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Stream/Transcode Caching


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I've been trying to transcode to a remote user for a week or so now and keep running into buffering issues on Kodi and Chrome. I have 20Mbps up and my user has 25Mbps down but the most we've been able to stream/transcode reliably is 720p - 5Mbps. I've even used a VPN to try to avoid any ISP throttling but can't seem to get any better performance. I'd like to give Emby Theater a try but wanted to check if there are any server-side caching options I could utilize that would allow the client, no matter the app, to buffer some data to avoid bandwidth spikes. I did some (brief) tests last night and I can tell from my network monitor right when they pause an active stream so they don't seem to be caching anything no matter what method they're using. As far as specifics go:


server: i7-4790

client: i5 of some sort

max client streaming bitrate: 10Mbps

transcoding threadcount: max


While something is streaming to them the transcoding orange bar in the server settings is always way ahead of the green progress bar so I don't think the transcoding is the problem. Bandwidth tests also confirm our respective upload/download speed with/without vpn. Is there a way to allow caching to hopefully allow better quality in the streams without stuttering playback?

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