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"Sync Stuck In Loop?" and other Questions


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I created a sync from my tablet to sync to a folder.  Then to test the sync settings and resulting files, I set up multiple sync for the same file using different settings (total of 7 syncs)


Yesterday 3 of the sync had finished.  One said "Synced", and two said "Ready to Transfer".

I went to the Scheduled Tasks and started the Cloud and Folder Sync process.

When it was done I went back to the Sync Activities, and I see that the one that said "Synced" then said "Queued", and the other two said "Synced"


I got up this morning, and those two still say "Synced", four now say "Ready to Transfer", and the one that was Queued yesterday now says "Converting".


I went to delete the job, and it said that it would remove the file too.  So, I'm not sure what's going on, and need to understand things.  It appears that Emby needs to keep the sync job so that it knows where the transcoded versions are, which makes sense.

BUT, how do I go about things so that it isn't transcoding them every time the sync process is run?



I believe I answered my own question above, but I'll ask again to clarify.  If I have created mobile versions via the Sync on the server, and want to move them to Dropbox or Google, do I need to do a new sync job, or can I just copy the files?



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it will convert anytime the media doesn't fit within the selected profile. to force it to not convert, select original quality.

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it will convert anytime the media doesn't fit within the selected profile. to force it to not convert, select original quality.


Maybe I don't understand, but I thought the Sync was so you could transcode ahead of time to save on CPU processing.  If the syncs transcode every single time the schedule job runs, that completely defeats the purpose.


I deleted all jobs except Baseline-Low, and Baseline-Medium.

Four hours ago both syncs (Baseline-Low and Baseline-Medium) showed "Synced".  Now they are showing "Ready to Transfer"


I know something is wrong as it COMPLETELY defeats the stated purpose for the Sync feature.  I wanted to get things set up before I leave for vacation in a few days, but I can't have these things transcoding 24/7 like this.

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after they are synced, if they are removed from the location they are being synced to, the server will then attempt to resync them. so if you manually take the file and move it, the server will resync. if you are disconnecting an entire drive, the server will resync but that is probably a scenario we'll have to look more closely at.

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after they are synced, if they are removed from the location they are being synced to, the server will then attempt to resync them. so if you manually take the file and move it, the server will resync. if you are disconnecting an entire drive, the server will resync but that is probably a scenario we'll have to look more closely at.


The computer with Emby Server on it is connecting to a network drive with all the media on it.  The server with all the files is on 24/7, but the server Emby is on right now goes to sleep sometimes.  It sounds like you are suggesting that b/c the computer loses connection to the drives while it's sleeping, that Emby resyncs (transcodes) the files again.


If that's the case, then it's good to know... And just another reason to get my new hardware for the media server so Emby can live on it directly.

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This was an hour and a half ago: http://prntscr.com/8la7jo

This was just now: http://prntscr.com/8lar3y


The job for Eva's Tablet has shown "Transferring" for like 2 days now.

I'm not sure what's going on there.  Do the files xfer to the Tablet itself, or to the SD card?  The Galaxy Tab 2 only have like 2GB of space free on them after the system memory and OS.  I havd a 64GB card in it though.

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we're going to need the app sync logs to see if there's something funky going on. by default it saves in a system controlled location, on some devices it will be the SD card, and on others it will be internal. but you can configure it under sync settings in the app.



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Just a side note.  My 6yr old daughter absolutely loves Emby.  She finds it very easy to navigate and find HER stuff :)

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Looks like the tablet ran out of space.  I set the SD path in the app as you suggested.  We'll see if it works now.

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if the server can't access the synced output path for any reason then folder sync is going to resync it


I would think you'd want to implement a bit more logic there to prevent looping like this.


Clearly there is a flag or something so that Emby knows when it has lost connection to the path...




If (connectionLostFlag == True)

    If (connectionActive() == True)

        if (test to locate synced file == False)

            Process Sync Job




If the connection isn't reestablished there is no point in transcoding.

If the file is already there, then transcoding all the jobs again is a **HUGE** waste of resources.


To be blunt, I am I paid supporter for the Sync ability, but in it's current form, it is completely useless to me.  There are SO many reasons why a computer might lose connection to a drive or path, that the current logic seems REALLY bad and I can't believe no one has brought it up before.

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Yes we'll review it for the next release, thanks.



Thank you.  Just seems like a miss if the goal is to reduce processing.  I have noticed that with the tablet it hasn't processed again.  I'm going to set up Sync to Drobox and Google to test as well.

Since the tablet is a separate device it obviously can't have constant contact with the folder, and Dropbox and Google are remote locations and it would be unlikely that Emby would be able to maintain a constant connection to them as well.

I think if you apply the same logic to the Folder Sync as the others it would be a quick/easy fix :)


(I'm a PM for a cloud dev company, I know that the reality is that NOTHING is quick/easy)  :D

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have your tests been with the target drive accessible but the synced location non-existant? or with the target drive inaccessible? because going back and reviewing the code it seems i did already think of all this. if the target drive can't be reached, then it will skip over that device entirely. but if the target drive can be reached, but the synced content is just not there, then it will resync. that is the intention at least. i will have to do some tests to see if there is some reason why it might not be functioning as intended.

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Now that it's down to just two jobs, I can see what's going on a bit better.


Once the jobs complete and sync, they are fine until it loses connection to the drive (again, it's a network drive).

My computer typically loses the connection twice a day, once right after I'm done with work.  The computer sits idle for a few hours and goes to sleep.

Second time is at night, either I put it to sleep, or it goes to sleep on it's own after a few hours.


Once it wakes up the OS comes back up, but in Windows it always take a bit for the drives to reconnect.  With Windows 10 it reconnects fine, but with Windows 7 I have to actually open the drive to connect to it (real PITA on my Kodi system).  Emby is running on my Windows 10 workstation, and connects to my media server over a wired network.  The media server is up 24/7.


The files exist on the media server in the specified path for the sync, and when the jobs process again they overwrite the existing files.  (It should see the existing files and still show 'Synced').


I'm happy to provide more logs if needed.

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