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server add library - requested feature not implemented ERROR

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Every time I try to add my media library to the OS X emby server (locally attached USB hard drive), I get a pop-up saying "There was an error adding the media path".


The debug log has an exception with "The requested feature is not implemented".


I've just downloaded/installed the latest Emby server (as of Oct 29th 2015).  This failed during the initial setup phase, so I went to the "LabelConfigureMediaBrowser" item in the Emby menu on the top menu bar (to get to the server settings page), enabled debug logging, and tried adding a media library/folders that way - same error.


I've tried adding my local USB drive, and (since it is also shared on my network) tried to add the network share.  Both fail in the same way.


Any ideas?


The end of the debug log is below.


        Ip: Headers: Host=localhost:8096,Accept-Language=en-us,X-Emby-Authorization=MediaBrowser Client="Emby Web Client", Device="Safari 601.1.56", DeviceId="3be66f1d654554083cbf43711d0e10526b264114", Version="3.0.5768.7", UserId="c9cfb1271dff400f83bbca32cab20ad7",Accept-Encoding=gzip, deflate,Connection=keep-alive,Accept=*/*,User-Agent=Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_11) AppleWebKit/601.1.56 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/9.0 Safari/601.1.56,DNT=1,X-MediaBrowser-Token=4c49a724aca343ceb076a80c8d6fb02e

2015-10-29 14:17:23.6939 Info - HttpServer: HTTP Response 200 to Response time: 6.728 ms.

        Url: http://localhost:8096/emby/Environment/ParentPath?path=%2FVolumes%2FExtMedia%2FExtMovieShare

2015-10-29 14:17:23.7106 Info - HttpServer: HTTP Response 200 to Response time: 25.079 ms.

        Url: http://localhost:8096/emby/Environment/DirectoryContents?includeDirectories=true&path=%2FVolumes%2FExtMedia%2FExtMovieShare

2015-10-29 14:17:33.5962 Info - HttpServer: HTTP POST http://localhost:8096/emby/Library/VirtualFolders?collectionType=movies&refreshLibrary=true&name=Movies

        Ip: Headers: Host=localhost:8096,Accept=*/*,X-Emby-Authorization=MediaBrowser Client="Emby Web Client", Device="Safari 601.1.56", DeviceId="3be66f1d654554083cbf43711d0e10526b264114", Version="3.0.5768.7", UserId="c9cfb1271dff400f83bbca32cab20ad7",X-MediaBrowser-Token=4c49a724aca343ceb076a80c8d6fb02e,Accept-Language=en-us,Accept-Encoding=gzip, deflate,Content-Type=application/json,Origin=http://localhost:8096,Content-Length=45,User-Agent=Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_11) AppleWebKit/601.1.56 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/9.0 Safari/601.1.56,DNT=1,Connection=keep-alive

2015-10-29 14:17:33.5985 Info - App: Queueing task RefreshMediaLibraryTask

2015-10-29 14:17:33.5985 Info - App: Executing Scan media library

2015-10-29 14:17:33.5990 Info - App: Validating media library

2015-10-29 14:17:33.5990 Error - DtoUtils: ServiceBase<TRequest>::Service Exception

        *** Error Report ***

        Version: 3.0.5768.7

        Command line: /Applications/Emby.Server.Mac.app/Contents/MacOS/Emby.Server.Mac

        Operating system: Unix

        Processor count: 4

        64-Bit OS: False

        64-Bit Process: False

        Program data path: /Users/paulbart/.config/emby-server

        Mono: 3.10.0 ((detached/d1a1ea3)

        Application Path: /Applications/Emby.Server.Mac.app/Contents/MonoBundle/Emby.Server.Mac.exe

        The requested feature is not implemented.


        at CommonIO.ManagedFileSystem.CreateShortcut (string,string) <0x0011b>

        at MediaBrowser.Api.Library.LibraryHelpers.AddMediaPath (CommonIO.IFileSystem,string,string,MediaBrowser.Controller.IServerApplicationPaths) <0x000fb>

        at MediaBrowser.Api.Library.LibraryStructureService.Post (MediaBrowser.Api.Library.AddVirtualFolder) <0x002a7>

        at (wrapper dynamic-method) object.lambda_method (System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Closure,object,object) <0x0004f>

        at ServiceStack.Host.ServiceExec`1/<>c__DisplayClass6<MediaBrowser.Api.Library.LibraryStructureService>.<CreateExecFn>b__5 (object,object) <0x0001b>

        at ServiceStack.Host.ServiceRunner`1<MediaBrowser.Api.Library.AddVirtualFolder>.Execute (ServiceStack.Web.IRequest,object,MediaBrowser.Api.Library.AddVirtualFolder) <0x0021e>



2015-10-29 14:17:33.5990 Error - HttpServer: Error processing request for /emby/Library/VirtualFolders?collectionType=movies&refreshLibrary=true&name=Movies

        *** Error Report ***

        Version: 3.0.5768.7

        Command line: /Applications/Emby.Server.Mac.app/Contents/MacOS/Emby.Server.Mac

        Operating system: Unix

        Processor count: 4

        64-Bit OS: False

        64-Bit Process: False

        Program data path: /Users/paulbart/.config/emby-server

        Mono: 3.10.0 ((detached/d1a1ea3)

        Application Path: /Applications/Emby.Server.Mac.app/Contents/MonoBundle/Emby.Server.Mac.exe

        The requested feature is not implemented.


        No Stack Trace Available


2015-10-29 14:17:33.6029 Info - HttpServer: HTTP Response 405 to Response time: 6.184 ms.

        Url: http://localhost:8096/emby/Library/VirtualFolders?collectionType=movies&refreshLibrary=true&name=Movies

2015-10-29 14:17:33.8795 Info - App: Scan media library Completed after 0 minute(s) and 0 seconds

2015-10-29 14:17:33.8817 Info - ServerManager: Sending web socket message ScheduledTaskEnded


Thanks!  I tried installing the latest package.  It installed, but didn't replace the running instance.  So, I exited the server and started it again.


Now, when I "Add media library" and add a folder, I no longer get the error message on the screen.  Instead, the pop-up window goes away, and then it jumps back to the start of the web configuration page.  If I then select "Libraries" on the left, I'm presented with an "Add media library" option (instead of my "Movies" folder that I just added).


I'm rebooting the Mac and will try again after it finishes.


I rebooted and did it again - it seems to be scanning my library now!


The last time I did it (before reboot), I forgot to choose the media type ("Movies", "TV", etc) from the drop-down.  I just selected "add folder" and chose the folder/hit OK.  Maybe that was the problem (and I didn't need to reboot)??


ah so maybe you just hit the back arrow instead?


No, I think there was a big "OK" bar at the bottom of the window (I did "add media library", that showed a pop-up with "add folder".  I chose that to add a folder.  It went back to the pop-up with my media folder displayed.  I think I hit the "OK" bar (all along the bottom of the pop-up), but forgot to choose "Movies" from the drop-down box at the top of the pop-up.


When I hit the "OK", as I said, it went back to the top page of the management page - it was no longer on the "Libraries" section.  When I then clicked "Libraries", it didn't show the library that I had just added.


So, it was either the fact that I forgot to choose the media type in the drop-down, or something related to re-installing/restarting the server (which was fixed by rebooting).


are you in safari on osx? i will try to reproduce that. thanks.


Yes, it was Safari on OS X (El Capitan)

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