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Alternate Address functionality


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Hi Guys,


I was wondering how the Alternate Address feature works, I have all configured to be able to access Emby from the outside world with HTTPS on a custom port with a FQDN. All works fine from inside the network using the internal server name and from the outside with the external FQDN, but some of my devices are sometimes IN and sometimes OUT. I thought the Alternate Address would be the solution but seems like its either one or the other so I have to manually turn on/off that setting all the time...


Ideally the plugin should try the regular address and if not reachable, before reporting "server unreachable", try the alternate address and if that works then use that for the whole session. Same should happen the other way around: if alternate becomes unreachable try the regular one again before reporting server unreachable, that way we can roam In and Out seamlessly. If something like that is the intended behavior then it does not seem to be working. If not, could you guys take this as a feature enhancement request? I think this would be very useful for many.


I am currently using the FQDN for all but this puts an unnecessary load on my router / firewall when using Emby from the inside. Another solution could be to put an static DNS entry on my router so when querying for the FDQN internally the router provides the internal IP, this is an ugly solution in the networking world though...



Edited by Lumute
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It's still a new feature. When you enter the alternate address you simply need to restart Kodi for it to load up with it.


So you can use it to put in the external address of your server. Enable it when outside out network, disable it when inside the network.


Eventually I'd like to make it seamless, so it's not necessary to enable disable the option as you mentioned. :)


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Edited by Angelblue05
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Eventually I'd like to make it seamless, so it's not necessary to enable disable the option as you mentioned. :)


That would be cool! I do understand there is more important things and there are workarounds so not urgent by any means, but good to know it's on the list.



Edited by Lumute
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