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Roku Reboots When Starting Playback


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White505, get a life. Read back through threads and see why. It doesnt need to be explained a thousand times. If emby server could fix it, it wouldve. Since it cannot without rokus cooperation it is expected they will. To put it quite blunty, "go use another server then and quit yer bitchin'". Sorry we can't make miracles happen. Anybody have a magic lamp with a genie and some wishes left?


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Why are we expecting Roku to fix this? Why isn't MediaBrowser/Emby correcting this? I'm seriously considering finding another media server. This is B.S.


Because, had you actually read through the thread you'd realize that it was found the most recent update Roku sent out is the issue. Not the Emby app, not the serve app, not your files.

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White505, get a life. Read back through threads and see why. It doesnt need to be explained a thousand times. If emby server could fix it, it wouldve. Since it cannot without rokus cooperation it is expected they will. To put it quite blunty, "go use another server then and quit yer bitchin'". Sorry we can't make miracles happen. Anybody have a magic lamp with a genie and some wishes left?


Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk

I'm going to disagree with this statement.  Even though Roku broke it, I don't know that Roku will fix it, and it appears that other apps that were broken with the update have started to fix themselves.  For instance, Netflix was broken from the update, and it has since updated its app to address the issue.  Plex also had this issue and I believe they will/have made changes to address the issue.


That being said, I"m not going anywhere.  It's a great product and in due time there will be a solution.

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Here is ESPN for example, same issue.




The roku admins, forward this to roku engineers who work with the channel developer to find the problem. Luke will need to open a dialogue with roku in this manner to resolve the problem. Repeatedly throwing assumptions around isnt solving anything. Using the roku forums, and their engineering team to discuss solutions is required.


@@Luke have you made contact with roku regarding this issue?


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Work here? Where is here? What exactly are you asking? Its obvious what is wrong. Been stated many times. You are whining and threatening to use another type of platform. Okay, then do it. Sure. Its not rational to beat a dead horse. You are approaching the forum equivalent by asking the same question in a thread with the same question. The best friend here is time. Not only do I contribute to the roku side of the project which could be construed as working here as youve put it I also am a customer. I too want this fixed. Your mouth (or in this case text) is your enemy here. Your point is taken as a child who cries when a toy is taken away. Instead, realize nothing changed on our end but the roku firmware has caused this. Once you realize that you stop placing blame, and start being patient. The cursing and foul mouth only serve you in a harsh light and make you look bad. I realize its bullshit. The damn roku should just work. Wtf!! And screaming.. But bro, we didnt do it. Just chill.. Relax.. It will soon be okay. We can all get a!ong with a little patience and friendliness. No need to be angry. Its just a silly box that streams stuff. Spend time with your family. Its the holidays, be merry. No need to be an ass. Merry christmas. :)


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I think it's actually due to the size of the HLS manifest. A longer video just makes it more likely to happen. For example, our segment lengths were listed with six decimals, e.g. 3.000000. Yesterday I removed two which made the manifest size a little smaller and that fixed it for a movie that was right about two hours, but it's still a problem for others.


All of the entries in the manifest have long query strings. If i remove the query strings, the Roku video player will actually re-add them back automatically based on the manifest query strings, which is really not a good thing and unlike other HLS players. This makes the manifest a lot smaller and resolves the issue, but I can't put out a release with this change because as soon as they fix it, then that release would be broken and another emergency update would be needed. So we might just have to give it a little more time.

So to confirm - are we staying that we are going to sit this out and see if roku fix it. What if they don't? What if they decide in 6 months time to fix it? What if they don't know about it?

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So to confirm - are we staying that we are going to sit this out and see if roku fix it. What if they don't? What if they decide in 6 months time to fix it? What if they don't know about it?

Most of the statements are from is plebeians. That being said, Luke has posted some small steps in solving the issue in the dev forums. Clearly they are working on a solution.

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Indeed, legallink stop it then. No need to continue repeating what is already known. All this does is cause animosity. Stop. Just stop posting and grow some patience. You think roku isnt aware? There are several issues in the new firmware. Not just the one affecting emby. Roku are interested in fixing all problems, not just one issue. Ive spoken already to roku about this. The same problem affects espn streams, and others. Stop pontificating and making "what if" scenarios and just wait and be patient. You cannot rush this. We dont have control of how firmware updates are pushed. Jeez.

Edited by speechles
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Indeed, legallink stop it then. No need to continue repeating what is already known. All this does is cause animosity. Stop. Just stop posting and grow some patience. You think roku isnt aware? There are several issues in the new firmware. Not just the one affecting emby. Roku are interested in fixing all problems, not just one issue. Ive spoken already to roku about this. The same problem affects espn streams, and others. Stop pontificating and making "what if" scenarios and just wait and be patient. You cannot rush this. We dont have control of how firmware updates are pushed. Jeez.


