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Specific SetInitialItemValues called ?


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I updated my dev environment to try to get IMDB Id found in filename working (http://emby.media/community/index.php?/topic/8018-naming-convention-using-idmb-id/page-2) .. and I realise I can't see where the override SetInitialItemValues functions (especially Movies one) are being called. According to  https://github.com/MediaBrowser/Emby/search?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=SetInitialItemValues&type=Code .. it is never called ? Only ResolverHelper's SetInitialItemValues is called ? Or I'm missing something ?


Edited by User55263
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I added some debug code, like 

StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(@"D:\Stuffs\Emby\logs\LibraryManager.log", true);

(because logger doesn't seems to be visible from MovieResolver/PathExtensions ?)

in LibraryManager.cs:ResolvePaths(), MovieResolver.cs:Resolve(), PathExtensions.cs:GetAttributeValue() .. and I only get output from LibraryManager, is it normal ?


Is it the way MovieResolver.cs:Resolve() is called that is disallowing output, or simply that the code is never called ? Or my code is invalid maybe ?

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Version 3.0.5667.6, breakpoint on  :

LibraryManager l 662 : ok, caugth

MovieResolver l.280 (the one you're talking about, right ?) : never caugth

PathExtention.cs l.16 & 36 : never caugth


Am I doing something wrong ?


Btw, Emby is not able to start without internet, wanted to do offline debugging, had to setup an hotspot, and found nothing about this in the logs (only a popup after a few minutes with an unrelated message) :(

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Yes, they are, I could see that in the LibraryManager breakpoint



collectionType : "movie"

files : Count = 3 (my 3 test files not correctly recognized while they have [imdbid] in the filename, the bug I'm tracking)


Edit2, trace: 


>MovieResolver.cs:ResolveVideos<Movie>(parent, files, directoryService, collectionType, true) (l.88)

>l.120 resolver=MediaBrowser.Naming.Video.VideoListResolver


No MetadataProviders property set while scanning file list, SetInitialItemValues never called
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So, is it the normal behaviour ?

If so, where should I add support to parse file title for provider id ? Would you accept a such patch ?

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Repro steps : 
- Have a folder (let's say D:\Stuffs\Emby\test\) with 3 media files having imdb id in title, like : 
(500) jours ensemble (2009) [tt1022603].avi

1984 (1984) [tt0087803].avi

Diversion (2015) [tt2381941].mkv

- Install Emby server (3.0.5667.6 or latest 3.0.5675.1, it does the same)

- Follow first launch wizard with default settings, adding a library of type Movie with 1 location (D:\Stuffs\Emby\test\), finish the wizard.
- See that 2 of the 3 files doesn't have the good meta data, imdb id is different, the one from the file name is not used (and putting a breakpoint on the functions that should be called does nothing)

Edit : is there any other information I can send you to help identifying what's wrong ?

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Repro steps : 
- Have a folder (let's say D:\Stuffs\Emby\test\) with 3 media files having imdb id in title, like : 
(500) jours ensemble (2009) [tt1022603].avi
1984 (1984) [tt0087803].avi
Diversion (2015) [tt2381941].mkv

- Install Emby server (3.0.5667.6 or latest 3.0.5675.1, it does the same)

- Follow first launch wizard with default settings, adding a library of type Movie with 1 location (D:\Stuffs\Emby\test\), finish the wizard.
- See that 2 of the 3 files doesn't have the good meta data, imdb id is different, the one from the file name is not used (and putting a breakpoint on the functions that should be called does nothing)
Edit : is there any other information I can send you to help identifying what's wrong ?



That isn't the proper format.  It needs to be: [imdbid=tt1022603]


Or, at least, that's how it used to work.

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That isn't the proper format.  It needs to be: [imdbid=tt1022603]


Or, at least, that's how it used to work.

https://github.com/MediaBrowser/Emby/blob/master/MediaBrowser.Server.Implementations/Library/PathExtensions.cs#L35 : nop, not needed


But .. Is this code still used ? From what I can see in my debug, it seems not (but I don't know the whole architecture ..) and I heard about extracting the file recognition part in another project, https://github.com/MediaBrowser/MediaBrowser.Naming .. Should this lib be in charge of getting IMDB Id ?

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I though is was working without any change tonight .. but it's just that OMDB Api is a bit down (and its results are the bad I can see, while TMDB is giving the good results ; but while it tells me that TMDB seems to be better, that's not resolving the issue).


From your questions, here's the naming I tried : 

>dir /S /B
D:\Stuffs\Emby\test\(500) jours ensemble (2009) [tt1022603].avi
D:\Stuffs\Emby\test\1984 (1984) [imdbid=tt0087803].avi
D:\Stuffs\Emby\test\Diversion (2015) [tt2381941]
D:\Stuffs\Emby\test\Diversion (2015) [tt2381941]\Diversion (2015) [tt2381941].mkv

and I put a breakpoint on the SetProviderIdsFromPath / GetAttributeValue function.


On 7/22/2015 at 2:41 AM, Luke said:

You're not even getting that far. Try one more per folder. Maybe there's an issue there

You're right, with Diversion, breakpoint is working, so it seems applied to folder name only, but not filename ? So real issue ?


On 7/22/2015 at 2:30 PM, ebr said:

Okay, so that's new code.  Does the format I suggested still work though?

No luck neither with tag like [imdbid=tt1234567] (and I wouldn't put that in my filename, adding the id is long enough :P)

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@ebr: IMDB id does not need any special format (other than e.g. tmdbid), it is parsed by pattern (https://github.com/M...rowser/pull/962) - so it only needs to be present - any naming would work.

I made that pull request - but can't remember if the matching is applied only to the parent directory or also the filename - but I fully agree, that it should match on either of them, as that would make sure to grab it also, if it is part of the filename.

@Alex131089: While you're digging into it and obviously have a debugging environment up and running (which I currently do not have) - could you simply test, what string is pattern checked (only parent dir or including the filename)? Once the imdb id is pulled and set there, it indeed should use that one for the OMDB and TMDB lookups and get proper matching (TMDB of course only, if the corresponding imdb movie is present).

@Luke: There is one more property, that I think we can only grab from the media item: that is the "edition" (example: 'special edition', 'directors cut', etc.). internet DBs never can know, what edition the local movie acutally is. I solved that in another project by grabbing the edition from the media item path/filename. Is it worth, adding that to emby too?

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I've fixed it for the next release. You made a nice attempt, so i figured why let you keep struggling :)

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Good finding - so it wasn't called, when there were multiple files in one directory...

@Luke: any comment to that one? I'd be willing to code it if you could provide the property to load into (as I am not shure how it works with the properties)!?

@Luke: There is one more property, that I think we can only grab from the media item: that is the "edition" (example: 'special edition', 'directors cut', etc.). internet DBs never can know, what edition the local movie acutally is. I solved that in another project by grabbing the edition from the media item path/filename. Is it worth, adding that to emby too?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've fixed it for the next release. You made a nice attempt, so i figured why let you keep struggling :)


Thank you :)

Applied your commit to 3.0.5675.1, seems to be ok ;)

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