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Emby TV for Kodi


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Emby TV has become my go-to PVR since I use the FreeNAS plugin; I no longer need to use a separate always-on HTPC.


Two things that would make it even better as a PVR:


1. Extract the metadata provided by Schedules Direct and place it directly in the recording file and name recorded shows with the show name and season/episode -- which would allow us to use MCE Buddy to convert to mp4 and strip commercials and provide any other needed renaming for shows that we might want in our permanent library.  With all of these features we'd have a fully automated PVR.  I think Jose is looking into this possibility.


2. An EmbyTV PVR addon for Kodi.  Then, even if the files were not properly named to work directly in Kodi or in Emby, recordings could be directly available in Kodi ala MythTV.


I guess the latter might be more a Kodi project and it certainly isn't necessary, but my personal holy grail is a fully functioning NAS based PVR, so only one computer need be running all the time.  Silicondust is working on a solution, but they are focusing on other NAS systems.  Right now I only have to rename recordings and MCE Buddy does the rest, so it's pretty darn close to a fully automatic system.

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