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Emby/Kodi&ROM Manager/misc streaming question


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I have been ripping my content then changing over to a MP4 container in Handbrake. I am keeping things as lossless as possible with passing thru uncompressed audio high line video, dropping any subtitles, and I like i do not have to watch intros from the original disc but handbrake takes more time than I want to continually rip my library of over 3000 movies.  I imagine there is no issues with the remainder staying in MKV files as it seems all my devices and can natively ready them.  I am having issue however pairing a PS3 remote via BT to OSMC/KODI.  Is there a conflict with the 2? I have a ROM emulator i added and stock piling games i pumped endless quarters into when i have a kid…without a solid controller well, no fun.  MKV sounds like its a better option for me due to speed and i get to drop some files with a little work, and even with auto cropping in Handbrake i still get black  bars which stinks after hours for a movie to convert over.  Most of the files are HUGE and i don't care about storage space as much as i can about sonic fidelity and video quality.  


Lastly with the systems integrated, it allow control of a DVD and BD play attached via USB to the "Server" computer. "Server" is in quotes until i get a proper industrial grade server for content and since i work from home and have a few businesses I will give uncle Sam a hug even though he cut back the section 179 deduction.  I also have an Escient Fireball DVDm with a 400 SACDs and DVD that can be added to the library, the server can be controlled by IP, IR rs232 the works however i would like to stream the content to the zones where i have not dragged 6 rg6 and 1 cat6 which has been a hassle.  I am currently using Component cables, composite cables and HDMI baluns run to each zone then going into a surround sound set up, or directly into the TV with stereo overhead speakers if its for guests since i don't care about their movie experience currently.  As my collection of amps and speakers grow all bedrooms and living rooms/common areas will have ATMOS systems and dragging coax, let alone the time it takes to program my current automation system, plus the Escient servers being down since July due to bankruptcy, if i add a disc add meta data has to be done manually which is a huge pain in the ass when i can retag the data and add the fireball and have OSMC or EMBY pull the data and give me a better GUI.  Can I use a component to USB capture card, the nonsense and stream over LAN? I will probably sell the whole system with Metadata and DVDs together when all content that isn't blu ray is on my HDs but until then, i intend to use the system as it is nice and handy - and can take the load of the server and computers if a lot of zones are going at the same time.  I had already ripped all my CDs and have over 300k songs in lossless so keeping it as a CD player is useless because as soon as i get a CD i rip it anyway. To stream over lan without saving content as i would only want to rip i assume i would need to implement VLC or something?

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