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Images Stretched / Zoomed In...

Dodgy Bob

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Hey folks,


I kicked off this post over in the Synology forum as I wasn't sure if my issue was to do with the server side or the app side. But after testing in the Web App through Firefox on my PC and everything working as it should there, perhaps it is an app side issue!?


So short of it is this: I'm using Emby Server on my Synology DS1815+ (v3.0.5781.1) to push to Emby App (v0.593) on my Samsung UA55HU8500 (sorry, don't have the firmware on me at the moment, am at work, so can grab it later if needs be) and I noticed when testing last night that all images are stretched and/or zoomed in; userid icons, posters, backgrounds, pretty much everything.


Is anyone else getting this? Is there anything that I can do to try to fix this at all?


Before this started, I had just uninstalled Emby on the TV and reinstalled, but I didn't reboot between. Not sure if that would do anything anyhow!? I can try and uninstall/reinstall again if needs be.


Any help greatly appreciated.


Thanks folks,

Dodgy Bob.


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As mentioned above, I first kicked off this issue in the Synology forum and in it, shorty1483 has just got back to me and had this to say:


CoverArt stopped working

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In reading that thread, turns out that CA (CoverArt) appears to be broken, at least in versions and So I'll do some updating and downgrading once I'm home and see where I end up from there.



Dodgy Bob.

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First I would suggest you to update Sammy version to latest Beta, perhaps the problem is gone with it since @@cmcg changed a lot of code since your version. Additionally it has some real cool new features. The issue turned out by me looked like a Server Issue in latest betas which should be fixed now.


Try the newest Beta : http://emby.media/community/index.php?/topic/27260-beta-100s/


And please post a screenshot of the issue...

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In reading that thread, turns out that CA (CoverArt) appears to be broken, at least in versions and So I'll do some updating and downgrading once I'm home and see where I end up from there.


There is nothing wrong with those versions of CA.  But, if you're on the dev server, then things may break/go unstable periodically.

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There is nothing wrong with those versions of CA.  But, if you're on the dev server, then things may break/go unstable periodically.


He is on 3.0.5781.5 on Synology.

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Hey lads,


Sorry its taken me a bit to get back. Have had a couple of things on - ain't life grand!


So in reply...



There is nothing wrong with those versions of CA.  But, if you're on the dev server, then things may break/go unstable periodically.


Yeah, thats why I tend to stick to the stable versions / (public) release versions. As best as I'm aware ebr, my setup does not contain any dev versions  :)



He is on 3.0.5781.5 on Synology.


Indeed, so my setup is: Emby (Synology) Server v3.0.5781.5  >  CoverArt Plugin v4.0.9.6  >  Emby (Samsung) App v0.593



First I would suggest you to update Sammy version to latest Beta, perhaps the problem is gone with it since @@cmcg changed a lot of code since your version. Additionally it has some real cool new features. The issue turned out by me looked like a Server Issue in latest betas which should be fixed now.


Try the newest Beta : http://emby.media/community/index.php?/topic/27260-beta-100s/


And please post a screenshot of the issue...


OK, thanks shorty1483, I'll give it a go to see if that fixes up my issue. I hadn't made the move yet to the latest beta of the sammy app as I wasn't sure just how beta it was. I did previously have v0.593, or perhaps the release prior to it, of the sammy app running fine when I had Emby Server running off of my Win2012 server, so I had just gone back to it, v0.593 that is, when I switched to Emby Server on Synology thinking that it should all be sweet. My main point was trying to get everything to just work again. Thats all. The WAF drops considerably when things are not working right!  ;)


Anyhow, this is how things look for me at the moment...


"Media Folders"






"Hawaii Five-0"






"User Account Icon (Top Left)"


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To be honest, I've never seen such a problem before. Specially on Sammy.


Is this also happening on other Clients like Web? You could try to delete the enhanced images folder in /cache/images to rebuild images by coverart.


Also setting up Coverlet to ignore all images helped me out one time, then look if images work and then redo changes .


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OK, so I checked Emby via the web client and in all 3 major browsers - FF / IE / Chrome - everything appears to be in order; images are displaying correctly.


So I then turned to my Android powered phone and fired up Emby on it and low'n'behold, all is working fine there too.


However, the one thing that was not working on either were the CoverArt treatments. CoverArt still does not seem to be pushing out its special creativity!


So I'll install latest sammy beta and clean out the image cache and see how that moves things along.


Thanks folks,

Dodgy Bob.

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Yeah, thats why I tend to stick to the stable versions / (public) release versions. As best as I'm aware ebr, my setup does not contain any dev versions   :)




If that is the case, then the post you linked to about CA should not be affecting you at all.

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OK, so I checked Emby via the web client and in all 3 major browsers - FF / IE / Chrome - everything appears to be in order; images are displaying correctly.


Have you tried the Samsung beta version yet? It is now at the release candidate stage so is stable to everyday use.

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If that is the case, then the post you linked to about CA should not be affecting you at all.