This was obviously aimed at me. I wasn't attacking anyone, I simply asked some questions and posed a thought. 

People like me depend on the roku application working with emby. Without it we simply cannot watch a movie in my house with my setup


I asked if they knew about it - I didnt say they didnt know about it

Other applications e.g Netflix, Plex etc have fixed on their side so their users can continue using the system. You propose to wait it out


Have they said they will fix it? Do we have an estimate? Is it possible to implement a fix which will work in both scenarios?

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I have updated to the newest release 3.0.5781.4.  I have not done extensive testing with all my 2+ hour movies, but it has solved the ones I've checked. 2:04, 2:15...

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I have updated to the newest release 3.0.5781.4. I have not done extensive testing with all my 2+ hour movies, but it has solved the ones I've checked. 2:04, 2:15...

When did this update come out?



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Have they said they will fix it? Do we have an estimate? Is it possible to implement a fix which will work in both scenarios?

1) yes.

2) no.

3) possibly, but not as completely as it will be when roku has solved the issue. Without roku intervene there is an upper limit threshold it imposes on the server, and the roku now is wasteful of that space on top of having the upper limit set low. So roku needs to raise the limit for this in the firmware, or correct the issue in the manifest. Not sure which method they will choose.

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I am still having the same problem with movies over 2hrs and 10mins even with v3.0.5781.4.  It seems like it is a roku issue though so i'm not sure what the emby team can do to work around the issues.

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I encountered this issue for the first time this evening. I get that this is on Roku's end. This honestly might just make me pick up a nexus player tomorrow...I had to watch a movie on my BD player tonight, which was fine. But, I forgot how annoying previews/commercials were...


I appreciate the devs for keeping the conversations civil and doing what they can. I am patiently waiting for a solution, but I realized it may be a while.


EDIT: This morning I updated the server to the latest beta and all seems to be working now.


Sent from my HTC6525LVW using Tapatalk

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I was still having the problem with 3.0.5781.4.  I updated to the latest beta/dev releases and still the same.  I completelly uninstalled the server (removed cache files, etc.) just to make sure that there wasn't something looming from before and reinstalled with the same results.  So...  I downloaded the code branch and found the function that outputs the manifest file to the device (GetVariantPlaylistInternal(StreamRequest request, bool isOutputVideo, string name) in DynamicHlsService.cs inside of the MediaBrowser.Api project under the Playback/Hls directory) and modified it to not include the query strings which apparently is what is causing the rokus to crash (manifest file is getting too big or something?).  I've tested it with several movies that weren't working before and it isn't crashing the roku anymore.


Here's what I did:

1.  I installed server version 3.0.5781.4 and set it all up.

2.  In the advanced system preferences I disabled automatic updating of the server.

3.  Find where the server is installed.  (My server installation was in this directory C:\Users\[userName]\AppData\Roaming\Emby-Server\System)

4.  Exit out of the server program

5.  In your server installation directory, rename MediaBrowser.Api.dll to MediaBrowser.Api.dll.old and copy the MediaBrowser.Api.dll that is in the attached zip file to the directory.

6.  Start the server and cross your fingers.


The dll was compiled with version 3.0.5781.4 so i don't know if it will work with other release versions of the product.


I hope this helps some folks out there.  This is by no means a fix, just a bandaid at best (and it probably breaks something else).  Once Roku gets thier fix out, re-enabling automatic updates should overwrite this file when a new version of the server comes out and everything will be as it should be (codewise).


If this doesn't work for you, you can just delete the file you copied over and rename the .old file back to its original name to put things back the way they were.


EDIT:  just realized that while any of the emby proprietary clients are smart enough to include the proper query strings even if they aren't sent from the server, playing through a non emby client isn't and i broke that part.  Added a condition that looks for ROKU in the user agent string and only performs this manipulation if it is a roku but leaves everything as it was if it isn't a roku.  File updated.


EDIT:  I have gone ahead and removed this file as it seems that roku has finally pushed an update out that fixes the issue.  If you still have problems, make sure to go into settings, system, and system update in your roku to verify that you have the latest build.  If this still doesn't work, the beta release has a query string bandaid (as of now) in it that will temporarilly resolve the issue.

Edited by BigBri41
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just so I understand correctly, all you did was disable the auto-update feature and it works fine now?


@@Luke that sounds awfully interesting!

