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Movies Title Not Identified / No Metadata Retrieved

Go to solution Solved by ebr,

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So if the square brackets are ignored in the file name why can't you set up the file name as [year] movie name (year)?? 


I do not know much at all about that kind of stuff but from reading the replies in the thread it sounds like the [ ] get ignored anyway. Is that right?


It's ignored if it's at the end, but IIRC if you use it at the beginning the parser misses the title text in your format.


Sorry to be rude but this is a silly discussion.  You may either use a supported naming convention or manually identify movies.  Your current format isn't supported and clearly doesn't work quite right in Emby.  You need to decide how you'd like to proceed and then people can help you implement that if you need it.

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It's ignored if it's at the end, but IIRC if you use it at the beginning the parser misses the title text in your format.


Sorry to be rude but this is a silly discussion.  You may either use a supported naming convention or manually identify movies.  Your current format isn't supported and clearly doesn't work quite right in Emby.  You need to decide how you'd like to proceed and then people can help you implement that if you need it.


First of all, thanks for joining my thread. Now, in retort to your post, I hope you don't take this the wrong way, but if you've ever developed any kind of product in your life, it would seem you conducted the process poorly. I've always been in admiration of MediaBrowser, and am more so now of Emby,  but this admiration was raised higher yet when I placed my enquiry here and I saw that the community and specially the developers were not only willing to explain why things weren't working, but to understand what my needs are. Emby may be mostly non-profit, but for most corporations the majority of consumers hold mutiple highly valuable information- information worth gold. LISTENING is precisely one of the most efficient ways to keep constantly improving your product.


we don't use imdb as it's not a freely available source. we use others such as TheMovieDb.org and omdbapi.com


Ah...! I see. I didn't know IMDb wasn't free.


Well, I guess in faced with a choice between keeping my filenames or using Emby, I will favor Emby. RenameMaster makes it a reasonable task if I should ever decide to go back to my naming scheme anyway.


Final thoughts: Although I know this would be low priority, I'll leave this observation/idea for the developers: what you should have is the ability for the user to choose the naming scheme for the files. You can do this by offering 4 or 5 pre-made options, and ideally, the option to "build" the naming format yourself. Emby would then parse the names accordingly, saving them to a database spreasheet (as I am sure it already does when it scans the library).

Edited by dboccia
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First of all, thanks for joining my thread. Now, in retort to your post, I hope you don't take this the wrong way, but if you've ever developed any kind of product in your life, it would seem you conducted the process poorly. I've always been in admiration of MediaBrowser, and am more so now of Emby,  but this admiration was raised higher yet when I placed my enquiry here and I saw that the community and specially the developers were not only willing to explain why things weren't working, but to understand what my needs are. Emby may be mostly non-profit, but for most corporations the majority of consumers hold mutiple highly valuable information- information worth gold. LISTENING is precisely one of the most efficient ways to keep constantly improving your product.


I'm a user, not a developer.  I've listened and the answer is what I posted.


Your naming convention isn't supported.  You may either:

  • Change your naming convention
  • Manually identify the movies that don't get recognized using your current naming convention
  • Post a feature request to support your naming convention and not use Emby until it's supported

Those are the options that exist.  Pick one.

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One day the naming scheme will be configurable but they are currently stored in regex expressions, so only the most tech savvy users are actually going to be able to customize them, unfortunately.

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