Then I must be missing something somewhere!? Because in my non-Dev Emby Server version with non-Dev CoverArt installed, this is still happening to me:


Is this something completely unrelated?   :unsure:

( Sorry, I hope I don't come off as rude, I'm just trying to figure things out is all ;) )






Have you tried the Samsung beta version yet? It is now at the release candidate stage so is stable to everyday use.


And I'm hopefully going to get to that right now cmcg!

I need to run the kids to their Auntie's house this morning, in a moment actually, and then I'm offline for a couple of days.

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(Kids are still sleeping - and I'm happy to let them!)


So I uninstalled v0.593 (as develop), turned off TV, waited a couple of minutes, turned TV back on, logged out as me, logged in as develop, checked Smart Hub, then...

Turned off TV again, waited another couple of minutes, turned TV back on, logged out as me, logged in as develop, checked Smart Hub, then...

(I just really wanted to make sure!)

Turned off TV, waited couple of minutes, turned on TV, logged out as me, logged in as develop, installed Emby Samsung App, then...

Turned off TV, waited couple of minutes, turned on TV, waited for the TV to finish loading and logging me in, started up Emby... and...


No change  :(  Arrrgggghhh! Dang it!


Well, I'll remove the image cache as suggested previously and see what happens after that.


I did think of something else during this process though. How bad is it to use the Synology default folders, even though I have changed all the permissions? Is this likely to be part of my issue?

I did have the permissions changed before re-installing Emby and then confirmed permission settings again afterwards.

I was of the impression that I could still use these default folders so long as the permissions were changed !? !?







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Hey folks,


OK, so I went back and completely uninstalled everything from my Synology DS1815+ (Mono, MediaInfo, ImageMagick, ffMpeg and Emby) and also uninstalled from my Samsung TV.


Then I reinstalled Emby Server back to my Synology NAS, reinstalled Emby App back to my Samsung with the latest stable v1.0.0, did not install any plugins whatsoever, setup a new user to login with and - lo and behold - the UserID icon is still all stretched and not sitting like it does when I bring up the web app.


I'm at a loss! I have no idea what else to blow away or try.


My uninstalling and reinstalling, sorry, would that have blown away the image cache or does that reside somewhere outside of Emby?


Otherwise, does anyone have any other ideas?



Dodgy Bob

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Not sure about Unix, but on Windows it either saves images in the media folder or in C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\Emby-Server\cache depending on your settings in dashboard


Have you tried installing server on a Windows machine?  Might be worth a try to see if you get the same result.  Most of us are on Windows I believe

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Not sure about Unix, but on Windows it either saves images in the media folder or in C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\Emby-Server\cache depending on your settings in dashboard


Have you tried installing server on a Windows machine?  Might be worth a try to see if you get the same result.  Most of us are on Windows I believe


Hey FrostByte,


Yeah, thats what I'm trying out now. It's a pain because I don't want the PC on 24/7, thats what the NAS is for / does! But I guess, for testing purposes, this will suffice for now. I've also reset SmartHub on the TV, so we'll see if that helps things along at all.


Once I have things setup enough for testing, I'll report back.



Dodgy Bob.

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OK, so I think its safe to say its not the Samsung App   :D  And definitely not CoverArt   ;)

Unfortunately, for me, this means it comes back to the Synology Server then   :(


So this is what I did...


First up, I uninstalled - from last to first, that is, in reverse order - everything to do with Synology Server

Then I installed Windows Server on my PC and did minimal setup

Then I reset 'Smart Hub' on my Samsung TV (UA55HU8500)

Logged in as 'develop' > added IP > ran an app sync > logged out as 'develop'

Logged in with my account > ran Emby for Samsung App > and ta-da! images are how they should be and everything looks just fine once more


Now I want to repeat the same but for Synology Server obviously and see what happens. I might call this thread "good!" then and if my issues persist I'll take it up in the Synology forum and keep CoverArt out of it!


Thanks for your patience and persistence folks, much appreciated.


Kind regards,

Dodgy Bob.



PS - Oh, and I almost forgot, kudos to you cmcg and your crew for getting the stable release of Emby for Samsung App 1.0.0 out there. Well done   :lol:

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I think we've found that running server from a NAS causes at least a couple issues now, subtitles and images are both displayed differently. 

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  • 2 months later...



I've just joined the group. Been using Emby (mediabrowser!) for many years without real issue, however I too have decommisioned my windows server and running on a synology ds1815+ and experiencing the same issues with my samsung smart TV


Has there been any movement on this issue? I am running latest of everything



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My guess is that the Synology server does not scale the image correctly when asked. If you look at the pilot in the screen shots above, he is the same size in the thumbnail as in the larger view so it appears to be the original, full size image.


The reason this comes across as a client issue is because most clients just request the full size image and then scale it themselves. @@Luke has suggested we should do that in past. Apart from that being a pretty huge job to implement, I'm not sure what the TV performance impact might be.

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