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There is a file attached to my post that I copied into the server directory.  Disabling auto-update will just prevent the file from being overwritten until roku comes out with a fix.  I modified the post and numbered the steps i took to make it easier to follow.

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There is a file attached to my post that I copied into the server directory.  Disabling auto-update will just prevent the file from being overwritten until roku comes out with a fix.  I modified the post and numbered the steps i took to make it easier to follow.


Saw that, and thanks for making it so clear.  I'm going to give it a try tonight.


Check that, I just gave it a try and it broke both my web player and my iOS app.  I did not try it on the roku.


As an FYI, for whatever reason, my install is at ..../mediabrowser-server/....


I don't know if that has an impact.

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I tested the file from BigBri41.  The first file uploaded broke the web streaming (no audio).  The second file seems to work with both web streaming (audio is back) and for Roku.  


I am currently running official release of 3.0.5781.4 with the updated file.  My install was also in mediabrowser-server.  Does not seem to be impacting me yet.


Thanks @@BigBri41 for the work around fix for now.

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I implemented BigBri41's fix last night using server version 3.0.5781.5 and it worked perfectly. My Roku3 can play MKV files over 2 hours. I have tested about 25 movies so far and the Roku has not crashed yet. (None of these movies would play before the fix was installed.)


I also use Kodi on a Windows 10 PC and have noticed no change when playing movies/tv shows. I have not tested the emby app on a tablet but imagine it will be the same.


Thank you for the temp fix BigBri41! This is an excellent work around and will be almost nothing to unwind when/if Roku comes out with a permanent fix.

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I did BigBri41's fix as well just now using server version 3.0.5781.4 installed into the ..../mediabrowser-server/.... folder and it works for me as well.


A big thank-you to BigBri41 from me as well!  It's much appreciated!


Edited to add my install directory...

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@@BigBri41 Thanks for the windows dll. The issue doesnt affect mpeg4, only h264 inside m3u8 reboots when transcoding. Roku had no answer, just an acknowledgement they can reproduce the issue.


A different issue affects h264 at 720 with surround sound in AC3 on the roku. It will look like its not moving right, but the sound stays in sync. Like its doing a 3/2 pulldown on 24fps reducing it down to 15fps. They have yet to fix this either. They may not fix either until the new year. They have alot of issues on their plate from the os7 update. Their developers may be overwhelmed...*shrugs*


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I was still having the problem with 3.0.5781.4.  I updated to the latest beta/dev releases and still the same.  I completelly uninstalled the server (removed cache files, etc.) just to make sure that there wasn't something looming from before and reinstalled with the same results.  So...  I downloaded the code branch and found the function that outputs the manifest file to the device (GetVariantPlaylistInternal(StreamRequest request, bool isOutputVideo, string name) in DynamicHlsService.cs inside of the MediaBrowser.Api project under the Playback/Hls directory) and modified it to not include the query strings which apparently is what is causing the rokus to crash (manifest file is getting too big or something?).  I've tested it with several movies that weren't working before and it isn't crashing the roku anymore.


Here's what I did:

1.  I installed server version 3.0.5781.4 and set it all up.

2.  In the advanced system preferences I disabled automatic updating of the server.

3.  Find where the server is installed.  (My server installation was in this directory C:\Users\[userName]\AppData\Roaming\Emby-Server\System)

4.  Exit out of the server program

5.  In your server installation directory, rename MediaBrowser.Api.dll to MediaBrowser.Api.dll.old and copy the MediaBrowser.Api.dll that is in the attached zip file to the directory.

6.  Start the server and cross your fingers.


The dll was compiled with version 3.0.5781.4 so i don't know if it will work with other release versions of the product.


I hope this helps some folks out there.  This is by no means a fix, just a bandaid at best (and it probably breaks something else).  Once Roku gets thier fix out, re-enabling automatic updates should overwrite this file when a new version of the server comes out and everything will be as it should be (codewise).


If this doesn't work for you, you can just delete the file you copied over and rename the .old file back to its original name to put things back the way they were.


EDIT:  just realized that while any of the emby proprietary clients are smart enough to include the proper query strings even if they aren't sent from the server, playing through a non emby client isn't and i broke that part.  Added a condition that looks for ROKU in the user agent string and only performs this manipulation if it is a roku but leaves everything as it was if it isn't a roku.  File updated.


Thank you so much for this followed your instructions to the letter, 6 rokus in use, over 1000+ files that would had/have been effected by this. I guess I will have keep an eye out to see when its safe to update my Emby Server again. I tried to find confirmation of Roku doing anything with the firmware and didnt have any luck.

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