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MadVR - What is its benefit?

Koleckai Silvestri

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Koleckai Silvestri

I installed it once and couldn't notice any difference in the playback in Emby Theater. Playback happens on either a 27" 1920 X 1080 monitor or a 21" 1440 X 900 monitor. Mostly in a windowed mode.


What is the actual benefit of MadVR?

Edited by Koleckai Silvestri
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it's noticeable on larger screens. running 1080p on a 120" projector setup it smooths the edges alot better than not having it on at all. 

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Koleckai Silvestri

Hmmm, I have seen that. It doesn't really answer the question. I don't see much of a difference in their same images.




it's noticeable on larger screens. running 1080p on a 120" projector setup it smooths the edges alot better than not having it on at all.


Oh, I doubt I will ever have a screen that large. Not much interest in a super large screen and don't have space in my 1,300 square foot house.

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Hmmm, I have seen that. It doesn't really answer the question. I don't see much of a difference in their same images.


I never saw any difference either. To me it's always been a tool for people to be needlessly elite. However people do say that the benefits are most noticeable on older tv shows being scaled to 1080p or greater screens.

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It depends a lot on the quality of the media you are trying to play back.  I find it impossible to see the difference with a 1080p rip of a bluray encoded with today's software.  But I still have some AVI rips from DVDs I did 10 years ago (poorly  :) ) where I can see a noticeable improvement. 


I do agree with Redshirt that with today's software MadVR really is for the measurebators out there.  I would prefer to have a quality rip rather than mess with playback rendering.

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Koleckai Silvestri

All of my rips are recent. DVDs and Blurays are MKV. So in other words, if I don't have a problem with current playback (I think it is called EVR), then don't worry about it. Thanks.

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