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Can You Add To The Emby Server From Kodi?


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I've had great success with the use the Emby Server and Kodi, I've got all my local media shared and synced between multiple devices which has been great (so thanks developers). I actually own a blog about stuff like this and was asked a question if you can add from the Kodi box into the Emby Server.


I don't want this to be a debate about the legality of third party illegal addons but I seen the question and then got curious cause I wanted to write a guide on how (if possible) you could implement.  The short reading I did seems to surround STRM files.


So let's say we add a video to our favorites/library in our living room Kodi box from a third party plugin, can we then somehow have our local Emby server find that, add it to the Emby library and then sync it to the other Kodi devices on the network with the stream source or proper .strm file source (assuming that's what's used)?


Hope that makes sense.

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Yes, just make sure the location your strm file (or whatever format) is saved to is one of the sources in your Emby server. The Emby server will then lookup the metadata etc and make it available to any client. Playback will of course be down to the relevant client being capable (eg. Having the correct addon installed etc)

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Yes, just make sure the location your strm file (or whatever format) is saved to is one of the sources in your Emby server. The Emby server will then lookup the metadata etc and make it available to any client. Playback will of course be down to the relevant client being capable (eg. Having the correct addon installed etc)


Thanks, Ill do some experimenting.

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