note that Ubuntu is accessing the host's file system through HGFS which is built into VMWare so I do believe it's physically writing to the disc just like Windows would.


The latter is functioning fine while the former - not so much.


I also have to thank the person who slipped in "Secondary Emby Server" into the Kodi plugin because it allowed Emby to retain literally all playback status for virtually every movie and TV show. That is a 100% awesome and useful feature that makes it easy to fallback on a different server when something like this comes up.


Hopefully this helps you but if not - at least I tried :). Ubuntu boots in like 2 seconds so it's pretty painless to use if I need to make it primary (I use Ubuntu Server and not Ubuntu Desktop).


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Guardian Hope

what you could try is going here and downloading some of the standalone windows zips and just running the server portable:






I browsed through all the way back to November - perhaps something has change in Windows' core networking for Redstone as they were or are making a lot of OneCore changes.


In any cases, all the logs read the same except for build 3.0.5781.5 which contained this:

2016-01-16 16:26:18.5864 Info App: Requesting administrative access to authorize http server
2016-01-16 16:26:23.3349 Warn Connect: Cannot update Emby Connect information without a WanApiAddress

Followed by the usual:

HttpServer: Calling ServiceStack AppHost.Init
Info ServiceStackHost: Initializing Application took 2238.0082ms

Do keep in mind Emby in this scenario was of course ran as an administrator.


I was going through the individual logs in a hurry but 3.0.5781.5 before I deleted it to try an older build did try to bind itself to two addresses: 10.x.x.x (physical LAN) and 192.168.x.x (VMNet LAN) which is normal behavior from the older logs but was unsuccessful in doing either.


I didn't mean to delete that log as that was the longest but I did and I can't seem to get it back (I have a lot of Notepad++ files open).


I am going to try and start Windows in Safe Mode with Networking to see what that does. Otherwise, I guess I'll be depending on that Ubuntu appliance for a while.


Will post Safe Mode with Networking log as a follow up to this post.

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Guardian Hope



As promised, I tried to run Emby in safe mode just to see and the log file is attached. However, there isn't much - I think it looks virtually identical to the one's I've already posted.


So either Redstone changed something or something is in Emby's code considering Emby [almost] successfully bound to its port once with an older version.


I don't think there's much else I can do.


Relegating the task to Ubuntu Server which is extremely lightweight is painless enough [hopefully]. I assume I won't lose any of the codec capabilities from Kodi and whatnot (like HEVC/H.265). I don't really use Emby on the go - for that I just use iCloud/iTunes where I get my content. I don't think there's a K-Lite Codec Mega Pack for Ubuntu otherwise but Emby Server doesn't really transcode anything.


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Guardian Hope

are you sure it actually succeeded once?




Yes. The logfile looked similar to the one I posted from when it was working - displaying both the 10.x.x.x and 192.x.x.x addresses (one physical; one virtual) and I was able to reach the Emby Setup Wizard for first run.


Then it just stopped and once again the connection started to be refused - thus why I said it "almost" bonded to the ports rather than saying it "bonded to the ports" because it lasted about as quick as a server restart unfortunately and nothing was consistent about it (i.e. clean install of the same exact version just kept refusing with the lines indicative above about registering the server even though it's already running as an administrator).

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